View Full Version : How will your pooch be involved in your Christmas holiday?

12-06-2003, 10:40 AM
I intend to share whatever I have to eat during the holidays with my April, as always, she eats with me with almost everything I eat, except if it is something that isn't good for her. She is getting a gift box with an assortment of squeaky toys, with a squeaky Santa and snow-man if I find these items. It will have her favorite chew treats, and Meaty Bone Dog biscuits that she likes so much. It will have her a new baby blanket and and a stuffed kitty cat. April loves kitties. She will "unwrap" her gift like the rest of us beneath the Christmas tree. I will put a big red bow in her hair and let her wear her green sweater and take lots of family pictures.
Please share how your poochy will celebrate the Christmas holiday with you. I look forward to your responses!:)

12-06-2003, 11:14 AM
my poochie ,beanie, will have just as many or more presents then anyone else under our tree.lol and of course he will eat whatever we eat. sometimes we joke by saying he should have his own chair at the table.lol

oh,he also has all his doggie christmas cloths.

12-06-2003, 11:34 AM
they get to join in on the christmas eve meal but for christmas we were invited over to a friends place they are in exactly the same boat we are, single mom teenage kids, short on money, and no family for christmas so both our familys are joining togther for christmas :D but they are terrably allergic to animals, as is a hypoallergenic dog made the mom extremly ill as in deathly ill, imagine what would happen with 6 non hypoallergenic dogs!:eek: so the doggies just get to join in for christmas eve :p

12-06-2003, 12:39 PM
Beanie is a lucky poochie!:D
April needs her own little poochie chair as well, and be seated right beside me. she would have to be. Miss April will not eat anything unlessed it is put in her mouth. She just won't eat if she has to bend her neck to eat it herself! She is so, very spoiled!!!:D
Merry Christmas, Beanie, Mom and family!:)

12-06-2003, 12:46 PM
:) Wow! Christmas Eve dinner! You babies will love that, won't they? So will April. she will eat where I eat, no one is allergic to dogs here.
I didn't know anyone could have such an allergy to a dog! This is new to me. I feel sorry for your friend who has that! Thanks for sharing as I have learned something new. Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)
PS: The bunny pictured in your post is sooo cute!

12-06-2003, 01:03 PM
My dogs aren't getting ANYTHING of what we eat for Christmas or Christmas Eve. Tehy do not eat human food anymore, it's too risky.

However, they will have numerous gifts and doggie snacks to eat. :)

Simba always opens his own gifts, and we'll see what Nala does since this is her first Christmas with us.

12-06-2003, 01:36 PM
Thanks for sharing kfamr.:)
Glad to hear that they are having many gifts to open! Maybe Nala will follow suit and tear into her own when she sees Simba having such fun doing this.

PS: I do not give April any food with fat in it. She is happy eating fruits and vegetables and lean meats, such as turkey and chicken. She also eats good dog food. I watch her fat intake. I don't eat fat myself-the thing that can lead to certain life-threatening diseases for both humans and the pooches. It is good that you watch their diet as well, but I will leave that discussion for another thread related to diet, and keep the joy of Christmas with our poochies for this one and keep it the happy thread I meant for it to be. Thanks again.

Merry Christmas from April and me.

12-06-2003, 02:32 PM
The only Christmas presents I have decided on are Tiny's. She loves those little rubber balls , so i'm going to buy her a Christmas stocking full of them.

I think I will get Jojo a new pillow.

I can't give Jojo any people food because she has had pancreatitis. Tiny only gets puppy formula.:)

12-06-2003, 02:44 PM
April is ALOT like my shih-tzu Piddle! He wont eat much unless you feed him, he wont eat dog food either, we have been buying him roast meat, chicken roll..etc from the store everynight!!

12-07-2003, 11:03 AM
Off to Walmart. Wish me luck on my doggie Christmas shopping!:D

12-07-2003, 12:59 PM
Tiny is not only going to have a ball this Christmas, she is going to have lots of them!!! Sounds like lots of fun for Tiny! That is sweet. All these poochies here are going to have such a Merry Christmas, it warms my heart. My Christmas wish is that all the furry critters around the world will find warmth, love and happiness this Christmas. I would take all the homeless ones in to my home if it were possible. We recently took in a homeless puppy, a Rat Terrier and it is very cute and loveable. And now it has a home and is happy. It just decided to live here and was welcomed. We have lots of Rat Terriers, so she fit right in.
Thanks Mama for sharing about Tiny and JoJo's Christmas. Miss JoJo will love her new pillow, that's a very nice gift.
Merry Christmas Mama, Mahayanna (hope I spelled that right!) JoJo, Tiny, Loverboy & Sunny! From April and me.:D

12-07-2003, 01:03 PM
:) They are so spoiled , aren't they? That's what they are for. They are special and we have to feed them the best we know . That sounds like Piddle is eating good. Another lucky pup!

Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas Piddle and family!!!:)

12-07-2003, 01:07 PM
:) Good luck Mama in finding Tiny and JoJo exactly what they want for Christmas!
I understand you need to watch JoJo's diet, after the horrible Pancreatitis.
We are all watching our pooches diets here the best we can, and are all good poochie mom's! I am proud of everyone of us.:)

12-07-2003, 01:10 PM
Jasper has the cutest face!!!:)
My cousin Angie has a female named Boxy so much like him!

12-07-2003, 07:27 PM
looks like the dogs get christmas supper after all! the friends we are having christmas with are going to give us all the bones, and organs of the turkey for the doggies! :p

12-07-2003, 10:06 PM
Since I'm really low on cash, I'm making my boys LOTS of treats. I made some tuna treats tonight to see how they liked it. They loved it so I guess I'll be making tuna treaties for christmas as well. I'm gonna get the boys some toys (if I can afford it) and make them personalized bandanas. I'll see if I can teach them how to rip the wrapping this year...

12-08-2003, 12:36 AM
Christmas eve we go to my Fathers and two of my babies always come with us. So my father will have some gifts for them, most likely some toy that makes noise. I think he buys them noises toys just to bug me. :)

Then on Christmas day, once we are home.They will eat very well Sense we don't like dark meat around here, they get all the dark meat from the Turkey. My husband makes me buy a large Turkey just so there is enough dark meat to go around.

This year most of them will be gettting on of those basket ball with the tugging rope around it. The ones they got 2 years ago finaly died. The two smaller dogs don't play much any more, so I think we will just get them new beds for the living room. I hoping that will keep the off the couch when company comes over. Brandy gets so mad when someone comes over and sits in HER chair and Mooch just worms her way in no matter who sitting there.

12-08-2003, 01:56 AM
:D Hey! Great Christmas for your poochies, I know they will appreciate that! Thanks for sharing Cali.:)

12-08-2003, 01:59 AM
Cool idea! Can you tell me how you make those? April may like those too, and we know it is fat-free, if you use the kind in water, so, that is safer for them. Care to share your tuna treats recipe?:)
Merry Christmas from April and me!

12-08-2003, 02:06 AM
:) The makings for more Merry Christmas' for furry babies! Merry Christmas for them and your family too. My Dad is not terribly crazy about my April but tolerates her for me. It is good your Dad likes your pooches enough to buy them a gift. I couldn't see my Dad buying a gift for an animal of any kind. He likes his animals outside. He don't know what he is missing does he?
The turkey is really good for them, and they love it.
Merry Christmas to all of you from April and me!:D

12-08-2003, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by [email protected]
Cool idea! Can you tell me how you make those? April may like those too, and we know it is fat-free, if you use the kind in water, so, that is safer for them. Care to share your tuna treats recipe?:)
Merry Christmas from April and me!

Sure, I'll pm you the recipe.

12-08-2003, 07:34 AM
They get AND give gifts!! (My hubby always gets socks from the pups because they love to chew on his stinky dirty socks and I have to throw so many aways!!!)

Just yesterday I wrapped all my Christmas gifts to give out, and I was starting to wrap the pups gifts, and they kept trying to get into the room to peek at there gifts!!!!!

Silly Silly Dogs!!

12-08-2003, 10:26 AM
When i got home from Walmart, Tiny was wanting kisses soon as she saw me, and I melted and gave her the four little Scooby balls I bought her! I will buy more later. I guess I better buy her gifts at Christmas!LOL!
I did not find the perfect pillow for Jojo, so I will have to shop some other place for hers.

This is what I saw, when i got home from shoping!:eek:

12-08-2003, 10:42 PM
Thank you Binka_nugget! I will check for it. You are very sweet.

Amoore: Awww! That Tiny is a loving little girl! Love to Tiny from her sis!

Seasons Greetings everyone from April and me.