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10-09-2003, 10:29 AM
Does anyone else have a family of ladybugs living outside their doors and windows right now?? We had some cold weather last week, and now it is beautiful, and yesterday I found a couple ladybugs on the window sill. I think they are cute, and I have heard they are good luck, so I left them there.
I left for about an hour, to take Jada to the vet, and when I got back, there were 25 of them in my house:eek: :eek: All over the doors, and ceiling--the windows were open, but they have screens!!! It was like they reproduced right there in the house!!!

My next question--I found Kito in the yard playing with something yesterday. I was laughing at him, because he kept pouncing on it, and he does that often with grasshoppers. I went out to investigate, and found an orange wooley caterpillar. It was about 4 inches long, and had bright orange, long fur--yuck!! I picked it up (with a leaf), and threw it over the fence. I found the other 3, and got rid of them as well. I don't know if they are poisonous or not, and I certainly don't want the dogs playing with them if they are. I didn't have the camera, so I didn't take a picture of them, but maybe someone knows what I am talking about.

10-09-2003, 11:04 AM
Yes, those are moth catepillars I believe. Moth or butterfly, we have them here. We also have the black hairy ones too. We used to catch them all the time when I was younger and they were really cool. I always remember people saying their spinies were poisonous but nothing ever happened to me, and I always picked them up. So it's good you moved them just in case, and maybe after they build a cacoon you will see some beautiful butterflys! :D

I LOVE ladybugs! They are so cute too. Somewhere, I think England? they have times during the year when a bunch of ladybugs come out, thouands. I saw it on Animal Planet, and I guess they can also bite. I wonder if theirs are bigger than ours in the US?


Edwina's Secretary
10-09-2003, 11:09 AM
If you would like to see thousands of lady bugs....come on over. Because we are having a warm snap the lady bugs are coming out of hibernation. They are EVERYWHERE. I was riding my bike yesterday and they flew up my nose, in my mouth, bouncing off my sun glasses. The air is thick with them. And if you are wearing black or dark clothing they will cover you!

These are not regular lady bugs. They are somewhat more orange in color than a regular bug. They do bite -- that's a strong word for it though.

10-09-2003, 11:11 AM
My ladybugs were a bit orangey too, and it must be the warm weather bringing them out here too!!!

Thanks for the caterpillar info Cass, somehow I knew it would be you that answered me!!! I didn't kill them, I just put them on the other side of my fence, so maybe I will see some beautiful butterflies, although it is getting a little late in the year.

We've had another "visitor" but I can't even explain this bug, I'll have to get a picture of it--it's huge, and we call it the bird when it comes outside the house.

10-09-2003, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba

We've had another "visitor" but I can't even explain this bug, I'll have to get a picture of it--it's huge, and we call it the bird when it comes outside the house.

WOW, that sounds interesting. Could it be a praying mantis or a locust? It sounds scary lol.

I love bugs lol. :p When I was younger my grandpa said that I would pull up my dress, come into the house with my dress full or worms and snails and dump them on his lap. :p :D

I love the roaches I have now, and I may be getting a millepede. I have wanted one for so long and I just found some. I guess I got my liking for bugs from my mom since she loves walking sticks and always kept those are pets. When I was in elementary school it was always me volunteering to take home the silkworms. They are just so cute!

I even have a few pet wax worms lol, ones that for some reason my lizard or hedgies wouldn't eat so I kept them. They are white, sort of like maggots, but fat and cute lol.

10-09-2003, 11:21 AM
Yes, they are out here in the suburbs too, Edwina's Secretary. They literally have been keeping us inside the past couple days. It is a creepy, crawly feeling to have one land on you. Here's more info.


10-09-2003, 11:36 AM
shiba, you have seen pics of my Madajascar Hissing Cockroaches right? Aywho, here is a bug pic. This is what I get to look at everyday, and it never gets boring, however they smell horrible when their dead. I just started raising my own feeders, such as the waxworms, crickets, mealworms and superworms so that it saves me time and money not having to go to the store every other day to feed the critters.

10-09-2003, 11:53 AM
YUCKY! BLAH! lol i hate bugs... cockaroches.. eewwiiee! lol i love ladybugs though.. We rarely see them here.. When i do i grab them hold them in my palm, make a wish and blow it away... my wish came true once... lol but that probably was just a coeinceidence sp.. :D

10-09-2003, 11:58 AM
We here in NE Ohio have a HUGE problem with Asian Beetles. They look just like Lady Bugs, but are more orange than red, and they BITE!!! If you look up into the sky you can see swarms of them!!!

Rio and Me
10-09-2003, 12:32 PM
Hi im in England and i rarly see them (lady bugs, and i work outside) if you say they like heat then they wont like it here,lol!
i dont know about other parts of the UK im in Cornwall!!!
i have seen them just not sworms of them!
Ky and Rio

10-09-2003, 12:39 PM
Questions that bug me...

Where are we going?

Can you please slow down?

Cash or Charge?

Can you spare some change?

What's for dinner?

Why, dinner of course!

10-09-2003, 12:48 PM
I'm so grossed out!! I climbed down in one of our window wells (I throw the dog toys there for when the lawn gets mowed and stuff) to get some balls, and I saw another furry--I got his picture:


I also found something else, um, interesting...Kito has been staring down into that window well for days. At first I thought it was a toy he wanted, then I thought he could see into the basement--I found what he was after today, a dead mole:(
It gives me the heebies just thinking about it!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

10-09-2003, 01:09 PM
EWWWWWWWWW!! omgg ewww creepy crawlies.. BLAAHHH! what is that?! ewww :eek:

Why i offically *HATE* creepy crawlies
I was at my grandmas and she has alot of cockaroaches there in the summer.. Sometimes you see some on the floor! :eek: You know the flying ones? Well for some reason it liked me.. blecckkkk.. It was chasing me!! i was soo grossed out.. I ran around screaming and the thing just kept going after me.. bleck bleck bleckkkkkk :p

10-09-2003, 01:09 PM
Yes that is a moth catepillar! It is black with orange in the middle right?

I love moles, I think they are so cute. My old doggie caught one once, and he had the softest fur. It looked just like a hamster, but had almost no eyes, and the funniest front legs for digging. I liked it so much I wanted to keep it but of course I let it go. It was a cutie!

10-09-2003, 01:12 PM
This mole does look soft, but unfortunately, it has crossed over to the mole bridge:(
I don't know what to do with it though.

Yes, CamCam, Kito was playing with that thing--he was so intrigued by it, I had to go out and figure out what it was!!!! They are all over our yard!!!

Thanks for clearing that up for me Cass, the "bird" wasn't outside today, but I'm sure it will be back. I thought it was a mantis, but I thought they were green:confused:

We'll find out.....

10-09-2003, 01:12 PM
Insects make one of the best pets! My old Praying Mantid even knew her name, I swear she did! I love my roaches. They are easy to feed, are not dirty what so ever, beautiful to look at, and tame enough to hang out on your shoulder all day. :)

10-09-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba

Thanks for clearing that up for me Cass, the "bird" wasn't outside today, but I'm sure it will be back. I thought it was a mantis, but I thought they were green:confused:

We'll find out.....

Maybe it is a locust, but I know that after female prangies lay their eggs they turn brown in color, and most of the males are a lot paler than the females, at least that is my experience having kept them as pets. This is the time that the mantids start dying, then in a few months after winter all the new mantids will hatch. :)

10-09-2003, 02:19 PM
Oh yes, we've been bombarded with these crazy little pests:eek: They've been biting, flying in my ears, eyes & mouth. Needless to say we also have tons in our house. I bet I vacumned at least 100 or more of them up! They just keep coming!
And I know the worms, Mark calls them wolly worms. None of our dogs like them at all!
Is this what the beetles look like? It's what ours look like:o

10-09-2003, 02:27 PM
Ship them to me! I have aphids right now on my plants and they eat aphids. They are actually very good for plants because they eat all the insects that harm your flower and what not. They are especially good for roses.

They also call them ladybeetles. I think that is their more proper name.

10-09-2003, 04:24 PM
The one we have over here must be from the same family of insects I guess, they are here in the warm weather, are red with black spots, are welcomed by gardeners for getting rid of aphids, and we call them ladybirds. I love them, but even so I guess hundreds of them in the home would be a bit much!:)

10-09-2003, 05:04 PM
We have had one ladybug living on the sliding door for a few days now. I don't do anything - just let her sit there. Maybe she was on her way to Illinois with lots of her friends and couldn't keep up! :D Silly me! Luckies4me you are a better person than I. Some of your pictures make me :eek: but hey they are God's creatures too. I just don't understand why he made so many icky ones. :) Sorry. :)

10-09-2003, 05:11 PM
:eek: really? I thought we were the only ones that had them! There's AT LEAST 10 on our kitchen screen door all the time. Whenever I look out, I see hundreds(hopefully not) of ladybugs flying around.

10-10-2003, 03:37 AM
I am not a creepy crawlie fan myself, but dare anybody hurt a ladybug or praying mantis, look out, I treasure these delightful bugs, and save them when-ever possible, my cats tend to like the praying mantis.

Do you have the dark blue shiny ones? as well as the spotted ones?