View Full Version : Pics of my new puppy!

11-30-2003, 08:34 AM
Hey everyone! about a month ago i wrote on this telling about the shih tzu-poodle i was getting. two days ago(fri nov28) my mom picked me up at 11 from school and we drove to the farm to get her. there were three others left, and they were all jumping around, but ours was sleeping. she slept on my lap during the car ride home, she was very good girl! we decided to name her Portia(u say porscha) because everyone in my family agreed they liked it, we got her a red sweater with black and white checkers on it(for car racing flags), and we all thought it was a very pretty name for a very pretty dog!

We've had her here for two days and two nights. She cries during the nights but my mom or i will go settle her down to make sure shes o.k. on saturday morning i woke up at 6:30 and she slept on my lap and watched golf with me and my dad. she hasnt bark yet(keyword:YET) but im sure she will when shes older. Portia sleeps alot, but once in a while she'll go into her biting frenzie.

Everyone in my family gives her lots of love, and she gives lots back. we are very lucky we got blessed with such a wonderful puppy! below are some pictures, i hope you like! post some feesback please!

11-30-2003, 08:53 AM
Congratulations on your new puppy.
She sounds wonderful. :)

11-30-2003, 09:35 AM
She is truly a cutie pie! Do you have any more pictures of her?
Oh and btw...I love the name:D

11-30-2003, 09:44 AM
thanks, we all liked the name too! ya i have tons of pictures of her because we have a digit camera. below is one i really like, i hope u like it too!

11-30-2003, 09:48 AM
Aww, she is adorable!:) Congratulations!:D

11-30-2003, 09:59 AM
She is alittle cutie!! Congrats!:)

11-30-2003, 10:01 AM
:(sorry but I can't see the pic if it's a bmp (no idea of why). But I bet it's cute!

11-30-2003, 11:18 AM
She's adorable.

11-30-2003, 02:28 PM
Cute pup. :D How old is she now?

11-30-2003, 02:34 PM
She's a cutie!!!!! CONGRATS on your new baby girl.

11-30-2003, 03:05 PM
Portia is really cute! Congratulations on the new addition, I am looking forward to some more pictures!

11-30-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by cherry3200
Hey everyone! about a month ago i wrote on this telling about the shih tzu-poodle i was getting. two days ago(fri nov28) my mom picked me up at 11 from school and we drove to the farm to get her. there were three others left, and they were all jumping around, but ours was sleeping. she slept on my lap during the car ride home, she was very good girl! we decided to name her Portia(u say porscha) because everyone in my family agreed they liked it, we got her a red sweater with black and white checkers on it(for car racing flags), and we all thought it was a very pretty name for a very pretty dog! First off I want to congrat you on getting a new addition, BUT I get the vibe that this puppy was from a backyard breeder, considering the fact that this pup is a shihtzu poodle mix.... that disturbes me. I really wish you would have been responsable and went to a reputable breeder like all the pters suggested...

We've had her here for two days and two nights. She cries during the nights but my mom or i will go settle her down to make sure shes o.k. on saturday morning i woke up at 6:30 and she slept on my lap and watched golf with me and my dad. she hasnt bark yet(keyword:YET) but im sure she will when shes older. Portia sleeps alot, but once in a while she'll go into her biting frenzie. You shouldent go and greet her when she whines in the night, you are just rewarding her for crying.. It will become a nasty habbit.

11-30-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom You shouldent go and greet her when she whines in the night, you are just rewarding her for crying.. It will become a nasty habbit. [/B]

Congrats on your new addition. I have to agree here that you shouldn't reward her crying in the crate. Make sure you only reinforce good behavior by only letting her out of the crate when she is being good.

11-30-2003, 09:34 PM
thanks for the advice on the nightime crying problem. she is about 6 and a half weeks, she will be seven weeks on tuesday. i will put on some more pictures as soon as i can, but portia is keeping me busy!

11-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by cherry3200
thanks for the advice on the nightime crying problem. she is about 6 and a half weeks, she will be seven weeks on tuesday. i will put on some more pictures as soon as i can, but portia is keeping me busy!

Oh dear. That is much too young for her to be away from her siblings and mother. There is lots for a pup to learn from them at that age. You will need to make sure you do extensive socialization with her especially with other dogs, to make sure she learns proper doggie language and how to interact with other dogs.

At that age it's likely she can't hold it throughout the whole night. She may be waking up because she needs to go outside. To combat the problem though of her learning that to cry (because she needs to go potty) equals being let out, you can set an alarm for about 20 minutes before she normally gets up, go wake her up to go potty then put her back in the kennel. As she gets older you can set the alwarm later and later until she can sleep through the night. Generally the rule is that a puppy can hold it for their age in months + 1, up to about 9 hours. So your puppy is 1.5 months + 1 = 2.5 hours. This is just a general rule though, and of course there are exceptions to everything. :)

Good luck, and congratulations! Portia is a cute name.

11-30-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Oh dear. That is much too young for her to be away from her siblings and mother. There is lots for a pup to learn from them at that age. You will need to make sure you do extensive socialization with her especially with other dogs, to make sure she learns proper doggie language and how to interact with other dogs.

My family brought Tikeya home at 5 weeks. :o...

11-30-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
My family brought Tikeya home at 5 weeks. :o...

That is just too young. Very sad :( A pup is barely weaned at that age.