View Full Version : How much drinking is normal for cats?

12-03-2003, 04:14 PM
I'm asking because I just read one of these scary articles about kidney diseases in cats, and that an increased water intake could be a symptom for kidney failure or also diabetes.

Both of my cats seem to drink a lot, sometimes they empty their two bowls (each about 100 ml = 3 - 4 oz) in a day (but there are also days they barely seem to drink). I don't even know which one of them is drinking more. I see Luna drinking more often now, but it's Lily who's acting like an addict when I took a shower - she just HAS to jump into the tub to lick off the water.

BTW, my cats eat canned food during the day, but in the night, they always have their bowl with dry food - and I think it's during the night or in the morning when they drink most. Urination isn't increased btw.

However, I will ask my vet for a blood test, but I don't like the thought of Luna getting an anesthesia because of that. But I guess it's necessary because another symptom of kidney disease could be low activity, and Luna is VERY lazy (but she always has been). Lily's blood test can be done when she's having surgery, she's going to be spayed the next weeks.

But what do you think is a "normal" amout of water for a cat to drink?


12-03-2003, 05:06 PM
I do not know the normal amount. But I'd say that a CHANGE in the amount would be your best judge. As for a blood test, they should be able to draw blood without anesthesia.

12-03-2003, 05:14 PM
they should be able to draw blood without anesthesia.

They once tried it with Luna, but without success! :( She didn't let them do that.

I was getting the impression that Luna is drinking more for the last couple of months. Could be that it started when she had her first UTI and the struvite crystals.
I'm not sure about Lily, I don't even know who of them is drinking the most of it. :confused:


12-03-2003, 05:26 PM
If she changed foods, YES. As a matter of fact, the food my guys are on for urinary tract health, is SUPPOSE to make them drink more. Sorry Luna has to be so difficult :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-03-2003, 05:36 PM
I think Jen has some good points, although I have to admit that I never noticed a difference in Tubby's intake and was completely taken off guard when they told me he was in the beginning stages of kidney failure. HOWEVER before that starts making you worried, Tubby is much much much older than Luna.

I don't think she'll have a problem, and if you have noticed a difference it's probably because the change of food like Jen said. However (again) we know you, and we know you won't be satisfied until you get the blood test and know for sure that she's ok. ;) But since Luna is not easy to take blood from, I would ask your vet about it first. With all the things she's had going on, it's likely they've already taken a blood test and can tell from those results if she has a problem. Or he might just suggest that the next time she's in for something they'll do it instead of making a special trip.

Good luck and please let us know what you find out! :)

12-03-2003, 08:35 PM
I agree with Jen, there is not a real normal for cats. However, I would also look for a change. I don't know about the UTI food, but that may be the reason and you have nothing to worry about.

My Flicka had kidney diseases and if you are worried get her checked, but I would also wait for a scheduled visit. Unless you notice a drastic change, of course. We had Flicka checked when she started to pee in the wrong places.

Please let me know if you find out.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom if you have any questions on kidney failure please let me know. I am no doctor, but I did go through alot and may have a few insights. Just thought that I would offer.

Cool, I stand corrected.:) I should have know that someone had studied this. Thank you Cinder & Smoke.

Cinder & Smoke
12-03-2003, 09:35 PM
Kirsten ~

Can't find my old notes (*bad* KatDad) on Water Intake that I had when Boots was suffering from crystals plugging up his plumbing...

But I found this...

"In general terms, that would mean, for example, that a normal 4.5 kg (10-lb.) cat would be expected to have a typical daily urine output of around 180 ml (6 fluid oz.), or less.

A typical daily water intake would be in the area of 202 ml (6.75 fluid oz.), or less.

Of course, each individual cat's normal input/output will probably vary a bit from this."

This info from:
http://www.felinediabetes.com/urination.htm (http://www.felinediabetes.com/urination.htm)

From what I :rolleyes: remember...
Doc Mike said about the same amounts for Boots.
But Boots does NOT drink that much...
He drinks MORE after his Sir Jury (and since I started to flavour his water with a few pieces of Chicken Krunchies floating in it),
but he'd never be considered a Heavy Drinker! :p

Wonder if we should pull the ole Pet Talk Klam :eek: Juze Jug
out of the fridge and try THAT again? :eek:
(It's a Real Wonder that Jug hasn't Blown Up in the
fridge - as long as it's been in there!) :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-03-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Wonder if we should pull the ole Pet Talk Klam :eek: Juze Jug
out of the fridge and try THAT again? :eek:
(It's a Real Wonder that Jug hasn't Blown Up in the
fridge - as long as it's been in there!) :rolleyes:

Noooo!!!!! Not the dreaded Klam Juze!!! :eek: :eek: <runs away waving hands in air> ;) :D :D

Bryan, thanks so much for the offer of help. So far Tubby is doing really well and I don't need any advice. I'm assuming the day will come when that will change, but for now I'm just thanking my lucky stars and enjoying every day I have with him. I will keep your offer in mind though, and call on you the minute I need you. :) And sorry about Flicka - I'm assuming she's at RB since you only have Bob and Joey now. Some day when you have time, we'd love to hear her(?) whole story. :)

12-04-2003, 03:06 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm sure I'm only worrying too much about my girls.

And I'm sorry to hear about Tubby, I didn't know he has kidney problems.

And yes, I think CatDad's Flicka is at the RB, she must,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, have been such a special kitty!

A typical daily water intake would be in the area of 202 ml (6.75 fluid oz.), or less.

Hmmm, my kitties are definitely drinking less, but I guess this also contains fluid from wet food?

Anyway, thanks for the link, I'll bookmark that!

I have spoken to my vet this morning and since Luna is overweight and also had peeing accidents/struvite crystals/bladder infections in the past, we agreed it's better to have her blood tested. She will get a slight sedation which will hopefully work, so we could avoid anesthesia.

They will test Lily's blood when she'll be spayed; I think I'll make an appointment for her.

Jen, I've also spoken to my vet about drawing blood without anesthesia, and she said usually they do it, but when a cat is so scary at the vet's as Luna, there is no other way. She also said it's not good for her mental health to do that to her "violently".


12-04-2003, 06:45 AM
Here's an update:

Luna was at the vet's office this morning and they took blood from her. She has gotten vetranquil, which is no anesthesia, but a tranquillizer, and it worked well. She was such a good girl and allowed the vet to draw blood, but nobody but me was allowed to hold her. :)

The test result has shown that her urea level is normal, and the blood sugar level was slightly increased. But the vet said that is no reason to worry because this often happens under stress, + she has eaten during the night.

The result of Luna's stool test has also arrived today and the poor girl has clostridia in her colon. She's on antibiotics now.

She's at home with me now, and still under the effects of the drug, and she's a real cuddle baby now. She wants mommy to be with her all the time.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 09:30 AM
I'm glad to hear Luna's blood test went well, and glad you found a way to take blood with out the anesthesia. Sorry to hear about the clostridia though. Although I'm glad you caught it and hopefully the antibiotics will do their thing and she'll be good as new. :) Enjoy the cuddling, and give her big smoochies from me please. :D

And as for Tubby, thanks for the kind words. He's doing wonderful and I just realized this morning that it's almost 3 years now since he was diagnosed as being in the early stages of kidney disease and every time we go back for a checkup they say everything is the same. No downturns and "he's doing really well for a guy his age" was the vet's exact words. :D

CatDad PM'd me and gave me some good information to have Tubby checked for, and he did mention that Flicka is at RB, but she was 21 when she finally had to go. He is in the process of putting together her story for us, so we have that to look forward to. :D

Again, glad to hear Luna's ok except for the clostridia. Hugs and smoochies to her and the cute little Lily! :D

12-04-2003, 09:47 AM
Kirsten, don't panic yet! Fister is only drinking about 1 dl a day. Plopping a few yummies in might be a good idea (as Phred suggested). :)

Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Does anyone know if the toxic clam juice has been safely disposed of? I had nightmares of Santa getting a glass of clam juice with his Christmas cookies. It put Phred and his whole household on the 'Naughty' list for ever!!!:eek: :D
Moff! It doesn't look like it. :D :D

See below! :rolleyes: ;)

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Wonder if we should pull the ole Pet Talk Klam Juze Jug
out of the fridge and try THAT again?
(It's a Real Wonder that Jug hasn't Blown Up in the
fridge - as long as it's been in there!)
Dear Phred, perhaps it's time to go and buy a NEW one!! I suggest you take the other can out at 2400 hours on NEW YEARS EVE!! :eek:

For newcomers! The thread referred to is this: Dear Phred (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=15656&highlight=dear+phred)

12-04-2003, 09:59 AM
I did not even think to mention the Flicka was RB. Sorry about that.:o It happened 2 years ago.

Thank you for letting everyone know. I sometimes forget to mention these things.

Also, thank you for the update on Luna. I am so happy to hear that they found a way to take blood from her. I am also happy to her that it came back OK.

On the other hand I am sorry to hear about the clostridia. At least it is treatable with antibiotics.

I am hoping for a quick recovery. Give her some cuddles for me too.:)

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Randi
Dear Phred,
perhaps it's time to go and buy a NEW one!!

I suggest you take the other can out at 2400 hours on NEW YEARS EVE!! :eek:

For newcomers! The thread referred to is this: Dear Phred (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=15656)

We dont reelee need ANUDDER Jug a Klam Juze!
Kuz we already gotz :eek: TWO of em!!

FURST wun we bot kuz sumbuddie here sed da Kat wuld jest
*kill* fur a taste of Klam Juze...

He wuz reddie to *kill* allrite;
but dat wuz AFTUR he tasted :mad: da stuff! :rolleyes:

Then allua "da Gurlz" gib us ANUDDER Jug
of da stuff atta Findlay Gathurin...
Kat tried ta lock us outta da howze when we showed up wiff #2!

Hmmmm... settin wun off fur New Years mite werk...
Wunder if it'll blow out :eek: any winderz onna howze?
HazMat Team guyz wont help -
dey sed we gotta kall da Bomb Squad!

(Maybee we otta join da Gift (??) Swap an
pass along da un-opened Jug??)
Whut a *Luvlee* Chrissmus "Gift"! :p

12-04-2003, 11:02 AM
Randi we definitely have to make sure European borders stay closed for clam juice. Can we have a secret meeting about that?

Kirsten, if L+L are like Filou and Tigris then they don't want to be watched when they drink ;)

12-04-2003, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Randi we definitely have to make sure European borders stay closed for clam juice. Can we have a secret meeting about that?

Not to worry, Barbara - I'm pretty sure that the customs are on guard even more during the X-mas season - a pity really, because we thought of smuggling some over to England for Pippa (Catherine's cat, a wonderful tuxie)

In any case, we better have a meeting about it - any excuse for a PT meeting! :D

Phred, here's a totally new way of handling this: How about getting another BRAND of clam juze?? Boots may go for it! :D

Remember to open your windows before opening the can!!! You will surely get rid of any intruders in the area! ;) Better keep your first aid kit ready too!! :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Randi
... How about getting another BRAND of clam juze??

Boots may go for it! :D

:p He'd *go* fur it...
*GO* rite out da frunt door!


12-04-2003, 12:24 PM
Oh no! Phred, please
don't open that fridge,
you don't know what
might poke it's tiny
head out!


12-04-2003, 12:30 PM
OK Boots, I understand you! Leave the house before your dad opens that can of CLAM juze!! Next time he goes shopping, ask for these!! :eek:


.... while you're at it, ask him to peel them too, it'll be SO much easier for YOU!! ;)

Boots, are we going to see any more pics of you? Come on, get out of the sink and pose for your dad!! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by jonza
Oh no! Phred, please
don't open that fridge,
you don't know what
might poke it's tiny
head out!


:D :D :D

There goes Jonza and his wonderful photography skills again. ;) :D :D

And I agree with Randi, it's been, like, forever (flips blonde hair) since we've seen a pic of Boots, or even heard a tail or two about him. We want more Boots!!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2003, 02:06 PM
Poor Kirsten :( ...

All she did wuz ask a Simple Question...

Originally posted by Kirsten
But what do you think is a "normal" amout of
water for a cat to drink?

An Look-It whut we dun :eek: to her thread...

Klara Klam poppin :eek: outta da fridge...

<hee hee hee> :D

We sure do get side-tracked eezie...


12-04-2003, 03:49 PM
Why doesn't everyone sas-shay over to General and see Phred's invitation (great idea Boots)

Then we won't be messing up Miz Kirsten's thread sideways

12-04-2003, 03:55 PM
LOL!!!! Something told me that the "clam" would come out of the fridge for this subject!!! :eek:

Flicka is at RB, but she was 21 when she finally had to go

Oh my. 21 years old. I can only wish that mine will be with me that long. Mimi is well on her way as she is 14, this past June. :) I know that Flicka had a wonderful life with you. :)

Kirsten, my cats don't have their own water bowls. :o They drink out of the same bowls that the dogs do, which are filled constantly because with six of them, they all drink a lot!!! I have no way of monitoring their intake, just know that they love to drink when the bowl is full, outside and inside, and they also stick their heads down in any glass, whether it be wine or water, and take a drink (like our friend, Edwinna). :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-05-2003, 09:56 AM
Here's the link to Phred's party thread. :D

New Years Eve at Phred's (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39242)

08-03-2004, 01:17 PM
Kirsten, I don't know how I ended up here, but to get your thread back on track .... have you tried putting glasses of water in various places? Fister won't drink next to his food bowl. :rolleyes:

08-12-2004, 06:54 PM
i don't know the reguler water intake but when my cat took in that much water we took him to the vet and did a blood sample and an x-ray without anasteah when they finished with that they diignosed him [k.c.] with liver diese other wise known as hipetetic lipedoecious a advanced liver diese if your cat has an eccsevie thirst lost weight and won't eat he/she may have liver diese diabities or kidney diese i'm sorry about your cats hope they feal a lot better. and they recover the last hours pf my cat k.c.'s life were very sad.:( :( :( :(

K.C.:( :( :( :(