View Full Version : Update for Mr Stray

10-09-2003, 11:43 AM
For those who didn’t know, we picked up a stray cat recently. We thought, he was owned locally by a nasty lady but it turned out he really is stray. Which is good news as we can rehome him.

I would love to keep him but it is not meant to be. :(

We can’t keep adopting cats; I think we have reach our real limit. (Though if Mr Stray was as nice to Steve as he is to me, it could have been a different story)

Poor Baby, he is been locked in our spare room between vet visits; He is very nervous and lashes out when upset but squeaks as well.

Stevie says Mr Stray has quite a motor on him too (NB I don’t hear very well and rarely hear any cats purring)

He ducks away from a quickly raised hand and reacts more nervous to Steve, though he is sweet with me. He does play well and likes to bat balls around and rolls around on his back. Awww.

In conclusion he needs a patient owner with no children and the owner will have a wonderful companion for life.

I have got him a place at Thornberry Shelter (40 miles away), which is where we took Bramble’s mum & siblings.

This charity shelter is a no kill centre and any animal they can’t home has a home for life with them. When we visited, there were several cats wandering around the centre. In fact I had to move one from the visitor book, they looked very happy to be there.

Here comes the fun bit.

1) Thornberry only has a place for Mr Stray if he is neutered first (Only has a free place in a Multi cat rooms)

2) Luckily the RSCPA have offered me a free castration and cheap blood teat for him, if his eye infection has cleared up.

3) He has been twice to our vets and staying at the Sheffield Hotel until his eye clears up.

So with any luck he’ll be going to the RSCPA for a blood test & op, when we take our baby Tigs on the 14th Oct.

End of a very long tail ;)

10-09-2003, 12:33 PM
Mr. Stray is going to be so much better off, just because he found the right place to "stray" to.

Best of luck, Mr. Stray. Me thinks you have a very bright future!!! :D


K & L
10-09-2003, 02:31 PM
I hope Mr Stray finds a loving home soon!

10-09-2003, 03:40 PM
I hope the little one finds a home soon. :)

10-09-2003, 03:44 PM
Oh PIF - I do hope a lovely new home is waiting for Mr Stray - he sure deserves it.
So sorry you can't hear the furbabies purring - can you feel the vibration?


10-09-2003, 03:49 PM
Good luck Mr Stray!!

And bless you PIF and hubby for helping Mr Stray to have the chance of happy future.


10-09-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
Oh PIF - I do hope a lovely new home is waiting for Mr Stray - he sure deserves it.
So sorry you can't hear the furbabies purring - can you feel the vibration?


I can hear Tigs as he purrs loud :D

The others, I can feel their chest/throats vibrating when they purr. Low sounds are difficult to hear sometimes.

10-09-2003, 10:55 PM
I'm so glad to her that Mr. Stray now has a second chance at a great life. Hopefully everything will go well and he'll be able to be adopted soon. :)