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View Full Version : We've come along way

Aspen and Misty
11-26-2003, 11:22 PM
When we first got Nova she didn't really like to cuddle. She was a very independent dog. You could walk out of the room and she wouldn't even care. She didnt' like to play whenever you tried to throw a toy it was like "O wow" and nothing more. She didn't even really seem to like me that much, she didn't sleep on my bed. It was very dissapointing to have a dog who didn't love you.

But now, 10 months later, If I leave the room her head pops up and she watches my every move. When I pick up a toy she is like "Mom! Lets play!" When I lay down on the floor she will get up from where ever she is laying and come lay right beside my legs (almost on top). When I come home From school Nova comes running over ro me whinning and shakeing her whole body in happiness. The greatest greeting I've ever gotten :D When I look into her eyes I see the love she has for me. I know that when I need someone she will be there. She is the sweetest bestest dog any girl could ask for. She puts up with anythign I do to her. She is just perfect, I couldn't ask for better. I dunno, thinking about what I am thankful for, I guess I am extremly Thankful to Nova, she taught me how to love again.

Why I'm posting this, I have no idea. I just had to share.

11-27-2003, 04:44 PM
Isn’t it wonderful how a loving home can change who they are? I’m so glad Nova loves and trusts you!

You are so lucky to have found each other! :D

11-27-2003, 05:04 PM
Thankyou, for sharing that sweet love story with us .
Micki76 , is so right ! Love makes a difference in our lifes .
A good one !:)

11-28-2003, 04:50 AM
Why are you posting this? We all know the answer to that. You love your doggie!!!! So glad to hear about Nova.

Robin :)

11-28-2003, 08:51 AM
I remember when Nova first came to live with you--and you were so worried about her.
You have made a loving and caring home for her, and earned her trust and respect--she is a wonderful dog!!!

11-28-2003, 07:49 PM
I am so happy that Nova has found you to love and trust. Obviously you have done a tremendous job gaining her trust as well. It was a wonderful story and touched my heart. :)

11-28-2003, 09:21 PM
Thank you for such a touching story. I found myself misty-eyed by your obvious love and appreciation for Nova. The love they give is certainly like no other.

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2003, 10:08 PM
Thanx everyone! I had forgotten I posted this. LOL. I'm sitting here with Nova's big old head on the key board- This is the second tiem I've typed this out cause she keep accidently deleating everything :rolleyes:

Thanx, your comments were so touching. I just love Nova so much. We've come over alot of things in the past year, she truly is my angel sent from god.
