View Full Version : Laci and Conner Peterson

11-23-2003, 09:56 AM
Just thought I'd start a thread on here about them instead of taking up Michael Jackson's light. ;)

Here are some links.


11-23-2003, 12:41 PM
Tonya, I see that you are from Modesto CA. How are most people reacting to this case around there? I have been following it on CNN.com. It's all very sad. I don't honestly think he has a chance, though.

11-23-2003, 02:15 PM
Everyone thinks that he is guilty as heck. But we all also suspect he'll get off.

11-23-2003, 02:27 PM
Why do you think he'll get off?

11-23-2003, 03:11 PM
I hope he rots in prison :( :mad:

This story has affected me worse than almost any other news story has. I've followed it from the beginning. I think Scott is very very very very very GUILTY.

11-23-2003, 03:35 PM
I already posted on this on "Michael's" thread. But Aly, I'm with you!:mad:

11-23-2003, 04:51 PM
The new People magazine has a long article about the "other woman" in this case, Amber somebody.

Poor lady, she was clueless, and thought he was single, apparently. Can you imagine then having this all come out?

And, I think he's a total creep, even if he isn't found guilty.

11-23-2003, 08:04 PM
Well, crap like this:

He made anchors for sure.

He bleached the floors and walls the day after the maid came for sure.

He washed his clothes only (not the other dirty clothes) before he called the police.

He studied tides and depths of the bay (where her body was found) on the computer.

He told one neighbor he went golfing and everyone else he went fishing.

His boat wasn't for fishing in the bay.

The weather wasn't for fishing in the bay.

The fish he said he was fishing for are to big to fish for out of that boat.

The reasoning for fishing instead of golfing was that the weather is to cold. The weather in Modesto is at least 20 degrees warmer then the bay!

He says he last saw her on the 24th, but her body was discovered in the clothing that she was wearing on the 23rd.

The neighbors saw him carrying out tarps with something large in them. He says that it was umbrellas, yet he can't provide where the umbrellas or tarps now are.

There was cement residue (from the anchors) in his boat.

There was Laci's hair on a pair of pliers in his boat.

I can go on and on. But sadly enough, all this evidence is just circumstantial. It isn't hard physical evidence. They have no eye witnesses, they don't even know how Laci was killed. They don't know if Conner was killed before or after Laci gave birth. They don't even know when they died.

Also, the head detective was apparently a real airhead. Stupid things happened like he forgot his keyes in Scott's truck after searching it. Left his clipboard with the notes from the search in Scott's boat by accident. So, they're saying the little evidence that they had was mishandled. Etc, etc...

11-23-2003, 08:10 PM
I hope he rots in jail and becomes a guy named Bubba's girlfriend.

11-23-2003, 09:53 PM
Well I certainly would not qualify as a juror. I personally think he is guilty as sin. I just hope that he doesn't get off like a certain other person who vowed he wanted to search for and hunt down his wife's real killer. Funny, but I haven't heard anything about his search to find the real killer so far.


11-23-2003, 10:09 PM
I hope he rots in jail and becomes a guy named Bubba's girlfriend.

Careful what you wish for .... he might enjoy that. ;)

11-24-2003, 11:40 AM
I can't believe that that twit Gloria Allred
gets her nose stuck into every high profile case.

After seeing her run around here in LA for such a long time I am glad that the rest of the United States has had the privilege to see what a bigmouthed, rude and totally inconsiderate person she is.

And the prosecutors basing a BIG part of the case on the 'hairy pliers' is pretty funny..

Hair is the one thing that human beings shed regularly. there should be more than one hair in the boat. Also, the pundits in the case make it sound like the pliers NEVER left the boat...

I use pliers ALL OVER the house, on the car, in the garage, outdoors.....I can't believe that these TV 'personalities' are so dumb.

11-24-2003, 11:45 AM
My personal feeling is that this case, should he be found guilty, will do SO MUCH to further laws set for unborn children.

Winning this case is doubly important for the prosecution. Not only will it bring justice to Lacy, but will be a landmark case for murder involving viable unborn children.

11-24-2003, 05:48 PM
how's about some conspiracy theories on the case?

My mom and I regularly argue the merits of this one....

The one scenario that I figured out isn't popular-yes, he did kill her- but I tend to think that it was due to the fact that Ms Amber was the
one who 'caused' it.


11-25-2003, 07:00 AM
I don't think that Amber had a clue. I feel bad for her. I think that Scott is just demented. There's that other girl that disappeared when he was in college. How much do you bet that once they find him guilty on Laci, they go after him on her?

11-25-2003, 07:26 AM
I love the part of Scott's story where he says when Laci found out about Amber "she was OK with it." Yeah, Right! Women all over the world I am sure find this a bit hard to swallow, not to mention women who are carrying the unborn baby of the creep who would do such a thing! :mad: My first thoughts were that he killed her by accident in the midst of a quarrel when he "fessed up" about Amber, but then there does seem to be a lot of other things that lead one to believe in premeditation.

11-25-2003, 07:49 AM
Not to mention that Laci wouldn't confide in at least one person about the affair.

11-25-2003, 11:17 AM
Amber called the house,
Laci picked up the phone-figured out what
was going on and went off on Scott.

It went physical and Scott either killed her accidentally or hit her and thought that he'd go to jail for that so he snuffed her.

One thing that sticks in my mind is the fact that family/friends said that she wasn't the kind of person that would be 'o.k.' with an affair.

The interesting part of this case is the way that the prosecutors will present the evidence and trying to tie Scott to the murder....

a daunting job at best.

11-25-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Amber called the house,
Laci picked up the phone-figured out what
was going on and went off on Scott.

It went physical and Scott either killed her accidentally

Richard, that was the way I was thinking early on but so many questions are still left unanswered. For example, why did he buy a boat and tell no one about it? (Did he have some special use in mind for it)? Why did he tell Amber that he was a widower (before he actually was)? These things definitely *hint* at a plan here in my opinion.

11-25-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Richard, that was the way I was thinking early on but so many questions are still left unanswered. For example, why did he buy a boat and tell no one about it? (Did he have some special use in mind for it)? Why did he tell Amber that he was a widower (before he actually was)? These things definitely *hint* at a plan here in my opinion.


My 'man senses' start to tingle....

he bought the boat to 'go fishing'..

As in, "Laci, I'm going fishing for the weekend".. drag the boat to Amber's house, "Oh I was going fishing but I thought I'd spend time with you...." OR "I am going to stop off and do some fishing on the way home."

The 'dead wife scenario' is just a way to have cake and not worry about AF finding out about her..

This may come as a shock to people but.... MEN LIE!!!!

And I think it was advantageous to him to lie about his wife...
Men use the dead partner to gain favor (and other stuff) from women.

I don't think that he planned to kill her......He seems like the kind of guy that would jerk a gal around and then leave her when the
going got tough.....

I know this will sound kinda raw but...

Most of her friends and family stated that Laci was 'vocal' and 'would not put up with Scott cheating'....I think she may have
been in Scott's face AFTER the alleged phone call by AF to their home.....He had cheated three times before......

Could there have been a thought that a child would improve the
marriage? Stop the cheating? Also, LP put a lot of effort into the marriage to make it look PERFECT.....Their friends stated that they
were the perfect couple.......but I have yet to meet a perfect couple......

And to make sure that every women hates me.......

I think that pregnancy may have had an effect on her general outllook on SP's affair......How can a man with a wife who is ready to pop even think of having an affair....

Rhetorical question.....


11-25-2003, 06:11 PM
Ok, so if it wasn't premeditated, what's up with studying the tides of the bay for months and making anchors way ahead of time?

11-25-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Ok, so if it wasn't premeditated, what's up with studying the tides of the bay for months and making anchors way ahead of time?

He was surfing????:confused:

he had to make it look like he WAS going fishing...

Remember, he has to make up alibi for leaving Laci for a few days at a time.....

The home comp histories are there....if you know where to look for them.....If she was comp saavy she'd see he was looking for the charts and thinking that he was totally into it.

two anchors are used to keep your boat in one position if he wanted to stay in one spot..
you put your bow into the current and drop one on each side....think of the letter 'y'- the upper arms are where the anchors go, the boat is the
bottom leg of the letter.

the answer lies in IF the boat already HAD an anchor. I hadn't heard...

What doesn't make sense to me is why would you dump the body where you know the cops are going to look???

All the evidence is circumstancial...
Remember they were STILL looking in the channel right up to the time they picked him up-and i don't remember hearing about the cops finding the cement in the boat...That would have been some evidence against him.

The almost "perfect murder" wouldn't happen around water.

It's so simple Matlock, Ironside and Columbo wouldn't get it!!

I am just playing devil's advocate...

11-25-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
[BI am just playing devil's advocate... [/B]

And you were playing it so well that for a minute I thought you might work for Geragos' law firm. :p

11-25-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Pam
And you were playing it so well that for a minute I thought you might work for Geragos' law firm. :p


told you I was evil....

Is it more money?:eek:

Well, I cheated....I look at things from the man's standpoint...:rolleyes:

The TOUGHEST PART about THIS one is - remember that MOST of the evidence in and around the home belongs there because the victim lived there.

That's why the cops needed the anchors.

Even then, another piece of evidence that came out was when the cops looked at the boat it had no traces of seawater on it..

So how did he get the body out to the middle of the channel?

That makes no sense.........

I can't remember if there were witnesses at the marina that saw him in his boat...

Of course, everything so far is rumor and conjecture..

Take what you hear and think about it.....put yourself in their
shoes..and think about what's rational, irrational and what you
would do.

If I need a Gal (Officer) Friday will you apply???

da da da DA
da da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:cool: Just the facts, ma'am.

11-26-2003, 06:47 AM
Well Richard you certainly have put your thinking cap on, but I think it's going to take more for me to be able to think of him as anything but guilty. Time will tell, and the trial will be an interesting one for sure.

Do you watch Larry King on a regular basis? He has his usual panel discussions with some of his "regulars" and Mark Geragos used to be one of them before he took this case. Back in those days Geragos called this case a slam dunk for the prosection. I think Nancy Grace is awesome and would certainly want her on my side. My hubby says she is tough as nails! ha! Henry Lee (OJ fame) is often a regular, as is Johnny Cochran now, Judge Piero (sp?) and sometimes Jeffrey Fieger (from Kevorkian fame). It makes for interesting viewing and gives us a hint, at times, of the prosecution's case. Hold onto your hat, we are in for a long ride with this one!

11-26-2003, 12:08 PM
Blackwood, New Jersey-
You are on the air....

I do watch LK often.....

The one place where I HAVE to disagree is on Nancy Grace..

I get more pleasure out of chewing on aluminum foil...;)

She is smart-but her histrionics leave me yelling at the set...I understand her passion and views.

For example, when I hear them argue the merits of, and give so much credibility to a pair of pliers with the hair stuck on them, it makes me laugh...

You can argue that one away pretty easily....

He's guilty as sin and I have no problem saying that.......It's just the DA's coming out and
doing the 'slam dunk' and 'in the bag' news conferences...

Instead of a slam dunk we have to watch the WHOLE GAME....The news/media has alot to do with it and there are too many people that play to the cameras.

Which leads me to the next reality show....

Court TV makeovers!!!

Marsha Clark and Chris Darden will pick and primp an unsuspecting barrister - give them a total makeover after a case. They will then retry the case with their 'new look' with a different jury!!!


11-26-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Which leads me to the next reality show....

Court TV makeovers!!!

Marsha Clark and Chris Darden will pick and primp an unsuspecting barrister - give them a total makeover after a case. They will then retry the case with their 'new look' with a different jury!!! ;)

LOL! I knew you couldn't remain serious for too long! :D My hubby feels much the same way you do about Nancy Grace although I do think he probably enjoys looking at her! :rolleyes: LOL!

Regarding the pliers with the hair - The other night LK had Mark Fuhrman on (a remnant from the OJ debacle) and he made a pretty good case. He challenged every man viewing to go immediately to their tool boxes, wherever they may be, and check for any hairs stuck in their pliers. He said he doubted there would be a single one. Now I know that he doesn't have lots of fans out there, but that did get a laugh out of me. By the way, he got a raw deal on the OJ case if you ask me. But then, no one asked me. :p

11-26-2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Pam
LOL! I knew you couldn't remain serious for too long! :D My hubby feels much the same way you do about Nancy Grace although I do think he probably enjoys looking at her! :rolleyes: LOL!

Regarding the pliers with the hair - The other night LK had Mark Fuhrman on (a remnant from the OJ debacle) and he made a pretty good case. He challenged every man viewing to go immediately to their tool boxes, wherever they may be, and check for any hairs stuck in their pliers. He said he doubted there would be a single one. Now I know that he doesn't have lots of fans out there, but that did get a laugh out of me. By the way, he got a raw deal on the OJ case if you ask me. But then, no one asked me. :p

Me??? Serious??? Only when I have too!!

Yes, I saw that program! MF has a point.....
Would it be SP's luck that he is the only one in the US with his wife's hair in his pliers????
I don't think so....

The NG 'look' that I enjoy the most is the head tilt forward and and the wrinkly eyebrows....
check it out!!!

Thanks for letting me be the "devil"...
As you said, I'll hang on to my hat and wait to see what happens!!!

01-18-2004, 03:47 PM
I have been following this case on and off on the Court TV website (http://boards.courttv.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=34)

Only when life, work and Pet Talk are slow ;)

01-18-2004, 05:43 PM
It's the obsession here. It is in our front page every single day. I don't even bother reading about it much anymore. You can get quite a bit of info from www.modbee.com too. They have a whole Laci section.

01-19-2004, 04:45 PM
Why want him to rot in jail? I don't think he's got the right to live anymore. Too bad good old Sparky couldn't be used to send him to the proper place.

01-25-2004, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
It's the obsession here. It is in our front page every single day. I don't even bother reading about it much anymore. You can get quite a bit of info from www.modbee.com too. They have a whole Laci section.

It's incredible isn't it? Stuff like this happens almost every day, all over the world and yet some cases get singled out for international attention. Yes, even here in Australia there has been much dialogue and conjecture about this case.

(Everyone thinks that Scott is guilty as sin....myself included)