View Full Version : The love of a cat?

11-24-2003, 08:30 PM
Hi. I am new to cat general, or all of the cat forums. I am a dog person mainly. I have been hanging out in the dog forums everyday for a long time. I have 2 cats and I love them very much. I have always been around cats, I have never got "close" to them though. I feel that I have never earned the love of a cat.:( So many people have here. Everyone here has A LOT of cats, and share a speacial relationship with them. Dogs are my life, and they always will be. But, I want cats to be in my life too. Can someone help me understand how speacial a cat's love is. I know that ya'll think I am crazy, but I'm trying.:)

11-24-2003, 08:43 PM
I think a cat's love appears different from a dog's love. Others can express it better than I, but they love in their own ways. :)

11-24-2003, 08:47 PM
I am not very bright, but I have a really stupid question.

Would A LOT be missing out of your life if you hadn't earned the love of a cat?

11-24-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by petlover
I am not very bright, but I have a really stupid question.

Would A LOT be missing out of your life if you hadn't earned the love of a cat?

I would say yes. A dog seems to be have "blind" love, a cat's love has to be earned (thats how I see it anyway). I feel the love my cats have for me, have changed me into a better person.

11-24-2003, 10:50 PM
I was a die hard dog person. In fact, I came as close as you can to "hating" cats as an animal lover can. They just annoyed me and seemed to be snooty and unworthy of the same amount of affection as a dog would get.

But, oh my, have I changed. I hate to say it, but these days I'm not much of a dog person. I love my Wylers but that's because he is rather cat like in that he is independent and can amuse himself. However, I do not know if I'll ever get a dog again. I'm just so sold on cats at this point.

The love of a cat is very deep. In a lot of ways, I think it's more the love of an equal or another human being. It's more complex (to me!!) than a dog's love in that it requires you to love something that is tempermental and not always purely lovable. For me, it has required far more patience and understanding than any dog I've had the pleasure of "owning."

For that reason, I find it more rewarding.

11-24-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I was a die hard dog person. In fact, I came as close as you can to "hating" cats as an animal lover can. They just annoyed me and seemed to be snooty and unworthy of the same amount of affection as a dog would get.

But, oh my, have I changed. I hate to say it, but these days I'm not much of a dog person. I love my Wylers but that's because he is rather cat like in that he is independent and can amuse himself. However, I do not know if I'll ever get a dog again. I'm just so sold on cats at this point.

The love of a cat is very deep. In a lot of ways, I think it's more the love of an equal or another human being. It's more complex (to me!!) than a dog's love in that it requires you to love something that is tempermental and not always purely lovable. For me, it has required far more patience and understanding than any dog I've had the pleasure of "owning."

For that reason, I find it more rewarding.
This is what I meant to say :D if I could talk/type so well. :rolleyes:

11-24-2003, 11:24 PM
Shucks. :o :)

11-24-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I was a die hard dog person. In fact, I came as close as you can to "hating" cats as an animal lover can. They just annoyed me and seemed to be snooty and unworthy of the same amount of affection as a dog would get.

But, oh my, have I changed. I hate to say it, but these days I'm not much of a dog person. I love my Wylers but that's because he is rather cat like in that he is independent and can amuse himself. However, I do not know if I'll ever get a dog again. I'm just so sold on cats at this point.

The love of a cat is very deep. In a lot of ways, I think it's more the love of an equal or another human being. It's more complex (to me!!) than a dog's love in that it requires you to love something that is tempermental and not always purely lovable. For me, it has required far more patience and understanding than any dog I've had the pleasure of "owning."

For that reason, I find it more rewarding.
I have been trying to figure out a way to say what I wanted and that it pretty good. Thanks

Right on answer Soledad:)

11-25-2003, 09:05 AM
I simply cannot live without a cat in my life!!
I know it sounds extreme - and after a cats death - I have always said 'Never again I can't go through that again' - the longest I lasted without a cat was about 6 months - I was walking the wall and had to get a 'new' furbaby in here double quick!!
Without a cat in our house - it seems totally empty - regardless of the number of people here.
A cat brightens my day more than sunshine. They make you laugh - and they make you cry. But without them - there's a huge hole in my life.
Do you talk to your cat? You'll be surprised if you try this - they 'do' listen - then go and do exactly what they want! This is part of their charm - they don't try and earn love!!



11-25-2003, 09:47 AM
It is just that Dogs generally grow up and live in packs! where as Cats , with the exception of the Lions , are loners! As in the Kipling poem , the Cat taht walked alone. But a Cat when he loves you , is the most wonderful love , that you can have!

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-25-2003, 10:34 AM
I don't think I could say it any better then Soledad did. I was always a "dog person", and have only had cats for two and-a-half years. I feel that with cats (as with humans) you sometimes find yourself loving them DESPITE bad moods and behaviour on their part.

Ally has been somewhat temparamental since I introduced Connor into our home. Sometimes I pick her up and she bites me REALLY HARD - I can see the spite in her face - like she is TRYING to hurt me! But later the same day she will jump up for a cuddle, and it is so much sweeter than if she was always cuddly. I have never experienced that with a dog. Dogs are (IMHO) much more easygoing and forgiving than cats.

I have photos of my cats on my desk and PC at work, and I really feel a special bond to them. One other interesting thing I have noticed - my cats are a lot closer to me than the rest of the family. My dogs (who now live with my Mom-In-Law back in South Africa) seem to love the entire family equally - whilst the cats play favourites!

11-25-2003, 10:52 AM
Dogs are adorable, loyal, great companions, I love dogs. But to be able to distinguish why I am a "cat person" primarily but just love dogs, is something hard to describe.

Dogs love everyone. They love you unconditionally and always seem to be happy and want to do whatever you want to do. A cat is more like a human to me. They get in moods, want to play at other times, don't want to be bothered at other times, and can give love and satisfaction that are indescribable. They can read you like a book, there is no hiding from them, when they open up to you, you have a bond that is there for life. When my cat Bubby was cuddling with me on Sunday morning with his forehead to mine and had his paw over my neck, I could have layed in bed all day, I can't describe how happy it made me because he doesn't cuddle like that very much except at night when he chooses to. He understands how much I love him because I tell him all the time and we get along great, but it's at those choice moments when they show you how much they really care, like they are saying they understand what you do for them and how much you care that make me like cats more. I just like how cats seem more like humans and it's like having a real relationship, except with an animal :D Did that make sense?

Tell us more about your cats personalities and maybe we can help you more :D

11-25-2003, 08:59 PM
Well, they are definately loners! Rascal just wants to be left alone. She just wants us to open and close the door for her. If we are sitting at the table trying to put a puzzle together or eat something, here comes Rascal. She just walks all over the top of whatever you are trying to do. I pet her when she does that. Other than that, she just wants to be left alone.

Dolly, is younger and is more afectionate than Rascal. She will do whatever to get in front of you so that she will get attention. I always give it to her as well. She likes to sit in the tv room high up on the mantle so that she can swat at the dogs. She loves to tease them. She will also play with your hair if you sit on the chair and she is resting there. She also likes for her belly to be rubbed.
( She has been around to many dog obviously.);)

11-25-2003, 10:28 PM
Boomer and I are still getting used to each other, I know he likes me and occasionally I think that he might love me, but my RB Ernie embodied what I think of as a cat's love. My parents got Ernie when I was two years old, so we really grew up together. From early on it was clear that I was Ernie's person. It was clear that he liked my whole family, but he loved me. I have so many happy memories of playing with or snuggling with that sweet cat. It's like they know what you're feeling. When I would be sad, he would know. Even if he had been in a dead slumber, if I came into my room feeling sad, he would wake up and come to comfort me. He always knew when I needed a hug or a sweet kiss (kitty lick) If I was upset he would almost seem concerned and snuggle up close to my chin, allowing me to hug him tight or cry into his fur. When I was sick he would be careful not to step on me with his giant chubby self. When I just wanted to be left alone he had a way of just sitting at the foot of my bed watching me that would make everything seem a little better. He knew my routine better than I did and corrected me loudly (he was part siamese) if I strayed from it. He would sleep in bed with me every night. Every now and then he'd dissapear in the middle of the night, but by morning he'd be back snuggling close and purring softly. He even let me join him when he was sunbathing by letting me lay my head on his ample tummy. I don't know if this helps you, but this is what a cat's love means to me. sadly Ernie went off to be at Rainbow Bridge a few days before my wedding this year, thus bringing to a close a tight bond that we shared for 17 years. But it was bittersweet. Almost as if he was saying to me that I have someone else that is going to take care of me now, so his job as my protector is done. Ernie was and still is incredibly special to me.

11-25-2003, 11:24 PM
I've always liked cats and grew up with them most of my life but I never really formed a bond with them. When I adopted my first cat Storm, it was very different. First of all, he chose me and he later became very sick so I had to wean him back to health. This created a very strong bond between us. He's my heart kitty and my animal soulmate. Now I have 3 more male cats and I have bonded with all of them in different ways. I can't imagine my life without a cat in it. :) You have to earn their love but it's very worthwhile in the end.:D

11-26-2003, 12:53 AM
I never had a cat growing up or was even around them much and I was a total dog person but after my poodle died my husband agreed to let me get a kitten since he was a cat person. I wanted a pet so badly that I agreed. I got Ripley and my patience and my feelings towards cats was greatly tested because he was so wild. He would stalk me, attack me and made my life miserable. I almost gave him away a couple of times. Then one day that started to change and I could tell he loved me. His stalking turned more into fits of rage directed solely at me but I kept working with him and dealing with it. I swore that I would never get another cat because I assumed they were all like him but then last summer I got the bug to adopt a dog and in the process fell in love with the cats at the shelter and discovered they aren't all like Ripley.

I adopted Jazz a very sickly kitten and she and I formed a bond that is so similar to the one I had with my precious poodle years age. Now that I've adopted Scout I'm slowing earning her trust and love and it is the most rewarding feeling. It took a long time but now I am a total cat person.

11-26-2003, 05:29 AM
I literally cannot remember a time in my life when I didn't love cats! My mother has said, on many occasions that I was "born with it" and that I'm "cat mad."

I bonded with my first kitty, a ginger orangie, when I was five years old. His name was "Ginger" (zero points for originality) and we were like peas in a pod. He followed me everywhere, and slept in my bed every night. He was killed by a dog, and I think this may be why I've never bonded well with dogs. But, I don't "hate" dogs and I find cruelty to dogs as abhorrent as cruelty to cats. Which is why it perplexes me that "dog lovers" can hate cats with such vitriol.

I guess I find it easiest to love cats rather than dogs because they are similar to me in nature. I only give affection on my own terms, take forever to get comfy at night and sometimes I hiss, spit and scratch! :)

11-26-2003, 05:40 AM
I would say yes, there would be something missing in my life without being loved by a cat. I have always been more a cat person that a dog person.

Even as a kid, I was like that, I cared for the strays in the backyard and sometimes one of them has learned to trust me so much that it would come close and allowed me to touch it. Those were moments of happiness during my childhood. My parents did not allow a cat in the house, so I got my first one when I was already 18.

Since that time, I have never lived without a cat, except for a few weeks, when I lost Aysche, and later it was the same when I lost Katz. I cannot imagine a life without feline company.

I have no children, but when Luna comes into my lap and lies in my arm like a baby, it's a moment that means the world to me. :)

Like the others have said; dogs live in packs and cats are (more or less) loners, they chose their company, and when they show you their love, it really means something... :)


11-26-2003, 06:55 AM
Loving a cat is nothing easily explained. I have Nicki, a big gentle hearted dog that I love with every fiber of my being. I fought to keep her when I moved in with my husband (his dog attacked her a lot - Sammy actually tore gashes open on her face that needed stiches.) I enjoye nothing more than a great walk on a beautiful day with her.

But the cats... ahhhh, my cats. I had a tuxedo cat growing up. He slept in my crib as a baby and I think the lifelong bond was formed then. When I was ten, my mom developed a severe allergy to cats, so we had to give Tiny to my Grandmom. I didn't have a cat in my life again until I was almost 30. In that 20 years in between I became a dog person. I now consider myself more a cat person - that doesn't mean I love Nicki any less. For some reason, the cats are my stress relievers. They make me laugh.

If you watch your cats... really watch them, you'll be amazed at how they interact with each other and the little things they do will make your heart soar.

My husband didn't want the cats.. he said every cat he's ever had messed all over and was not a good cat. Now he admits he was wrong - sure we have one who insists on peeing on the basement floor - but these two are well behaved and sweet. One is a lapcat, the other is not. Both are loving and have melted everybody's heart in my family. Even my mom with her allergy can't help herself (she makes sure she takes Benadryl before coming over!!)