View Full Version : popcornbird, want to see the rest of my birdies?

10-12-2003, 11:34 PM
You mentioned a while ago that you hadn't seen Little Bird before. I actually have ten birds, Little Bird, three budgies and six finches. Here are some pictures of them. This one is the finches cage, which I built myself, BTW. :D

10-12-2003, 11:35 PM
Sorry, I don't know how to do pictures any other way. :rolleyes:

Here are a couple of the finches. I have four white zebras, like these guys, a cinnamon zebra and a pied society.

10-12-2003, 11:39 PM
And here are the budgies. Their colors are a little off in this picture, actually one is purple, one is turquoise and one is white and baby blue. (I don't know the proper names for budgie colors, I think one could get a PhD in Budgie Colors. ;) )

These are actually my son's birds, they were his birthday present in 2002. He has the white one pretty tame, it will sit on his hand and give him kisses.

10-12-2003, 11:43 PM
And, since you've already seen Little Bird, here is his cage. Actually, this was his old cage, a couple weeks ago I got him a new white cage. It's about the same size, though. Everyone who comes over expects to see a giant bird in this cage, and cracks up when they see Little Bird, who is about the size of a robin. Hey, my birds are spoiled, what can I say? ;)

10-12-2003, 11:55 PM
I LOVE that cage! You should make cages! :D I am in dire need of a new rat cage lol. :p

Your birds are so beautiful, thanks for sharing. :)

10-13-2003, 12:23 AM
How fantastic!!!

Great cages ...... and beautiful looking birdies .........

10-13-2003, 12:38 AM
Nice to meet your birdie family!!! I have a soft spot for the zebra finches! ;)

I agree with everyone else -- GREAT CAGES! :D

10-13-2003, 12:39 AM
What cuties! They're ADORABLE and I LOVE the cages! Thanks so much for sharing! I always love to see little birdies. :p

Love the white budgie especially. :p What's his/her name?

10-13-2003, 12:45 AM
Thanks! The cage was actually easy to make, if anyone wants to know how I did it, I can post it.

I have no idea what the white budgie's name is. My son names all his pets after Pokemon, Dragonball Z or some other similar kind of thing. So, I can't remember them, or pronounce them. I think one of the budgies is Gogetta or something like that, I'll have to ask him. I do know his snake is Arbok, that's about as much as I can remember. :D

None of the finches have names. I'm too lazy. :rolleyes: You can name them for me if you want to, popcornbird, just don't expect me to remember their names if they are too bizarre. ;)

10-13-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Thanks! The cage was actually easy to make, if anyone wants to know how I did it, I can post it.

Yes, I'd like to know how please. :)

10-13-2003, 01:10 AM
I built that particular cage into the largest opening of my entertainment center. For tools you need: screws, screwdriver, hammer, drill, staple gun, saw, sandpaper, paint, paint brush, utility knife,

First, I built a wooden tray for the bottom. I used 1" x 4" boards for the sides and 1/2" board for the bottom. I put drawer pulls on for handles. It looks better if you have a miter box to cut angles for the corners, but you don't have to. Then I put floor tiles in the bottom, so it is easy to clean and waterproof, and then painted it all with several coats of oil based paint.

Next, I had two pieces of plexiglass cut, to keep some of the seed hulls inside, and not on my carpet. The one in back starts at the bottom of the opening, and is 8" high. The one in front starts above the tray, and is 4" high. Make sure you pre-drill the screw holes, and drill slowly, or you will crack the plexiglass putting the screws in.

Then I mounted a flourescent light on the top of the cage in the back, and put in the perches. I also put in some curly wood that I found at the craft store, and some silk plants. This works for finches, because they don't chew like a hookbill. I wouldn't recomend it for chewers!

Next, I stapled wire over the rest of the openings. Make sure you get powder coated wire, and not galvanized. Then, I used wire cutters to cut out the opening for the door. I am currently fastening the door closed with plastic zip ties, because I've yet to come up with a better solution.

That's it! :D

10-13-2003, 06:02 AM
your birdies are beautiful!!

10-13-2003, 10:25 PM
Now you've done it, Twisterdog. :eek: Roger and Milly think that they need to come live with you. They love the idea of a more spacious cage when they are confined (which is rare).

You have beautiful birds and the cages are to die for!!!! :)