View Full Version : jenluckenbach......

10-09-2003, 11:16 AM

How are things at your house ?

Hoping Sterling & Jim have calmed down and everyone is happy ?

Waiting for good news :D

10-09-2003, 11:18 AM
I've been wondering about you too, Jen! We aren't used to not seing you!!! Come back, Come back!!!! :)

K & L
10-09-2003, 02:29 PM
I was just wondering the same thing myself, and since I'm home with the crud I'm able to get on and respond a little more. So Jen?????

10-10-2003, 04:59 AM
I'm here.

Jim and Sterling seem to be fine. One accident but I think it coincided (time-wise) with a spit out pill, so I am not too worried.

We had a sweet little tuxie foster for 24 hours (picture an exact copy of Biddy White Whiskers in miniature). She has gone on to her new home, but she sure was SWEET! I'd have loved to have kept her around for a while.

Timmy and Chevy are still with me. And Annie of course.

As soon as the weather is too cold I will be getting 2 adult female fosters for the winter months. They live in a out building that has no heat and they are the "hard to place" type.........very shy.

But, life is good. Thank you VERY MUCH for asking.

10-10-2003, 09:54 AM
You are truly an Angel of Mercy , Jen and there will be a place in Cat Heven , for YOU! But not for many , many years! Gary Cats Strays and Cat Angels!