View Full Version : What is your doggie's main job?

11-07-2003, 08:07 PM
What is your doggie's main job. I have 6 dogs nad they all have a main job. Or 2. Or 3. It deppends on the dog. So, share with us what your doggie's job is.

11-07-2003, 08:10 PM
Kaedyn: To protect the house from cats and squirrels :rolleyes:

Kai: To be a big brat and goof ball..and to make everyone laugh.

11-07-2003, 08:12 PM
Tikeya is ment to be my best friend,

oscar is ment to be the alarm,

Baby is ment to be a well, baby..

11-07-2003, 08:13 PM
Merlin to hold down the couch or my bed. Lady gaurd the yard and lick any one who dares enter.

11-07-2003, 08:15 PM
Harley, what is your main job: Watchdog, haven't you noticed that nothing has been stolen?

Hallie, what is your main job? Herding sheep and taking care of you.

Cleo what is your main job? Eating of course. Can't you see how pudgy my belly is?

Ginger what is your main job? Playing with tennis balls, being cute, begging

Heidi, what is your main job? Getting into trouble. Don't you remember telling me that *trouble* is my middle name?

Sugar, what is your main job? Oh well let's see here... 6 times 7 equals 42. 42? Sugar I didn't ask you that. You didn't? NO. Well then let me start over. My main job is... Yes,yes? My main job is 62! :confused: :confused: :confused: That's Sugar for ya.

11-07-2003, 08:17 PM
Teddy: To pee on every spot that every animal has ever came near on the planet Earth.

Roxy: To love and protect Jaden.

Secondary job; to nudge my right elbow enough times that I finally give up on the mouse and computer once and for all.

Dusty: To show the world the true meaning of estatic.

11-07-2003, 08:21 PM
To patrol the yard and make sure no small animal or bird steps onto her property.

11-07-2003, 09:24 PM
to be a spoiled rotten little baby! and to watch out for unwanted guests! ;) :p

11-08-2003, 07:44 AM
Angus's job~
To lay around and be pampered!

Roxey's job~
To make sure that noone gets near her treat ball:rolleyes:
And I forgot to add....she's also my 6:30 alarm clock!

Huney's job~
She's our little guard dog:)

Rio and Me
11-08-2003, 04:49 PM
Rios is to keep mums evil pest away from anything im near!!
Rio suspects shes and alien sent to destroyed everything she touchs)(shes very clumsy)
and to eat everything she can!

11-08-2003, 11:40 PM
Klo's most important job is to fill my heart with new love (tho not to replace Cody in my heart) So far it's a job well done!

11-09-2003, 12:10 AM
Keito's job: to be alpha dog and keep the pack in line

Queenie's job: to sit in the middle of the room and bite any other dog that comes within striking distance

Lacie's job: to be a deaf speedbump by sleeping in the middle of the hallway

Vanilla's job: to bark at all the other dogs endlessly, and to shove toys in my hand all day

Pepper's job: to bite everyone's shoes

Wishbone's job: to be the consumate martyr, sigh, and act put upon

Georgie's job: to try to learn his name

Jack's job: to remind Georgie that his real job is to be Jack's chew toy and pet

Basil's job: to bark constantly at any noise, real or imagined, within a twelve mile radius, and to shove toys in my hand all day

Lucky's job: to do calculus, write the shopping list, win Jeopardy, and finish the latest book on quantum physics before tomorrow's Mensa meeting

11-09-2003, 12:54 AM
Emily's job: To be the princess, ruling her kingdom with an iron bark, wrapping her mom around her dainty little paw, and doing it all while looking pretty.

Clipse's job: To be the court jester, the goofball, the constant source of entertainment in my life, and everybody's friend.

11-09-2003, 01:11 AM
Smokey's job: sleep and mark any missed corners in the house
Reggie's job: Bark..bark...bark again....then a few more barks, throw in a few growls...
Nebo's job: Get everyone to throw a toy for him at least 5 times per day!

11-09-2003, 07:34 AM
Buddy's jobs - To make sure NO ONE comes into our yard (invited or not invited) and to try to convince me that an 85lb dog is NOT to big to be lap dog, and to make sure that I NEVER sleep past 7:30!:rolleyes: But his #1 job is to protect his mommy!!:D

Sierra's jobs - To nip the butts of those Buddy lets into our yard:o To be a princess, to find out if it's really true that you CAN did to China, to not want to come in when I'm ready for bed or it's time to leave for work, and to be a cuddle bug.

11-09-2003, 08:43 AM
I really enjoyed these, this is a great thread!

11-09-2003, 01:29 PM
Jean Paul is pet extraodinaire! He's a yard guard who keeps us safe from nutty squirrels. He's also my constant companion, my walking buddy, my happy, enthusiastic, playful pal.

11-09-2003, 01:31 PM
Simba : My Neverending Box of Tissues
Nala : To keep me going ... and going

11-09-2003, 01:39 PM
Leather -- to protect her family and home. Nothing comes before!
Timber -- to try and get as much attention as possible. Even by acting like an idiot.

11-09-2003, 04:20 PM
posted by wolf_Q: Smokey's job: sleep and mark any missed corners in the house>>>>>>

I bet that is one job, you could do with out. lol

Sheba and Rocky's job are to
give me lots of love, guard the house, the yard.

Rocky has a second job, of being the big goofy clown
and always making me laugh.

(rocky and Pepper can guard the trees for hours
making sure the squirrels don't come down.)

11-09-2003, 04:50 PM
Darlin's job:
To bark at strangers, the neighbor's dog, my feet, the family, spoons, forks, food, bowls, bows, brushes...am I making myself clear? :p;)
Ozzy's job:
Agility dog, to herd Darlin out of trouble, to be my best friend.

11-09-2003, 04:59 PM
Smokey's job: sleep and mark any missed corners in the house

ooooooo, bummer. :(

I forgot about that. That would be a team effort by Wishbone, Basil, Georgie and Jack. Competitive Urination. Team event in the 2004 Olympic Games. I'm clearing a spot for the gold medal now. :rolleyes:

11-09-2003, 08:43 PM
Katie's job:

To give me lots of love and sloppy kisses,
To be our constant entertainer and make us laugh
To be completely spoiled.

Katie is very good at her job!!

Oh...I forgot. Lately she seems to be taking on the job of guard dog.


11-09-2003, 09:12 PM
Ripley's job is to keep my lap warm. :)
Bella's job is to remind me I need my exercise and should be outside throwing the ball for her 24/7 by bringing me balls all day long. :)

Aspen and Misty
11-09-2003, 09:30 PM
Nova: To keep the couch safe from Kitty intruders

Breeze: To cuddle (later in life will be to be someone's ears or hands)


Linda York
11-10-2003, 09:58 AM
:) Besides filling my life with love and happiness:
Oskars main job: I think would be praciting to win the world's "napping contest" I am sure if there were one..... he'd win!
Mac's is main job: he is our "protector". Even at 10 lbs., he never tiers from being on guard and protecting us from what ever.... bees, birds, squirels, doorbells.... :eek:
Mr.T: Being the baby, his job is to make sure that there is not a toy in the house that has any legs or arms or stuffing left in it.
They are all very good at their jobs! Especially loving me and filling my days with joy. :D

This IS a great thread and I enjoyed it too!

11-10-2003, 10:44 AM
shadow: to make sure games dont get to rough, and a gaurd dog

happy:to help out with everything and to never let me o anywhere without her, and she is an athlete

Misty:Athlete, no really happy and shadow are the only dogs we got for a "pet" the rest are athletes.

Perky:dancer, make sure that happy knows who is alpha:rolleyes:

Ripley:Athlete, and a "keep me warm in the winter"

Blair:Athlete, and to pull everything off the coffee table and shred it. oh and shred everything her can somehow get his little paws on.

11-10-2003, 10:46 AM
just to continue giving unconditional love.

11-10-2003, 11:00 AM
Lefty has a few jobs:

*discover and catalog all of the neighborhood smells
*warn off passing trucks with his big throaty bark
*keep himself in shape with lots of stretching routines
*rout out those troublesome squeakers in his toys
*get our lazy bodies out of bed on weekend mornings
*make sure we didn't accidentally throw away something important in the trash
*lower our blood pressure and elevate our moods with his goofy antics and warm, solid form

My Peanuts
11-10-2003, 02:45 PM
Sylvia and Harley's job is to be a hot water bottle in bed with me to keep me warm on long winter nights!;)

Kona & Oreo's mom
11-10-2003, 02:56 PM
Oreo's job is to make sure no one gets lonely. :D

11-10-2003, 03:40 PM
LOUD Louie's 1st job, as he sees it, is to be The Informer... "Mama, Mama, a leaf fell outside!" "Mama, Mama, Bonzo Bean is on the kitchen counter!" "Mama, Mama, the Fed Ex people are here!!"

His second job: "Throw the Ball! Throw the Ball! Throw the Ball! I MUST get the yellow fuzzy ball!"

Miss Meow
11-10-2003, 04:06 PM
Say HELLOOOOO you're home! when we come home
Say HELLOOOOOO come play with us!
Say HELLOOOOOO we're gonna chase those kitty cats!
