View Full Version : first snow!

12-06-2003, 11:20 AM
yesterday was the first snow. and boy did beanie LOVE it! he was running....and running....and running!:D he wanted to play fetch,but the tennis ball kept getting snow caked on it and he didnt like it so he just ran up and jusped on it.lol

what do your dogs think of snow(if you get any)

12-06-2003, 11:32 AM
:D Sounds like Beanie had fun!

I wish we would get more snow. It's rare if we get more than an inch all winter. It mostly just rains...

However, we do take day trips up into the Cascade Mountains and let Ruby play in the snow. She has a blast! She likes to dive head first into the snow and rub her face in it. Silly dog :D It's so funny watching her run and pounce in the snow, especially if she hits a deep spot and snow nearly comes all the way up to her belly :D

Ooohhh ... now I am longing for snow!

(a couple of the pics in my sig are from a snow playing trip to Mt. Baker last spring)

12-06-2003, 03:50 PM
looks like she has fun!

yea! i like when beanie runs into a snow pile (he's not that big) he just disapears.lol