View Full Version : Ticks!! GRRR!

11-08-2003, 05:33 PM
Both Bella and Ripley have been on Frontline for months and months now. Thankfully they also have both had the Lyme vaccine although for Bella it came after actually having contracted Lymes. :( My question is this. I just found a tick on Bella and it was larger than its normal size - somewhat engorged. :mad: Aren't ticks supposed to die IMMEDIATELY when they bite a dog who is protected with Frontline? I just hate ticks! :mad:

11-08-2003, 06:16 PM
Ugh, I totally feel for you!! The other night Malone came in and had a dark spot right above his eye. I thought it was a seed or piece of pollen. Nope! It was a tick, and it crawled right onto my hand. AACK! I put it in a plastic bag and froze it to make sure it would die. :o (It was not embedded yet)

As far as frontline goes, I believe it kills fleas right away, and ticks within 24 hours. That's my understanding anyway.

11-08-2003, 06:50 PM
Its supposed to kill the ticks within 24hrs i heard. we're having a terrible tick season where i am. we live in the woods and when i bring Lou Dog in, i'll look over at him and since his head is mostly all white you can just see the ticks crawling all over him. i took over 30 off him last night, and im sure i missed some. Hes been on frontline for months too. I HATE TICKS!!!

11-08-2003, 10:20 PM
I use Frontline also.
I hope it kills ticks, or I am switching to

Poor Bella! BAD TICK!!!

11-09-2003, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by CJ7Boomer
since his head is mostly all white you can just see the ticks crawling all over him. i took over 30 off him last night, TICKS

Gosh I would have fainted! When you live in "tick country" which I guess a lot of places are, it is helpful to have a white dog, isn't it? Unfortunately they could hide quite nicely on Ripley. :eek: If it does take 24 hrs. for a tick to die I am just hoping that the Lyme vaccine kicks in and covers them for that period. :(
KYS, I think Advantage is only supposed to kill fleas.

11-09-2003, 10:24 AM
posted by Pam:Gosh I would have fainted! When you live in "tick country" which I guess a lot of places are, it is helpful to have a white dog, isn't it? KYS, I think Advantage is only supposed to kill fleas.>>>>>>>

Yep! that is the only reason why I am using
Frontline instead of Advantage.
I would have fainted too, with
30 ticks! :(
I remember the first time I saw a tick on our dogs,
I was 18 years old.
(Family camping trip.)
My sister freaked out, after getting off the phone
with the vet and being told, she would have
to remove them herself.
That was our first experience removing those creepy
looking ticks.

11-09-2003, 01:05 PM
i took over 30 off him last night

*does faint!*

OMG, I've never even SEEN 30 ticks in my whole life ... and I own a grooming shop! I would have LOST it!!!!