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10-19-2003, 06:59 PM

FINALLY, the gates opened at 7 - and I'm very excited and Zack (my friend) kept teasing me that when the gates open, it's time to go home. I just punched him on the arm for saying that. I also met someone off AllGarth.com forums, and he was pretty cool. He had this awesome camera, really expensive one, and it was a Canon, and it had POWERFUL lens, he showed me how it worked and I was amazed. He told me that he will send me a CD of the pics, and I can't wait to see how they turned out. Anyway, the doors opened, and I went STRAIGHT to the CMT's Merchandising table, and got in line to get a meet and greet for Chris, and guess what?! I GOT ONE! I was so excited and I just told Zack that this was gonna be awesome, and he waited with me in line before I went in, and he kept asking me if I was gonna be okay when he goes back to sit down when I go in, and I told him that I'll be fine, and I know where we are going to be at, and he kept asking me if I was sure. :) He was too sweet about it. So, I talked to two women, who came all the way from Pittsburgh to see Chris! They were really nice, and I also talked to a guy and he had a Cagle Jersey on and I told him I liked that shirt, haha and he told me he was gonna have Chris sign it. Finally, we went into a room, and we all lined up around the room, and CHRIS WALKED IN and my face was like, AHHH!! I was really excited, but nervous, and I kept thinking what to say. This girl was probably six or seven years old, and she had a gift for Chris, and Chris asked her if he could open it in front of everyone, and she said "sure", but she was really shy.. it was cute. The gift was a little posterboard that had a puppy o it and it said "CHICKS DIG HIM" and Chris was so flattered and he hugged her and showed it off to us in the room. He asked her if he could have her autograph and she signed the board for him, and that was probably the sweetest thing I've seen.Then it was my turn, and I walked up to him, and I smiled and told him my name was Rachel and we shook hands and Chris just smile and he totally had my attention, he just reallly.. LISTENED. I told him I was hearing impaired, and that I had a cochlear implant and I got my hearing back few years ago, and Chris nodded, and he started to finger spell "Hi" and I was SHOCKED! I mean, SHOCKED! Chris laughed and I told him that was so cool that he did that! I also remembered to tell him that I loved Garth Brooks' music, and I asked him if he was a fan, and he said "yes", and I said that was awesome. I told him that I thought it was so awesome he did Garth's song, Friends in Low Places, and I gave him a thumbs up, and Chris got teary eyed, and he said "Awwww, thank YOU!" and he hugged me.. I was so glad. Then, before he signed my CD booklet, he asked me to make he had my name right, and it was Rachel, and I told him, that was it. And he told me to spell out my name, and after I did that, he paused, and looked at me and thought for a second, and then finger spelled out each letter "R A C H E L" and I smiled and told him that was right, and he smiled, then wrote it on the booklet. Then we had our picture taken! I told him thanks so much and he thanked me too, and I also said, have an AWESOME time, and he thanked me again, then I walked out of the room, and I was like, OMG! I'm so gonna meet him again whenever he comes around.. since I have two more opportunities. I totally LOVE Chris, and he is probably the SWEETEST person I've met.. now I can say I've met Kenny Chesney and Chris Cagle, haha!

Aspen and Misty
10-19-2003, 07:02 PM
LUCKY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash :D

4 Dog Mother
10-19-2003, 07:06 PM
Congratulations!! It sounded like you had a great night at the concert!

10-19-2003, 07:19 PM
How fantastic for you!!!!!!

I am so glad you got to meet him, and that he was so nice!!! Great pic!

10-19-2003, 07:19 PM
He sounds like a nice guy. I'm glad you had a good time and got to meet him. I say, "Good for him for knowing sign language."

10-19-2003, 07:45 PM
Who is he?? Chris, who?:confused:

10-19-2003, 07:55 PM
Chris Cagle is a country music artist.

10-19-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Who is he?? Chris, who?:confused:

I thought the same thing. :p

10-19-2003, 08:34 PM
That's an awesome pic, Rachel, and it sounds like you had high-flying time. I am so jealous!! :p ;)

10-19-2003, 10:26 PM
Wow Rachel, sounds like you had a great time! What a nice guy! :)

10-19-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07

:eek: :eek: :eek:
You SUUUCK!!!!!!
Kenny Chensey too???? OMG-you freaking....UGH I'm not talking to you anymore..


Ally Cat's Mommy
10-20-2003, 12:58 AM
Hey Rachel,

Looks like you had a great time at the concert! To be honest I have never heard of him........ but IMHO I think it's great that you got to meet someone who you obviously like and admire very much, and he turned out to be a REALLY nice guy! (One of our South African Cricketers, Fanie De Villiers, has a daughter who is hearing impaired, and she had a successful cochlear implant operation). Now he does lots of great fund-raising work to pay for the op for kids who can't afford it.

10-20-2003, 05:44 AM
Aw, Rachel, although I, too, do not know of Chris Cagle, I loved reading all about your meeting him and the happiness it gave you. And what a nice guy he is too. :D Wonderful!!

10-20-2003, 08:42 AM
CONGRATS! Sounds like an all around awesome night. :D

(Chris is so cute! :D )