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View Full Version : Just testing the new camera....what do you think?

11-11-2003, 05:09 PM
My parents just bought a new digital camera about a week ago and my mom can't decide if she likes it her not. I offered to post some of her pictures here and get some "professional" ;) opinions on the picture quality. Plus, she would love it if some of you "housey" people could give her any extra decorating ideas. lol. :D

All the pictures were pretty big though.....so when I shrank them down, the pictures got a little less "smooth" so-to-speak.

The main hallway in the basement....pretty bare. :)

A view of the family room from the balcony. [I love the angle]

A close-up of the new granite countertops in the kitchen....my parents just redid the kitchen and love it. hehe

The kitchen....[this one got pretty bad after it was resized]

My car....I don't know why she took this picture, lol.

My car again.....

That's all I'm going to bore you with right now.....sorry guys, I know....I'm a terrible person. lol. I get pictures up and they aren't even of Moose. ;) Just let me know if you think the camera is a keeper. ;) :D

11-11-2003, 05:12 PM
Nice house! :eek:
I like your car....hehe. I think the camera's a keeper! :)

11-11-2003, 05:12 PM
Great pics, BUT we want MOOSEY pictures!! hehe :D

11-11-2003, 05:14 PM
Excellent quality with fine detail. What camera brand and model?

11-11-2003, 05:15 PM
I know, I know....Moosey pics are *hopefully* on the way. I have to get my parents to either buy me a digital camera, bring theirs to my house, or I have to go all the way down there. Unfortunately, I won't be making that horrendous drive down to their place until Thanksgiving....and I highly doubt I'll get any presents from them before Christmas. lol. Until then, I'll have to keep pestering them. ;)

11-11-2003, 05:16 PM
I want to say the camera in a Kodak......I'm not sure what model, though. I'll have to check on that.

11-11-2003, 05:16 PM
The quality of the pictures is amazing! It even got the detail in the counter. KEEP IT! Also, I would like to know what kind it is, as well. I just have a cheap one right now and next year will be saving up to get the one I truly want. It's going to have infra red on it, as well :)

11-11-2003, 05:19 PM
Nice pics!:D
We just got a new digital camera a few days ago, and I took so many pics for no reason at all. The good thing is that you could always delete them after;)

11-11-2003, 05:25 PM
Great pics! The camera is a keeper!

11-11-2003, 05:49 PM
Another thing, tell them not to worry about getting a card reader, just use the usb cable for the camera. Both my brothers and I have had problems with the card reader going bad. I've only had mine 3 months. Of course, it could be the Windows XP that we have. Oh, and invest
in rechargeable batteries! I have saved tons of money with mine.

11-11-2003, 07:12 PM
The pics don't work for me. :(

11-11-2003, 07:15 PM
I can't see them either:(

11-11-2003, 07:24 PM
Well, I DID see them earlier.:(

11-11-2003, 07:48 PM
I think it's because the images are hosted at angelfire. Angelfire doesn't allow direct linking.

11-11-2003, 08:20 PM
I can't see them either. Shucks!

11-11-2003, 08:36 PM
Eesh.....I hate the internet. :p

I'm too lazy to re-upload them right now, but does anyone know of any other picture uploaders [other than Imagestation.....I'm pretty fed up with that right now]? Possibly any uploaders that won't ruin the quality of the picture?

11-11-2003, 08:44 PM
You don't need to upload the original test pictures again.
take some pictures of MOOSE and upload those!

11-11-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
You don't need to upload the original test pictures again.

NOOOOOOOO! She DOES need to upload the test pics, because I didn't get to see them!!!! Curiosity is killing me! I was to see those pics. :(

11-11-2003, 09:02 PM
If you don't get caught, you can upload pics on angelfire and rename them to blah.txt or blah.png...both work when you cross post.

11-11-2003, 09:04 PM
I saw them earlier... what kinda cam is it?

11-11-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
You don't need to upload the original test pictures again.
take some pictures of MOOSE and upload those!

I agree. I would like to see the ealier pics. However, Moose pics would be better.:D IMHO

11-11-2003, 09:52 PM
I'll edit the post later and upload the pictures to a different server. It turns out Angelfire caught me in the act and deleted my user account. :o lol. Oh well.....don't worry Popcornbird, I'll fix them for you. ;)

I'm working on getting some pictures of Moose, guys.....but like I've said, I still don't have a digital camera and my parents have yet to buy me one. ;) :p I'm hoping to get one of my own soon, or at least get down to my parents' house so I can use theirs [Thanksgiving, maybe?]. Until then, you'll just have to wait. :D

Kay, I'm pretty sure it is a Kodak......but I don't know what model yet. I e-mailed my mom earlier for some info on it, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. :(