View Full Version : drake withdrawls

11-14-2003, 01:19 PM
How is everyone Souraya? Getting settled in time for a cold Bavarian winter? Sure would like to see some pictures of our ol' buddy the Drakester. Has he tried on any Lederhosen yet? I bet he would look oh-so-handsome ;) Or maybe a jaunty Tyrolian hat (pronounced "hoot"). Seriously, we all miss hearing from and wish all the best for you, Andrew and the Draker. Post when you can.

11-14-2003, 01:32 PM
I agree, Laurie!!!! I miss Drake (and of course, Souraya) too!!! :D

Hope you'll check in soon, Souraya!!! :)

11-15-2003, 04:27 PM

I appologize for my absence. I have been in a rut and having a hard time getting out of it. We moved into our apartment on Friday, October 31st. Our furniture and other household goods were to be delivered on that same day. The delivery truck arrived, however, they were delivering the wrong stuff. It was our stuff alright, but not the furniture and household goods. They shipped our permanent storage items (stuff we wanted left in America)!!

Needless to say, I lost my mind. Not sure I have found it yet. Our first night in our beautiful apartment was spend in misery and on an inflatable air matress!! We had to go out the next day and purchase a pot, pan, some dishes, you know, minimal things for us to survive on. We purchased a bed to sleep on. This is be our guest bed once our own arrives. We were planning on buying one anyway. We also got a loveseat to sit on. It will go in my office eventually. Oh, did I also mention that all of our winter clothes were with our shipment that didn't get here? It is so cold here. We had to go and buy some winter clothes to hold us up until our stuff gets here. They expedited our shipment. So instead of the normal 10-12 months it takes for the stuff to arrive, ours will take ONLY 4 weeks!:rolleyes: They refused to air freight it!

In addition to all that, I had such a hard time getting my allergy shot on time. I am allergic to Drake and have to take shots. The clinic on post refused to give me the shot without the proper testing (which I had already had in the past). My chart has that I have been taking the shot everymonth for almost the past 3 years!! It took huge puffy eyes and a rash all over my body and a visit to the emergency room until they finally gave me that dang thing!!

On the brighter side, Andrew's deployment has been postponed till the end of January. We are both very thankful for the extra time. I haven't started working yet. I am having to have all this security clearance stuff before they will let me set foot in the office. That has me down as well.

Our DSL finally got activated today! It took them forever to get it connected. Same thing with our phone. I feel much better now that I am connected to the world again.

The truck arrived last week and we are glad to have something familiar to us again. We are both just anxious to get settled in and have our OWN stuff. We had been on temporary duty for a few months in AZ. Seperated from our things and living in furnished apartments and suitcases. We are still in that boat and it has gotten pretty old.

I appologive for the complaints in my post. Draker is doing great. He loves it here. He loves it anywhere. He is a happy go lucky kid! He is always there to give me kisses and furry hugs and comfort me in my times of need. What would I do without him.

Here are a few pictures of Draker at the park near our house.

Drake sniffing a doggy buddy's butt!

Drake checking out the ducks in the distance.

Drake and Andrew near the pond.

11-15-2003, 04:38 PM
Oh wow Drake is beautiful. Does he have wolf in him?

He looks really similar to a shepherd/malamute mix I saw once, but he also looks so wolfish.

11-15-2003, 05:27 PM
I have been wondering where you have been! We have missed you!:(

Drake is so handsome! I can't wait until we get to see some more pictures of him. [hint, hint]
:p :D

11-15-2003, 05:42 PM
K9soul, Yes, Drake is a wolf hybrid.

11-15-2003, 05:45 PM
I just love him. Thanks for sharing your pictures :)

11-15-2003, 07:55 PM
Great to hear from you, Souraya.

The good news is things can only go up from here, right? I hope your luck turns for the better and you and Andrew can get settled in.

So nice to see pics of the Drake man again.

11-15-2003, 08:07 PM
Good to hear from you & Drake, Souraya!! Hope your settling in gets easier from here.

Gorgeous pics of Drake!! We miss seeing him!! :)

11-15-2003, 08:14 PM
Hi Souraya! I was just thinking about you,Andrew and Drake! What great timing! So sorry that all your stuff was screwed up! That stinks. But at least it's coming eventually. Thankfully you have Drake to console you, esp; when you're so far from home. And, he's as handsome and regal as ever! I always get the urge to bury my head in his neck! It's so amazing how we love our pets so much, we'll suffer through allergies! Hopefully you can get your shots on time from now on. Good luck with the job. And how super that you get to spend more time with Andrew. You guys are always in my thoughts....Stay well...{hugs} to all of you!

11-16-2003, 08:34 AM
It's so great to hear from you (complain all you want as long as there is a few pics of Draker attached;))!

I'm sorry things have been so hectic for you both. And I can't belive all you had to go through to get your shot:eek: I do hope you are feeling better now though:) Like Aly said, it can only go up from here, right?!

Aspen and Misty
11-16-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
K9soul, Yes, Drake is a wolf hybrid.

And the cutest one might I add!! Sorry to hear about your troubles, I do have to say though, one day you will look back on this and laugh about the time you soent 4 weeks with nothing.

Loved the pictures!


11-16-2003, 09:16 AM
Drake is beautiful! I think this is the first I've seen of him for some reason. And the background where you were is beautiful! Glad you got your allergy shots straightened out.

11-16-2003, 10:15 AM
Souraya, what a mess!
Talk about a BIG MIX UP!! :(

Glad you got your DSL activated, now
you can start posting again.
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of
Drake and Andrew. I hope
everything goes smoothly from hear on.

11-16-2003, 10:42 AM
Laurie, thanks for starting this thread!

Souraya, I am so sorry that your life has been "on hold" for so long. It does get very old. I do have to agree, that in the years to come, you will wonder how you ever made it - and will laugh about having one pot, one pan, one dish. Did you have to share?

The photos of Andrew and Drake are so beautiful - the background/park is amazing and so peaceful looking.

I am sorry that your allergies had to be completely out of control before they would help you. Hopefully you have your medications now when you need them.

I am sure I join everyone here in wishing you a happy life as soon as you can settle down and get it somewhat organized.

Thanks for the pictures and it is always good to hear from you.

11-16-2003, 03:34 PM
Thank you for your posts, everyone.

We just had dinner at our next door neighbors. They are such a lovely couple and they both speak perfect English (born and raised in England).

The weather has been dreary all day long. But we took Drake out to a Nature park about 10 km away. It was misting, but none of us seemed to mind. Drake was running around and romping in the soggy leaves. He was having a blast and we were just equally thrilled to watch him. I had my camera, but forgot it in the car. I will get more the next time. We just found this place today but intend on going at least once a week!

My allergies are finally under control. But the Army is definetly on my poo poo list! It was a very horrible experience. Not sure why they thought I would be taking the shot if I didn't need it. And for three years!

I am glad to be online again and hope to be posting more. I feel like a newbie! So many new members and pets!!

11-16-2003, 03:37 PM
I am so glad that you are back to stay. I don't even remember hearing that you were going to move. I just was noticing that you hadn't been around. I miss seeing Drake pictures {{hint, hint}} Don't feel like a newbie, we remember you! Yes, there are a lot of new members, but soon enough, they will know you.;)

11-16-2003, 04:03 PM
Welcome back, Souraya! :) I'm afraid I'm one of those dreaded newbies....lol, sort of. My name is Brooke, I'm owned by a yellow Lab named Moose....there, now we've met. lol

Youre Drake is one beautiful boy, more pictures? hehe ;)

11-16-2003, 04:43 PM
Welcome back!!!!

Sorry you are having such a hard time of it. I cannot believe that they would not air freight your stuff when it WAS THEIR FAULT!!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr ........... at least you have Drake and Andrew to keep you warm .... :)

Thanks for keeping in touch!

11-18-2003, 03:26 PM
Souraya it is great to find you back posting, and to see pictures of gorgeous Drake again!:)
Sorry to hear about all the problems you`ve been having, here`s hoping everything goes well from now on in.

11-18-2003, 05:51 PM
What a terrible ordeal, don't feel bad about complaining. I hope things get more settled for you soon. The pictures look beautiful. How is your German? Glad your neighbors speak English too! :) :)

Aspen and Misty
11-18-2003, 05:52 PM
How old is Drake? I always forget :rolleyes:

He is so absolutly adorable!!!


11-20-2003, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I am glad to be online again and hope to be posting more.
And we're equally glad to have you back, now post away!

11-20-2003, 08:12 AM
Wow...so sorry you have been having a run of bad luck. I hope it all turns around soon and you guys get settled in. Hopefully one day you and Andrew will look back and laugh at all this. I don't think I have ever seen pics of Drake before...WOW...what a beautiful dog you have! It looks so pretty where you guys are. I don't think I got to talk to you much in the past, but I do remember when you moved and thinking that it sounded so exciting. Even though you are having the bad luck right now, it all still sounds very exciting to me to be in a new place and experience new things. Except the part about Andrew being deployed! My name is Robin and Katie is my 7 month old Akita and we are wishing you all the best and want to see lots more pics of Drake!!

Robin :)