View Full Version : Piddle

10-07-2003, 08:41 PM
My shih-tzu piddle(the one who I cannot teach to sit, no matter how much I try!) Anyway, I wanted to try to teach him to fetch, but he cant be loose outside, he takes off for the road right away! Its really dangerous because sometimes we're scared that someone might come when we are not home and he could get out or if theres a celebration(someones birthday) and lots of people come and go, we have to be watching him the WHOLE time, how can we make him stay in the yard, besides fencing, the fencing is in the back, but people come in through the front, and we tell him NO! everytime hes taken off, please help

10-07-2003, 11:35 PM
The easiest solution would be to not let him in the yard without a leash and your supervision. Even if he did stay and not move, let's just say that a squirrel went by and he decided to chase it, or a loose large dog decided that he'd be yummy for lunch. I don't know if you plan on leaveing him alone, but shih tzus are extremely expensive nowadays, and people want them now more than ever. What if someone stole him? People steal dogs all the time. No matter what the situation, I wouldn't take the risk..

10-07-2003, 11:40 PM
Well, if you can't teach sit, I don't think you've got much hope in teaching the dog to stay (in the house, in the yard, around you, etc) IMHO.

My dogs are never outside in our yard unless someone's out there with them. Our yard is fully fenced but there's always a chance that someone may come and snatch them or a stay dog decides to get to them (I've seen many strays around here). You can try having a twenty foot leash (or even two of them!) and letting your dog out with you supervising.