View Full Version : Oh My!!....65 Pounds!!

11-17-2003, 09:39 PM
I can't believe it!!

My husband just weighed himself and then picked up Katie to weigh her and she is weighing in at 65 pounds! I can't get over it. It seems like it was just a few days ago that we brought her home and she weighed 12 pounds. She is a little over 7 months now and growing so fast. I wonder how much growing she has left to go? I still think of her as my little pup though....my little girl. She really isn't little anymore....lol...cause as I'm trying to type this she is standing here sticking her nose on the keyboard and typing in her own stuff. Mostly the number 1 keeps coming up...lol. I have to back track and delete what she has done. Ok, her daddy has her attention now. That silly little pup....or should I say BIG pup!!

Robin :)

11-17-2003, 09:41 PM
You might not be calling her a "pup" much longer, Robin!!!! :D

What a growing girl you have on your hands!!!! :)

11-17-2003, 10:03 PM
Bah, but they always are "puppies", no matter what their age. I still call Tommy and Tasha my "pups" more than I call them my "dogs" :D

Katie is sure a gorgeous pup!

11-18-2003, 01:49 AM
What a beautiful big girl she is, and yeah, they are always "our little puppies" no matter how big they get;) ..........tom

11-18-2003, 02:17 AM
"litle puppy" :)

11-18-2003, 02:57 AM
More pictures! We want to see her growing up too :)

11-18-2003, 07:03 AM
Wow...65 pounds and I bet those pounds are all muscle. Katies is a gorgeous pup/dog!

11-18-2003, 07:14 AM
Isn't it funny each morning when you wake up there seems to be a little bit more puppy there than the night before! :D I remember bringing Bella home at 5 lbs. and literally each morning she seemed bigger, and now she is full grown at 40 lbs. What lightning speed growing Katie is doing! I can't help but think of "the other Robyn's" Dale (greater swiss mountain dog). He is 6 months old now and weighing in at 60 lbs. I had to smile when you said your hubby lifted her up to weigh her because the last time I saw Robyn lift Dale it was quite a sight! LOL! We really would love to see more Katie pictures, please. :)

11-18-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
Bah, but they always are "puppies", no matter what their age. I still call Tommy and Tasha my "pups" more than I call them my "dogs" :D

Katie is sure a gorgeous pup!

In reality, I still call mine "puppies" too, and we have one who is 13 1/2 years old!! LOL!!! :o

11-18-2003, 07:35 AM
Yup - Max is my 91 lb puppy doggy. No matter how big he is, he's my cute widdle baby!

11-18-2003, 10:15 AM
Aww, she weighs two pounds more than Timber! :)

Which reminds me; I'm going to weigh her after school. :D

11-18-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Isn't it funny each morning when you wake up there seems to be a little bit more puppy there than the night before! :D I remember bringing Bella home at 5 lbs. and literally each morning she seemed bigger, and now she is full grown at 40 lbs. What lightning speed growing Katie is doing! I can't help but think of "the other Robyn's" Dale (greater swiss mountain dog). He is 6 months old now and weighing in at 60 lbs. I had to smile when you said your hubby lifted her up to weigh her because the last time I saw Robyn lift Dale it was quite a sight! LOL! We really would love to see more Katie pictures, please. :)

Awww, Pam...I can't believe Bella only weighed 5 pounds. Oh my gosh, so tiny. I know she had to be a super cutie, because she is a true beauty now. I would loved to have seen Robyn lifting Dale..lol...if she tries that again make sure you get a pic of it. Dale is such a cutie and one of my favs here because I know that he and Katie are close in age and I love watching him grow up also. Plus, I love the breed. I love it when Robyn posts pics of Dale and Christian also....its fun seeing them together and how well they have bonded. BTW...super cute grandson you have there!

Robin :)

11-18-2003, 08:26 PM
And I remember a certain someone being so worried that Katie
was going to be to small. lol
Katie already out-weighs, what Sheba weighed at 7 months

Talk about growing like a weed. :)

11-18-2003, 09:10 PM
HEHEHE...I was worried wasn't I. I just couldn't help it though. She seemed so sick and frail after we first brought her home. Whew, sure glad things have changed.

Karen, I have to tell you that I love your new sig and Rocky and Sheba are absolutely stunning. I hope Katie grows up to be as beautiful. Although I did read an article in an Akita magazine and one breeder referred to Katies narrow face as "snipey". She does seem to have a skinny face and it doesn't appear to be as broad as it should be. Thats ok with us though. We think she is gorgeous and wouldn't have her any other way. Big pointy ears and all....lol

Robin :)

P.S....Katie says hi to Rocky and is sending out big slurpy kisses to him ;) We would love to see some more pics of Sheba and Rocky!!!

11-18-2003, 09:29 PM
Thanks RobiLee for your kind remarks! :) Yes, Bella was adorable that's for sure. I can hardly remember those days when she was so small. Thank goodness for pictures! :)

I do have a picture of Robyn holding Dale but I'd better check first for permission before posting it! LOL!

It sounds like we might have a PT romance brewing here between Katie and Rocky! LOL! There have been a few kitty romances on the cat boards! :) I agree, we need more pictures of Rocky, Shiba and Katie!

11-18-2003, 10:24 PM
I am glad you like the new sig.
I'm not very good at stuff like that.

Thanks pam, I am bad about taking pictures.
It's just a pain putting them on a web site etc.

Katie is already beautiful. :)
As for being perfect. Rocky's tail is to short for his
Mike is always joking that Sheba, should trade tails
with Rocky. Oh, and Rocky's ears are on the
pointy side too.

Rocky thinks Katie is perfect, and
his heart belongs to her.
Rocky sends slurpey kisses back. :)

Toby's Mommy
11-19-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Logan
You might not be calling her a "pup" much longer, Robin!!!! :D

What a growing girl you have on your hands!!!! :)

when we had our springer pup we did the same and he weighed 40 pounds

11-20-2003, 07:40 AM
I can't belive how fast she's growing, before you know it she's going to be all grown up!
And speaking as a person who's gotten to meet sweet Katie....she is perfect:D