View Full Version : Possible solution to a toilet paper problem.

11-29-2003, 08:21 PM
Now that I have your attention....:)

I understand some kitties (and doggies) have discovered how fun
it is to unroll the toilet paper from the holder.
I have a suggestion, can't guarantee this, but maybe worth a try..
Maybe the counterclockwise paper might not be as appealing when it is close to the wall.:D

11-29-2003, 09:20 PM
Freckles, thanks for the suggestion but I know that wouldn't stop Bella. She would work at it until she found the end. :rolleyes: :) Fortunately the kitties don't care at all about toilet paper. They are usually too busy sleeping to get into trouble these days, at the ripe old ages of 10 and 7. :p

11-29-2003, 09:24 PM
hee hee...but that makes it closer to the toilet...where they love to sit. ;)

Luckily, our toilet paper attacks have gotten better....strange, we have more cats now.



11-29-2003, 09:30 PM
I laughed when I saw that...

but it caused a debate with my husband... he always puts it on this way, while I put it on the other way. I say he's backwards, he says I am!

Either way, my talented guys manage to draw it onto the floor. Leaving it a prime target for Miss Nicki to dine in splendor on the hallway carpet.:rolleyes:

11-29-2003, 09:36 PM
When we had the bathroom remodeled the toliet roll holder was in an odd place had it taken out. Of course I couldn't decide where to put another one so we are without. I recommend using the empty spool from blank cd's. It works perfect and sits on back of the potty nicely or on the counter top of the sink. We don't have the stringing of t paper through out the house. :)

11-30-2003, 11:04 AM
Hey Freckles - This solved OUR problem anyway. My son suggested it and and it did indeed take the fun out of the kittens unwinding it! They have NOT done it since.:D :D

11-30-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Craftlady
I recommend using the empty spool from blank cd's.


:eek: :confused: :o


Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Craftlady...

I recommend using the empty spool from blank cd's.

Originally posted by RICHARD

:eek: :confused: :o

Uhhhh, Richard... :rolleyes:

Don't *THINK* you're :eek: picturing that
CD empty spool
in quite the same way CraftLady is... :p


11-30-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Craftlady
When we had the bathroom remodeled the toliet roll holder was in an odd place had it taken out. Of course I couldn't decide where to put another one so we are without. I recommend using the empty spool from blank cd's. It works perfect and sits on back of the potty nicely or on the counter top of the sink. We don't have the stringing of t paper through out the house. :)

Pretty cool idea!

See, that's why you're Craftlady and I'm micki76. I'd never think of that!