View Full Version : update on my buns!!

10-15-2003, 11:52 AM
hey! just to refresh your memories lol I adopted my bonded buns, Oliver & Pidge (they were Floppy D & Appaloosa [a.k.a. loosey]) about 3 and a half months ago. We had a really rough start at first.. I moved out for the summer and they werent allowed in the house at my friend's place, so, to make a long story short, they were basically stuck in a cage for about 3 months without being able to run around. They did get out in their x-pen (which is huge) but it wasnt often enough. So then I moved back home (which I hadnt planned on, but thats a whole other story..) and my mom didnt want bunnies- period. But Id rather live in my car than give up a fur kid. I adopted them, they are my responsibility for life. All kinds of crap that I wasnt expecting happened these last 3 months, and I wasnt going to let my rabbits suffer because of it. So we had to compromise..

My dad and I built a pretty good sized cage for them that stays in the garage. The buns are allowed free run of my bedroom whenever I am home. The rest of the time they have to stay in their cage. The other thing is, I have to keep their cage/my room clean (from poo/smelly litter/hay/whatever) and.. I have to have a plastic sheet on my carpet just in case. (:p) But hey, as long as they are allowed to run around in the house, and they arent stuck outside (where its not only cold, its unsafe) then thats fine with me!

So for about the past.. 3 weeks or so I think, theyve been perfect!! :D *yay!* They have not had one accident in my bedroom. And theyve even stayed in here all night 2 times.. And last night there was no plastic down either.. But no accidents!! They have even lessened their pill dropping too (THANKFULLY). They are definitely happier, healthier and less destructive in their cage (a.k.a. LESS BORED) now that they get out everyday.

And these past 3 months that they've been moved all around, because they never really got to be inside, Ive never been able to really form any kind of relationship with them, which has been hard/frustrating/depressing! for me. They often were aggressive toward me in their cage (which I was prepared for cause I know they are territorial), but NOW, they *never* charge or grunt at me when I mess about in their cage, they let me pet them, and Pidge (oliver is really shy) doesnt run anymore when I walk up to her when shes out in my room. So, thats very good news for me!! I have had bunnies in the past but I was young and they were outdoor bunnies that probably came in the house like, 5 times their whole lives. So I basically know nothing about this house bun stuff or forming relationships with buns, their body language, etc. Ive learned a lot these past few weeks! Oliver is still really shy, so Im just trying to slowly get him used to being petted, etc. I havent seen much change in him, but Im not expecting much, I understand some buns are just like that, and he has Pidge already for companionship- and I know they love each other! :) But I hope with time he will slowly become more used to me.

Because I have no digital cam anymore (‘twas stolen in san francisco.. at a build-a-bear store no less! :mad: ) I took some pictures with my regular camera of their first few times in my room. So when I get those developed Ill scan and post them. :)

10-15-2003, 01:04 PM
Great news! Hurry up and get the pictures developed ;) ;) I wanna see bun-bun pics.....

10-16-2003, 03:35 PM
What a happy update!! Oliver and Pidge are really getting the hang of well, hangin' out in the house!:D What good bunsters!:) Looking forward to seeing the pics!

Aspen and Misty
10-16-2003, 03:48 PM
Awww! Yay for your bun buns! I am so glad to hear this!!! We do, however, NEED pics!!


10-17-2003, 02:08 PM
lol only a few more pics left on the roll! Ill use them up this weekend when Im at the humane society where I volunteer! I help out in dog training classes, so I can get some CUTE puppy pics to share! hehe Im anxious to see how they turn out too! :)

10-17-2003, 02:13 PM
I've been waaaaiting for an update! :o
I know things didn't go as you planned but I'm so very glad with how things ended up. Yay for compramise! :D

*anxioiusly awaiting pictures!*

10-22-2003, 11:38 AM
If the buns are in the garage don't let your parents warm up their car while the buns are in there! This sounds dangerous to me...can't you move them to the basement?

10-22-2003, 11:57 AM
yeah I was really really afraid of that at first too, in fact I refused it in the beginning. but I dont really have any other option. thats the safest place I can put them. its either the garage or outdoors. my parents always open the door before starting their cars though, we frequently leave it open for ventilation, and we never let the cars sit in the garage while they are on. plus the buns are in the house most of the day. and unfortunately, we dont have a basement. :/ I could cover the sides of their cage with a blanket or something maybe? the side thats closest to the cars. do you think that would be a good idea? I know Ive always had that fear of fumes in the back of my mind, esp since I know they are very sensitive to respiratory problems. I don’t know what else to do though. Anyone else have any suggestions? This is only a temporary situation though, until Im able to move out. But hey, who knows when that will be.. :P