View Full Version : Connor - Day 2

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-25-2003, 12:59 AM
It has been a very "interesting" weekend!

I still have Connor isolated in two rooms - bedroom and bathroom. I "swopped" them for a while - put Connor in the Kitchen (the laundry room next to the kitchen has Ally's bed and litter box), and gave Ally the run of the rest of the house (including the two rooms Connor has been in). She wandered around and sniffed, hissed a bit, and then walked out again! Connor spent a happy hour sitting on "Ally's" chair watching birdies out the window (I'm afraid his room doesn't have much of a view)

Later in the day, I wedged my kitchen door open a couple of inches (it's a glass sliding door), and placed one of them on each side of the door. Connor looked on with an amused expression whilst Ally swatted, hissed, growled, bared her teath and was generally VERY unladylike!

Last evening, Ally was sleeping on my bed next to me (she is alternating between sulking in the cupboard and being velcro-cat), and I told my son to let Connor out of his room to see what he would do. He wandered through the house, and eventually walked into the bedroom, straight past Ally to explore the bathroom. Ally opened her eyes and went NUTS - (I had left her harness on from her walk outside, so I had no problem controlling her). She didn't attack Connor - she attacked me! I have bites and scratches all over my arms (a couple of the bites drew blood, and I am all bruised too!)

SO now we are back to step 1 again. Connor in the "guest suite", Ally acting like a prima-donna. I rubbed them down with the towels again, hope this will help.

One other thing, Connor has ZERO reaction to ANYTHING that goes on - so I think we can safely assume he is deaf. This is causing a bit of a problem with Ally also, because he is so LOUD, and I think she is freaked out by the noise level in the house.

Any ideas??? Or does this sound normal - after all it HAS only been two days:rolleyes:

10-25-2003, 06:16 AM
Pretty much as normal as can be expected. ;) If Ally likes catnip, you may want to "drug" her with that. :D And keep in mind something I've alwys read: Pay MORE attention to your OLD cat. This does 2 things. #1)Gives Ally the sense of belonging that she has always enjoyed. and #2)Forces Connor to make friends with the CAT (vs. just relying on the humans for companionship). Keep you cooing of Connor to the times that you are alone, out of Ally's sight. Have fun.

10-25-2003, 06:23 AM
These things take time and as every introuction is different it is hard to tell how long it will take for things to calm down.

But things seem to be going OK for a two day introduction.

Give Ally loads of love and treats, just so she knows she is still the mistress of the house.

Thinking of you...All the best with introductions.

More photos would be great ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-25-2003, 06:50 AM
Thanks guys.

I have made sure that Ally doesn't see me with Connor at all. She has also been getting even MORE spoiled than usual (IF that's possible)...........sleeping in the bed with me is NOT usually allowed, but I am making a few exceptions!

Ally hasn't really bothered too much with catnip up till now. I bought her a cushion at a craft fair this weekend - it zips open so you can sprinkle catnip inside - and she ripped it to shreds, but once she had all the stuffing out of it, she seemed to lose interest. She also doesn't seem to get "goofy" like some other cats do when they have catnip.

I guess I will just take things slowly - better to spend more time on the intro's now, rather that deal with problems later!

10-25-2003, 09:12 AM
WOW! I don't envy you at all!!! This is the hard part! My cats pretty much except anything that comes along. I think they are just so used to it!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif I'm referring to the males when I say that. My girls are NASTY when it comes to anybody new! They are loaded with catatude!! The poor newbies usually get hissed at, growled at, and smacked around a bit before they seem to find their place. Two of my three girls still growl and smack anybody that gets in their space. Maggie Sue is my worst one! She is so loving to me, but boy oh boy, any kitty that gets within range is smacked! I've given up fussing at her for it because she is never going to stop. So everyone knows to stay out of paws reach of her. It just worked itself out in the end. They all got smacked enough to know she is a BAD kitty! Occasionally the two nasty girls meet up and have a knock down drag out fight. Fortunately it doesn't last too long and rank is somehow determined. If your guy is a very relaxed cat then this may be how it works out. He will get swatted enough to realize that he just needs to stay out of her space. They usually come to some kind of an agreement. It is tough to watch but no matter how much you intervene they still do it their way!!
I know it sounds awful, but really, my cats are happy and seem well adjusted. Maggie just growls alot and throws her weight around! They just give her what she wants and life is great!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Girls are just loaded with TUDE!
Don't worry, it will somehow work out in the end. Connor may get a few bumps and I hope nothing too serious. She just needs to make sure that Connor learns the ropes and HER rules and life will be great!!
Good luck and don't worry...a few months from now everything will be perfectly normal. As normal as life can be with cats!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

10-25-2003, 09:38 AM
I think that my friend Jen , as usual , has the right idea! And although you want to pet the New Cat , I always ignore them , until they have made friends with the Other Cats! As a matter of fact ,I would rather that they like the Others , and not me , as eventually they have to make thier peace with the resident Cats!

10-25-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
It has been a very "interesting" weekend!

One other thing, Connor has ZERO reaction to ANYTHING that goes on - so I think we can safely assume he is deaf. This is causing a bit of a problem with Ally also, because he is so LOUD, and I think she is freaked out by the noise level in the house.

Any ideas??? Or does this sound normal - after all it HAS only been two days:rolleyes:

Connor may just be a very laid back cat. My Mishi is pretty much like Connor -- very loud meows and almost nothing bothers him, he just takes it all in stride. He actually has very good hearing; however it's that selective kind of hearing that ALL males have, even the human ones :rolleyes:

Give it time -- like you said, it has just been two days. It took my two almost two months to learn to tolerate each other. It's been a little over six months that I've had them now and they still just tolerate each other, although there are moments of cute kitty love.