View Full Version : anti BSL poem

10-15-2003, 10:49 AM
i thought i would share this poem with everyone. very sad :( also posted in dog Breeds.


Come here, boy, I have something to say.
I have to send you to Rainbow Bridge today.
Even though you will never understand,
I need to explain why you must die, at my hand.

You see, the folks who are supposed to protect this land,
Have decided your breed is dangerous so you've been banned.
These lawmakers obviously haven't a clue,
Of the heartache and anguish they are putting us through.

We thought of everything thing, hashed and rehashed.
We've scanned all the options, our hopes have been dashed.
We could give you to rescue in hopes you'd find a home.
But those folks are over-burdened, you'd die all alone.

So we've chosen this way to stay on the right side of the law.
Even though we think it's wrong...here, give me your paw.
I want to stroke you and hold you and such,
And let you know that you'll be missed so much.

I remember when you came to us, a small ball of fur,
Thought I'd never get you housebroken, that was for sure.
But trained you became once and for all.
You loved all creatures, be they great or small.

I'll never forget your soft brown eyes and their pleading look,
That soulful expression stole my heart and with it, took
My love, my devotion, my reason for being
Now I must let you go, I feel my resolve fleeing.

Though you are healthy and happy, I know you won't bear a grudge
Against me even though I feel guilty at being your judge.
The time has come, here's your very best friend, the vet,
You've done nothing wrong, don't let my tears make you fret.

And forgive me please for ending your life this way,
I guess I've said all that I had to say.
Go to sleep now, precious boy, go quietly to sleep.
Your memory, next to my heart, I will keep.

I never imagined it would hurt so much to be,
In the home of the brave, in the land of the free.
What freedom is there when we are forced to kill
What we love most and whose crimes are nil?

Bev Raby
(June 1996)

10-15-2003, 11:08 AM

10-15-2003, 10:31 PM
.......... truly touching, and so sad

10-16-2003, 08:58 AM
I have no words, just great sadness... It shouldn't be this way. It's not fair.