View Full Version : Things we love/love to do with our dogs

12-06-2003, 07:31 PM
Tonya and Primabella gave me the idea to start this. It's all about what you love about your dog or what you love to do with your dog. Everyone, I'm interested in how you fall asleep with your dog/s.
1. I like to fall asleep with my hand resting on Duke's stomach. He's usually snoring by then. I'll pet him until I fall asleep with my hand resting on him. It's such a great way to fall to sleep. But, I must snore or move around because as soon as I get to sleep good, he jumps off the bed. I don't mind falling back to sleep, though. Wouldn't be the same without him.
2. Any time I spend with him is good but I love to see how excited he gets when he finds out we're going for a ride. He starts barking and going in circles really fast. And he's got this way he prances with his front legs. I love to see the joy that I can bring him.
I could go on and on but don't want this to be really long. I may add to it later. Just put some of your favorite things or memories of past dogs.

12-06-2003, 07:38 PM
This might be long, but I'll narrow it down:p

1. Jasper lays on the pillow with me, under the covers, snuggled into me, he wont be able to do that in a month or so because he'll push me off the bed:o!

2. I like to take the dogs in a trail in the woods, where nobody goes and they run loose the whole walk, they really like it!

3. I like the way Piddle and Wiggles get really excited with the mention of the words "Walk" "Car" and "Bone"(Jasper hasn't learned what anything means yet!)

4. Most of all I LOVE how happy they get to see us comming home, their tails go like crazy and they give hundreds and hundreds of kisses:o :D

12-06-2003, 08:36 PM
I like to lay down on the couch with Grover, she snuggles up to me, licks my face and falls asleep, breathing into my ear. I usually end up going to sleep too. We sleep for a couple of hours like that. That seems to be out time together. At night she sleeps with me, either on top of my head or snuggled in my arms. My Chihuahua, Buffy sleeps with me of a night too, she has to get under the cover with me. She is very sweet and loves to snuggle too.

Grover and Buffy both like to sit in my lap when I am at the computer, of course usually I have Buffy in my lap, and Grover and Stubby(the black bobtail) likes to either sleep on the desk or the chair I keep next to my desk for them.

I love all my furbabies, but Grover is so special because of all the bad things she went through before she came to live with me.

:) tray

12-06-2003, 09:06 PM
Me and Katie always fall asleep with Katie head by my head. She lays up on my chest with her head snuggling in me. Its Cute. But on hotter nights like summer she lays at my side with er head on my stomach.

Me and Katie both like to go for walks and just *Bond* just sitting together makes her happy. and we always have playtime, and I chase her around the house. She just Loves it!!

And everytime I get home from school its the little scruffy face I see! she will come running up wagging her tail around and around. and she usually jumps on me. and then she does these little circles, lol (hard to explain) she is just happy to see me.

And everytime I get home from school its the little scruffy face I see! she will come running up wagging her tail around and around. and she usually jumps on me. and then she does these little circles, lol (hard to explain) she is just happy to see me.

I could go on and on forever!

12-07-2003, 08:40 AM
Well Mickey doesn't like to fall asleep near me. He might lay by me but won't sleep. He will always fall asleep with my sister though. She was the first person he fell asleep on when he was a baby (he crawled into her lap) so now he's alwaus with her. Sometimes she'll pick him up and lay him next to her on the couch and he'll fall asleep or she'll lie on the floor with him. It's really cute. :)

I love sitting outside on the balcony, under the patio table with Mickey. Sometimes I'll be in my PJ's or sometimes I'll even lie down.

I also love it when Mickey plays int hew snow. He hops around and just wants to walk in it. I love watching him play.

I could go on, I love everything about Mickey and almost everything he does gets me going "awww" lol. :p

12-07-2003, 10:43 AM
Drake sleeps between Andrew and I . Sometimes his head on my chest or Andrews. He gets his ears and back rubbed. That's how we usually fall asleep.

Some of my favorite things to do with Drake is our morning jogs and walks in the city (recently). We also have fun when we go climbing. I curling up with a book and Drake at my feet.

12-07-2003, 11:52 AM
Ozzy sleeps on my bed, on top of my covers right by my side. He makes sure he's as close as he can get.

Darlin is a snuggle bunny. She loves to be picked up and held. Like a little stuffed animal, she'll just let you hold her, and snuggler her every which way. Great cheer up. :)

Ozzy thinks he's a lap dog. But only for me. When I come home from school or sit down, or anything he'll just crawl up on my lap and sit to let me pet him for however long I will. He won't sit on anybody else's lap.

Darlin's mellow. So anytime I'll lay down to take a nap, or watch TV or something she'll come lay right by me, or on my stomach and sleep.

12-09-2003, 06:57 AM
I think there might be more people interested to post something here but maybe just didn't see it so I'm bumping it.

12-09-2003, 07:59 PM
I love the way Tiny wants to snuggle up in my robe while I'm at the computer.
I also love the way she runs all over the bed before bed time, and then falls asleep so sweetly right in my arms.
I love the way Jojo always comes up to me and wants to have her morning and night petting. She always wants to snuggle in my lap.
I love the way Tiny and Jojo love each other. They seem to watch out for each other.:)
They are so happy to see us when we get home from town!:D
I just love all my babies for all their sweet ways.:)

12-09-2003, 08:58 PM
During the day while I work at my computer, Tommy and Tasha spend most of their time curled up on one of the several blankets I have laying around on the floor for them. Most commonly, Tasha sleeps right behind my chair and Tommy sleeps under the desk, but sometimes they switch and sometimes both will lay in one spot or the other.

The pups don't sleep with us at night simply because there isn't enough room but sometime Tasha sleeps squeezed in with us anyway on weekends. When David is out of town for whatever reason, Tasha sleeps curled up close to my pillow and Tommy basically would sleep laying on top of me if I let him, but otherwise he will lay as close as he can, preferably within petting distance :p.

Tasha loves to be close to me as much as possible but isn't as fanatic about getting touched and stroked as Tommy is. If she's close to me, she's happy and any petting/scratching is just a bonus. For Tommy, he longs to be held, hugged, petted, cuddled, etc etc. When we got him, he was a rescue dog from a neglectful home where he was living on the end of a chain outside, so I'm not sure if this has something to do with his near obsession with being close to someone all the time, and I mean CLOSE. If I sit on the floor he's trying to plant his big rear in my lap or lay in my lap. He's quite a big boy too. I call him "cuddlebug."

Tasha is particularly possessive of having the spot closest to me though and won't hesitate to show him her pearly whites if she thinks he's encroaching on her territory.

12-09-2003, 11:14 PM
I love the way Ruby wigglebutts all over the house when I get home.

Love the way Captain "kills" any pillow or blanket when he comes in the house, or wants to play ..... and stands all protective over them!

I love watching them run on the weekend, when we take them to the dirt road near our house ........ and the "happy face" they have all morning thereafter.

.... so much more, but ........... that's what came to mind IMMEDIATELY!