View Full Version : Hairless cats

11-07-2003, 03:46 PM
Who here has hairless cats? I think they are very pretty and look very interesting. Does anyone have pics of their sphynx? I'd love to get one, but I've never seen any in shelters before...:(

Thanks! :)

11-07-2003, 03:52 PM
MooShoo had his pic on here yesterday .... Oh Moo? <calling> ;)

Here's the link to the thread, although Imagestation appears to be down right now ... MooShoo Pics and more (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37354)

11-07-2003, 03:52 PM
Paging Mr Moo and MoosMum ....

11-07-2003, 03:59 PM
MooShoo, oh MooShoo, where are you????

11-07-2003, 06:14 PM
Aww, he's adorable. :) Anyone else have any naked kitties?

Donna, can you tell me all about Moo? :) I'm really interested in getting a hairless kitty...If I saw one at a shelter, I'd jump at the chance. Unfortunatly we don't have any breeders around here and I'm still not obsessed enough to want to pay hundreds of dollars in advance when there are so many more cats in shelters that are just as good. :o I'd rather rescue one...Even though I don't think it's likely lol. I think they look neat, but I'd like to know what their temperment is like.

My grandma would flip if she saw a hairless cat lol. I can see her now, "What on earth is THAT?!" :D