View Full Version : Hello >^..^<

11-06-2003, 09:17 PM
You joined in July, but have never posted.

How about telling us about your cats.

(Not exactly sure how to pronounce your name.:)

11-06-2003, 11:01 PM
Guess I can no longer lurk - :eek:

Have enjoyed reading about all the exploits, trials and tribulations - but never seem to have enough time to contribute - maybe a good New Year's resolution?

I first discovered this site when one of my cats became very ill and I was searching all over for info about IBD. Good news/good news - my cat is back in excellent health, and I discovered a great forum to boot!

I'm still trying to figure out how to attach my jpgs, so pics will have to come later - but I'm the proud servant of 4 fine female felines - all rescues. My poor husband remains the sole male in the household ....

We all live in Toronto Canada, where we're gearing up for the cold winter months - all kitties are currently retired against the heat registers (until we warm the bed up for them):rolleyes:

Any advice on attaching my pics would be appreciated - I know you like to see pics!!!

Thanks for the welcome Freckles

And my name is pronounced, "Lynn" ;)

11-06-2003, 11:09 PM
Welcome Lynn!

After you type a post, there is an option at the bottom to attach a file. Just push the browse button to find the pic on your HD. Let me know if I should give you more detailed instructions :) Can't wait for the pics!!!!!!

11-06-2003, 11:12 PM
I did attempt the browse button on my first post,

let's try it again.....

Can you see Jessie?

11-06-2003, 11:16 PM
First of all, Welcome to Pet Talk!

As for the kitty picture, Beautiful baby!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of her and your other kitties!!! :)

11-06-2003, 11:18 PM
Well, 2nd time's a charm!

Now I can blather on like a proud parent, with pics to boot!

Again, here's Jessie - our first rescued little girl at the age of 8 weeks - she's now the matriarch of the mansion at the tender age of 11 (hope she doesn't see this).

She's the only cat that I know that will not jump - the highest I've ever seen her leap is onto the bed, and even then it's after several attempts - although she makes it appear that she's just stretching up to see if the coast is clear!

Her nickname is Jessie-bean, cuz when she wanders into any room, the question always asked is "Where's our little Jessie been?" She also responds nicely to the name "TUUNNAA".

11-06-2003, 11:23 PM
Our second rescue was Indy - we adopted her from the Human Society when both she and Jessie were 5 months old -

She's been a great sister to Jessie for the past 11 years, and has been my permanent shadow - she is constantly by my side, under my feet, on my lap, hogging my side of the bed -

11-06-2003, 11:30 PM
Next came Sydney - born under a neighbour's porch 9 years ago.

She definitely has tortitude - and is daddy's little girl. From day one she has always looked to see if I'm watching her nuzzle up to dad, and purrs louder to get my attention if I'm not ....

Sydney became very ill during the summer of 2002 with what was eventually diagnosed at Inflammatory Bowel Disorder - she underwent 2 operations, a feeding tube and almost 2 months of constant vet care - but we like to think of it as her college tuition .... she's now healthy and happy and has hubby wrapped even tighter around her little paw :D

This picture was taken the day we brought her home from the vet for the final time

11-06-2003, 11:37 PM
And last but not least is our little miss Emily.

Found by the side of a busy industrial street at the tender age of 5 weeks, shortly after 9/11 - it was fate.

She is a constant joy and has the most personality of any cat I know - she talks all day long and is in constant motion, drools when content and eats like a horse.

I could go on and on, and I will - but some other time.


Thanks for indulging, and if you want pics, pics you shall have!

Lynn >^..^<

11-06-2003, 11:55 PM
Hi Lynne and welcome to Pet Talk! You'll just love it here, and I'm sure you already know of everyone's addiction to seeing pictures! We always want more, more, more!

The pictures of your babies are just breathtaking! I love closeups! I especially liked the picture of Indy. I couldn't believe how well the eyes matched the leaves and the grass! How cute! Rescued animals make the best pets, don't they? :) You can see my 3 kitty babies below in my signature and I also have 1 little doxie mix dog that is a recent addition.

Again, welcome aboard! :D


11-07-2003, 12:15 AM
Hi Lynn and Welcome! Your babies are beautiful and what marvelous pictures. I wish you could come take some pictures of my gang. Please, show more!

11-07-2003, 12:20 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lynn.:D All of your furkids are gorgeous. Do they all get along? I look forward to hearing more about them and hopefully seeing more pics of them too. I'm owned by 4 male cats which you can see in my signature. :)

11-07-2003, 12:26 AM
What lovely girls! Your Jessie reminds me of my Livvy. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing/hearing more of your furkids.

11-07-2003, 05:41 AM
Welcome to PT. Lynn! :) Glad Freckles enticed you to post.

Your cats are beautiful, I'm looking forward to hear more about them and see pics.

You'll soon get addicted. ;)

11-07-2003, 05:53 AM
Your cats are beautiful and the pictures are fantastic!
What kind of camera are you using?

11-07-2003, 05:53 AM
Hi Lynn, welcome to PT! :)

Your kitties are beauties, and you take excellent pictures! :) We're looking forward to see more of them! :)


11-07-2003, 07:01 AM
Hi Lynn and welcome to Pet Talk! I noticed your user "name" a while ago too and thought it was so clever. I am so happy that Freckles invited you to join us. We love pictures and it was so nice that you were able to give us a glimpse into your fur family. We look forward to hearing more about them. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-07-2003, 07:06 AM
WOW what fantastic pics! I can't believe you have held out on us for this long!!!

Looking forward to getting to know you are your beautiful cats better!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-07-2003, 09:33 AM
Welcome to PT! Your babies are beautiful!!! I'm so glad you figured out how to post pics of them. Looks like you have a wonderful kitty family and we'd love to hear all about them.

Thanks for taking the time to post, hope we see you here more often. :D

11-07-2003, 10:15 AM
Lynn, on top of having a unique nickname, you have wonderful photography skills too! It is a pleasure to "meet" you! We'll look forward to more conversation with you and your beautiful "kids" in the future!!! :)


11-07-2003, 11:34 AM
Welcome Lynn, I also noticed you around and wondered why you never posted.

You have gorgeous furkids. I love especially Emily's tortie-tabby-nosie:)

11-07-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by >^..^<
She's the only cat that I know that will not jump - the highest I've ever seen her leap is onto the bed, and even then it's after several attempts - although she makes it appear that she's just stretching up to see if the coast is clear!
My Mishi doesn't jump either - I think it's strange as he has such LONG legs. Of course it could be a good thing, seeing as he's HUGE and heavy and having 16 lbs. of cat jumping around could be hazardous to one's health. He may have been taught not to jump by his former owners.

and welcome *back* to PT! Your kitties are gorgeous - great pics! More please :)

11-07-2003, 12:16 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lynn!:D
I too was wondering who had the cute kitty face for a login name.
I am glad that Freckles got you to introduce yourself and your cats.
I think all of your cats are beautiful and you take really great photos too.:)
Give them all a hug from me, especially Indy, she is a real beauty!:D

11-07-2003, 12:26 PM
Well gosh, you sure know how to make a girl feel welcome!

Most of my shots are taken with the original Sony Cybershot - I've never felt the need to upgrade.

My three eldest are true compatriots - poor little Emily is the pesky little sister wanting to play and be centre stage.

Here are some of my favourite shots

My three couch potatoes

11-07-2003, 12:28 PM
And here's Sydney's usual reaction to Emily

11-07-2003, 12:29 PM
Emily's reaction to being the youngest, cutest and best

11-07-2003, 12:31 PM
And since they're all technically indoor cats, I grab my camera whenever we're outside together

11-07-2003, 12:36 PM
A typical day in the life of a young miss Emily

11-07-2003, 12:50 PM
Oh, my! Lynn, all your kitties are so beautiful!:) And what wonderful pictures!!:D I think my favourite has to be the one of happy Emily, who could resist that big smile!! Thanks for sharing them with us.:D

11-07-2003, 01:21 PM
Yay! You finally posted :) I've seen you online before and sent you a PM a few weeks ago hoping that you would post and tell us about your kitties, I'm not sure if you recived it or not. I love all the pictures, you have beautiful cats. And welcome to Pet Talk!

11-07-2003, 07:23 PM
Hi Lynn,

Welcome to PT.:)

My name is Bryan, and I am owed by 2 kitties, Bob and Joey.

Really happy you joined in the conversation. Don't worry, once you start this it becomes addicting and you'll make the time to come:eek::D:D I know that I really think my job is getting in the way of my time on PT.;) I also like you screen name that is cute.

I really like your photos, they all look good from a photgraphic point of view. Of course the kitties are all gorgeous and I really liked them.:D I think that my favorite was the one of Emily sleeping, that is just too cute for words.:D:D

Well, that about it. I expect to see more of the babies real soon.

PS - There is one other way to put the pics directly into the post and if you are interested, I or alot of other people here could tell you how to do it.

11-07-2003, 07:28 PM
Great pictures! Welcome to PT. :D

11-07-2003, 07:32 PM
Welcome to pet talk. Cute user name. ;) My kitties are seen in my sig. maybe you should "beg" one of our talented youngsters to make you a sig too. (they all love to do it). Then we can see those 4 beauties all the time.

Felicia's Mom
11-07-2003, 07:49 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Your kitties are beautiful. I am owned by 2 cats. Felicia and Beau, found in my signature.

Steffi N
11-07-2003, 08:55 PM
Lynn, what beautiful cats you have. Marvelous pictures, they really show your kitties' purrsonalities. I enjoyed clicking on the pictures to get a closer look. :)

11-08-2003, 10:20 AM
Welcome , Lynn from a Fellow Ontarion! And the Lost Cats say Meeow to you and your Cats! I have had some illness , as well , as John Hancock has only two teeth left! Welcome back to Pet Talk!

11-08-2003, 10:28 AM
FANTASTIC pictures, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, & ADORABLE kitties!! I too am fairly new but I don't think there is a better place to be! The fun, support, and all out cat understanding is just wonderful here!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Welcome and keep the pictures coming!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif