View Full Version : I need advice on melony (RAT)

Aspen and Misty
10-28-2003, 01:00 PM
Melony's coat has been slowly getting more coars and thing. She is, in my opnion, skinny. So, I 've deced to switch over to a home made food source as I've heard it's healthier. I was reading about Luckies food mix and it seems pretty good, and I think I will use it. My qeustion is, How do I switch them over? Do I need to do it gradually like a dog or can I just switch them? Also, can I feed them live crickets? We get them for Peaches and my dad wouldn't care if I used some. Will they hurt the rats? Of course I will be keeping the circkets in a 5 gallon tank in the rats cage. Is hamburger meat cooked ok to feed them?

Tonight is spoil ratties night. I'm buying yogies, raw hides, and there new food mix. I hope they enjoy it!


ps: Luckies- Does this food mix need to be frozen? Or can it be left in a container (with a lid) on the dresser??

Desert Arabian
10-28-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Melony's coat has been slowly getting more coars and thing.

My qeustion is, How do I switch them over? Do I need to do it gradually like a dog or can I just switch them? Also, can I feed them live crickets?

I don't mean to startle you or anything, but that is what happened to all my rats before they passed away. They lost a shocking amount of weight, and had sprase hair.

Yes, it is best to slowly switch them over like a dog & cat. It upset their tummies if you alter their diet suddenly.

I personally feed my ratties Subee's Mix, and oh my do they LOVE it!! So if you are looking for a good food that the ratties will DEVOUR try Subee's Mix. My rats eat it all up in seconds, they loooooooooooooove it!! :D :D The ingredients are cheap to buy, and the mix lasts for a long time! I have seven ratties, and the mix lasted me about 1 1/2 months.

Here is the link to Suebee's site and her recipies: Click Here (http://www.ratsrule.com/diet.html)


Aspen and Misty
10-28-2003, 04:10 PM
Thanx, Well Melony is about to hit the ripe old age of 3 :( My younger girls, Tundra and Book turn 2 tomrrow and Melony and Hope turn 3 on Januray 5th :( boy does time fly :(

Should I make her a vet apointment to get her checked out? I don't want my baby to be in pain or anything :( I'm not ready to loose her :(

Ashley :(

ps: I'll take a look at what you posted! Thanx

Desert Arabian
10-28-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Thanx, Well Melony is about to hit the ripe old age of 3 :( My younger girls, Tundra and Book turn 2 tomrrow and Melony and Hope turn 3 on Januray 5th :( boy does time fly :(

Should I make her a vet apointment to get her checked out? I don't want my baby to be in pain or anything :( I'm not ready to loose her :(

Ashley :(

ps: I'll take a look at what you posted! Thanx

:( I am sorry if I scared you or anything.

Conserning the vet appt: Have you noticed anything else odd about Melony? Like is she not drinking often? Has she slowed down a lot- noticeable, does she seem kind of cold to the touch or anything? If she does have other things going on besides the eating issue, I don't see the harm in making a vet appt just to be safe. I personally would, just to be safe. But of course that is up to you and your parents to decide. :) /:(

Aspen and Misty
10-28-2003, 05:25 PM
I talked to my dad and we are going to wait and keep a VERY close eye on her. I plan on checking on her alot more then I used to. Every 5 mins :p

I hope she is ok!


Desert Arabian
10-28-2003, 05:40 PM
Oh, ok! That's good! I am sure nothing is wrong with yer baby, it's just safe to be alert! :D

10-28-2003, 07:55 PM
Yep unfortuately 3 years is about the life span. Our hampster recently died and had some of those symptoms. I noticed a bump on her neck too. Cancer is a real possibility with rodents of all kinds. You best have you little one checked. I tried things like a food change too and she seemed some better for a while but ... Well you know the rest. I hope you find out that it's nothing and he's just bored with his diet. Good luck!

Aspen and Misty
10-28-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Nibbles
Yep unfortuately 3 years is about the life span. Our hampster recently died and had some of those symptoms. I noticed a bump on her neck too. Cancer is a real possibility with rodents of all kinds. You best have you little one checked. I tried things like a food change too and she seemed some better for a while but ... Well you know the rest. I hope you find out that it's nothing and he's just bored with his diet. Good luck!

Thanx for the incouragment! :rolleyes: :p

I checked her all over. I wetted her down and rubbed her all over. no un-usual bumps or anything. She is still active. She jumped from one landing onto me a coule of times yesterday. So she is still active.

She's not dieing! I won't beleave it ::covers head::


10-28-2003, 10:43 PM
Hey! I replied to your PM. Just to let you know, my mix is very similar to Subee's just with organic stuff, and a little different.....and my rats seem to do much better on it. You can visit my feeding page here:


AND........while your there check out the rest because it's a new site. Although I am still not finished.

As far as freezing, I usually just keep it in a plastic tub and it stays fresh for awhile. Anything extra I freeze, like bags of unused cereal, pasta etc.

As far as weight loss is concerned, I would be concerned. She is up there in age and I really think a vet visit would be best. She could have a lot of life left in her yet, but I would take her in just to be on the safe side. Sometimes there are illnesses that cannot be detected unless blood work is drawn etc.

Coarse fur comes with old age unfortunately. You can try giving her Nutrical and maybe some kitten food or KMR to add extra calories to her diet. If you want her fur to look better you can give her a little drop of Olive Oil on some bread and it should make her coat more shiney, although it will most likely stay thin.

10-29-2003, 12:58 PM
Glad to hear there aren't any bumps. Maybe she just has a ratty virus and will be back to her old self in a couple of days:)

10-29-2003, 06:11 PM
Chloe has benefitted a lot from a bit of cod liver oil a few times a week. She had NASTY mites when I got her and her coat is pretty bad...but she has improved dramatically.