View Full Version : Talk about holding my tongue...

12-03-2003, 07:55 PM
I was working my cashier's job at Bed, Bath & Beyond today when I woman came through my line. I wear a yellow and black ribbon. It's a memorial ribbon, yellow represents lost, abandoned, abused by human beings, awaiting rescue by human beings. Black is for those who have suffered death from the above acts or from the waiting.

Anyway, the woman asked me what it was for and I told her. Her remark was "The only great cat is a DEAD cat!!" I did everything I could DO to keep my mouth shut. Usually I ask people if they have any coupons. I didn't ask her and was not going to volunteer any of our store's stash to this *****!!! I wanted SO bad to say "The only good stupid customer, is a DEAD stupid customer!!" UGH!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Stupid, STUPID people!!!! :mad: :mad:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-03-2003, 08:00 PM
I just don't understand how some people can be so cruel. :( To me it was pretty obvious that you're an animal lover, so why would she say something like this if not to intentionally hurt you - and what was her reason for hurting a cashier who she doesn't even know? It's just so sad that there are people like that in the world. :(

But I'm sure you did right by holding your tongue because I'm not sure a big chain store like that would be too sympathetic to your point of view either - which is sad in itself. :(

I'm just sorry you had to experience this. Cuddle with your babies tonight and let them know how much you love them and let them love you back and forget about this disgrace of a human being. :)

12-03-2003, 08:38 PM
OMG, I cannot believe she said that. I would not have been able to hold back. I would have to have said something, no matter if it meant the loss of my job. I just cannot stand such stupidity!:mad:

12-03-2003, 08:48 PM
What a stupid, idiotic, ignorant, S.O.B.
Hey, you don't like cats, that's fine, but just keep your idiotic comments to yourself.

I'm glad Donna that you bit your tongue as it could have meant your job.

It always takes one person to be a S*** disturber.

12-03-2003, 08:55 PM
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

That's ALL I can say. GR.

12-03-2003, 09:30 PM
OMG! That would have been so hard to not say anything back!

12-03-2003, 09:35 PM
That sounds very hard, to hold yourself back from a comment like that. Ugh.:mad: I don't see why people are so cruel.

12-03-2003, 10:07 PM
You should have charged her more! You know, prices ARE subject to change according to customers atitude....especially THAT one!;) ;)

12-03-2003, 10:18 PM
moosmom, I know the feeling. I have had people say stuff like that to me. One of them even said something about a friend of mine that lost her German Shepard, said she didn't understand why she was crying over a dog. I just couldn't help myself there I had to tell her what I thought about it.

My husband as I have said so many times before hates my cats, he will not touch them. He says ugly thing like that about my little Grover and tells me that I bore him talking about her so much. Gee, do I bore people with my Grover?

You know what he said when my daughter brought my baby home from the garbage she found her in? He said you should have left her there!

It was scary to try and raise a little 2 week old kitten, but I got through it. Uhhh, I am off topic, sorry.

I think it is wonderful that you feel the way you do about animals!

12-03-2003, 10:35 PM
Donna, just know that you are blessed. You have known the love a cat can give, and the joy it is to love them back. She has not.

Maybe (just something to consider) she had some trauma involving cats when she was little. My beloved Aunt Dotty (who was actually my Mom's best friend from childhood on) never liked cats. They made her shudder - literally. I asked her about it one day when I was older, and she said that when she was a little girl, her older brothers would take one of the kittens from around the barn and chase her with it. I am sure the kitten was just as terrified, but imagine the only encounter you had with felines was a terrified, hissing kitten, claws out, flying at your face in the hands of a mean older sibling ...

Aunt Dotty was a bright lady, and knew other people loved them, and she told me she could understand that other people felt about cats the way she felt about dogs and horses, but that she just couldn't feel that. That awful woman you encountered could have had that kind of childhood.

I loved my Aunt Dotty. She was a wonderful lady, smart, short, no-nonsense, with blonde curls, who always smelled faintly of cigarette smoke. She made wonderful teddy bears for every child she knew, and for some she didn't. You've never seen bears like hers. I think mine, distorted with love, and with thinning fur, is still at my Dad's house. I know it went to college with me. Aunt Dotty died of lung cancer. GSDs Sarge and Trooper and Ki (Kaiser) all, I am sure, met her at the Rainbow Bridge.

Donna, may you have a better day tomorrow. Pity that woman, and look Moo in his cloudy sweet eyes and give him a kiss for me. Then tell your other kitties all how lucky they have it - they get to live with you! :) Life is good if you're one o' Donna's kitties!

12-03-2003, 10:46 PM
I am flabbergasted!
I think this woman was very thoughtless.
No matter what her reason's were,
she should have kept her nasty comment to herself.

12-03-2003, 10:49 PM
Karen, I knew a lady like that several years back. When my husband ran a furniture mfg company, she was his bookkeeper. She was terrified of cats. We knew not to bring a cat around her, if she ever got around a cat, she would just panic, and run not even knowing where she was going. I found out later that as a child somebody had thrown a dead cat on her. Very sad..


12-04-2003, 07:15 AM
Oh Donna - how cruel some people are. That's a hateful thing to say. She's the one missing out though - she'll never know the wonder of a furkids purr, a gently sleeping furball and a cat playing at full tilt! Her Loss.:(

Perhaps she did have some incident in childhood that made her hate cats - but a full grown adult should know when to keep their mouth shut.

Tray - No - you don't bore us with Grover stuff!! More - more - more!! :D

{{Hugs}} across the miles Donna xxx


12-04-2003, 07:46 AM
The nerve of that lady!! I guess you couldn't say anything for fear of losing your job. I am so sorry you had to endure that lady's ignorant comment.

On the same note, I didn't hold my tongue on Monday when a lawyer in the JAG office made a very rude comment. Andrew and I were in there getting our wills done. After our lawyer finished drafting the will, he had to call in two witnesses to sign. One of them was another lawyer. We had asked our lawyer to add a clause pertaining to who we would like to take care of Drake in case of our passing. And he did. When the other lawyer came in to witness, our lawyer asked him about the validity of such a clause. The idiot lawyer's reply was: who cares, just put the damn dog down!

I exploded! I proceeded to tell the officer how tasteless and obviously stupid he was. And how could he make such a comment to a couple who would go as far as putting their dog in their will? He promptly appologized. But I didn't let it go. I told him that I thought his attempts to be funny at the expense of someone else's feeling made him ignorant and unhumane. Then I asked my lawyer to have someone else witness our wills.

12-04-2003, 08:07 AM
I would have been very tempted to say something. I admire your ability to keep your thoughts to yourself.

People who say cruel things about animals make me nervous (and mad)! They say the cruelty towards people starts with cruelty toward animals.

The other thing that worries me about that woman. This is the CHRISTMAS season! Peace, goodwill, etc. Doesn't she understand the reason for the season? That's how people get trampled in Wal-Mart. That's why I was shoved out of the way for someone to grab (?grab?) something off a table.

And to be rude to a cashier - someone working (and I'll say that is a HARD job-I've done it) to make ends meet. I'll never understand.


12-04-2003, 09:00 AM
Arghh!! :mad: Donna, holding your tongue must have been SO difficult!! I'm not sure I could have, but then, if you want to keep your job ....

Have you thought of anything to do or say the next time she comes in? ;) :D

12-04-2003, 09:20 AM
I'm not sure I could of held my tongue... :mad:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 10:04 AM
Well Donna, two days later :rolleyes: I came up with a good response. Next time (since it's too late for this time and knowing all the idiots out there, there will be a next time) just say in a nice calm voice "I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess that means the black is for all the poor souls who've been unfortunate enough to have crossed your path." Then calmly ask her to please move on as there are other customer's waiting to be checked out.

12-04-2003, 10:05 AM

Sorry for the little "blooper" there. Glad you **** it out. :D

My whole demeanor changed in a nano-second when she said that. I was polite but did NOT go out of my way to speak to her. There was just nothing to say.

People like that anger me. But after all the years of rude comments I've learned to ignore it.

12-04-2003, 02:36 PM
Tubby and Peanuts mom, what a brilliant response, so clever, that sure would have gobbsmacked this unfortunate so called member of the human race.

12-04-2003, 02:58 PM
Some people :mad:

12-04-2003, 03:00 PM
Good for you, because I wouldn't be able to hold mine. :mad:

12-04-2003, 03:05 PM
Some people are so ignorant, rude, heartless, mean, evil, shallow, ughhhh :mad:

Like some others have said, I don't know if I would have been able to hold my come back to her. I probably would have said something back, very sarcastic. :mad:

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-04-2003, 03:26 PM
Well done for keeping yourself in check!! That woman sounds like such a loser - I despise people who are thoughtless with other peoples feelings.

A few days ago our "Drivetime" (afternoon) DJ made a tasteless comment about cats. I wrote a letter to the newpaper (giving my full name - no nom-de-plume - and complained about it, and suggested he make a donation to the shelter by way of apology.

The day after it was printed he actually apologised to me and all animal lovers for his remark (live on air) , and he is sponsoring some participants in our charity dog-walk later this month!

(By the way, every day now he playes a song on his dedications show and says "This is for all the animal lovers out there" - I guess I must have struck a nerve!)

12-04-2003, 04:20 PM
Ally Cat's Mommy,
That is great!! Now if there were more that would change their mines.

Maybe I should let you guys get a hold of my hubby, and show him there are more people out there than he thinks that loves cats. As I have said again and again, he thinks nobody likes cats, and it is unusual to find anybody that does!!


12-04-2003, 04:30 PM
She obviously has no concern for other people's feelings.I think if she felt that way she could just keep her mouth shut.Im glad you know how to hold your tongue-since that woman obviously doesn't.