View Full Version : Lousy Excuses

10-04-2003, 07:22 PM
I found this at a website. They get me so upset...:mad: :mad: :mad: Some of the dumbest excuses for giving up a dog (to the shelter) are listed here. It's a longey.


When I was dog walking at the sanctuary where I met Brandy, I saw a lovely greyhound called Honey come back after 24 hours in a new home. When asked the reason for the return the couple said that she was very gentle and nice natured but they hadn't realised until they got her home how tall she was!!!!
Elaine Hardy Sept. 1999

Just wanted to add the saddest excuse I've ever heard. As we were leaving our shelter the other day, this guy (older man, actually) was at the counter turning an animal in. His reason was "it's just a miserable animal".... Ok, guess what kind of animal it was... Not a cat, not a dog, it was a little budgie bird in a cage...
Jane Guild Sept. 1999

She's aggressive. She didn't used to mind it when my son pulled her around by her lip, but now that she's bigger she's started snapping at him

I found him in the kitchen (not doing anything - he just walked in there)

My friend gave up his beagle because his fiancée said that when they had kids SOMEDAY the kids would have an increased chance of developing asthma if there was a dog in the house. They broke up several months later and my friend was broken hearted because he had given away the dog for nothing.

"He stares at me and "my girl" while we're on the couch"

I became bored with the dog when it grew up, I want a puppy now.

I have a family reunion this summer and I have to get my yard in shape for it and can't do it with a dog here

Dog is too stupid. No matter how much we hit him he never learns.

He stands in front of the TV too much.

I took in a rescue dog. Their reason of getting rid of it, it bit the kids. They pulled the dog's teeth out with pliers. I was so mad at them!!!! The dog is now in a very loving home, where she gets the love she deserves. Thankfully, those other people can no longer own a pet.

I have a 2 year old Siamese who insists on sleeping with my son...up by his head. When my son isn't home she steals his socks and curls up with them and uses them as her pillow. She is altogether too attached to my son and I won't stand for it!

When we let her out of her crate twice a day-she jumps on us and expects too much attention.

Because I got caught in between a cat and a dog and the cat was small and the dog was big so I gave away the dog page. And also it had to many words that I had no Idea what they said so thats why I gave it away. Oh! Did I mention a pro wrestler said that he would kick my butt in to the middle of the next generation if I didn't!

"She bleeds all over when she comes in heat." This dog was brought in to be euthanised!

Our fourth cousins who visit once every five years can't stand him.

Neighbors complaints about barking resulted in 30 day notice to get rid of dog. )

We had to get rid of the truck the dog was chained to. (Read on a rescue website).

This is a woman I know and her dogs she got rid of and the one she has now-- 1-a poodle--New husband won't let me have her--had 4 years. 2-Yorkie--no time to take care of it--had 5 years 3-Shar-pei-4 years old-still have him but trying to give him away because the neighbors are complaining about him hanging out on their porches.

a dog that was totally perfect: the excuse was it doesn't bark! dog has since been re-homed and is barking!!

Sheds too much




Moving (to Florida in 2 hours)

Going on Vacation

Retiring and want to travel


Having a baby

Getting married

Getting divorced

Husband doesn't like the breed (didn't like the last three of that same breed she bought and subsequently dumped either)

My wife is jealous of the dog and the time I spend training her

Boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't like

Has fleas

Not housebroken

Didn't know it needed all that grooming

Didn't know it needed all that much attention/exercise

Didn't know it would get so big

Don't have time

Going to college

It's our son's pet but he's away at school now and we don't have the time; we'll just tell him it ran away.

Apartment/Town home/Condo/etc. doesn't allow pets (didn't allow them when we go it either)

Needs room to run/roam

We got it for the kids but they won't take care of it.

Keeps running off (unfenced yard, no leash)

Didn't know they got so big/eat so much

He was a cute puppy, but now he's too big

Doesn't get along with our new pet

I don't love it anymore

Bought new home and dog doesn't go with new colours

Pet clashes with new furniture

Just got new furniture/carpet

We only had it for the kids and they're all grown up now

He chases the new kitten

She doesn't like the new puppy

He tracks mud all over the new carpet

She got lost, and we got a new one by the time she showed up at the pound, so we left her there

He (a twelve week old puppy) refuses to be housebroken, and we hit him every time he goes in the house. I'm worried, 'cause you can only hit a dog so much before it turns vicious, and I'm afraid it will start biting the kids.

She (the pet) had a nervous breakdown

She's seven years old now and can't make puppies anymore.

Too friendly

He keeps jumping on the kids, and the kids are now afraid of him.

We have a handicapped child in a wheelchair

We're remodeling our kitchen and didn't have time to take her to puppy class, and now she's too rowdy

She has seizures (allergies/hypothyroid/etc.) and we don't want to spend another penny on medication

It makes me sad to have her around

Tried to kill a collie

Killed a neighbor's goat - afraid she will start attacking people

Received as a Christmas present - can't keep

Daughter's dog - she went to college

Breeder won't take him back because we neutered him

She got herself pregnant - we're keeping her puppy

She got herself pregnant - we're keeping her kittens

We can't afford the vet bills

Pulls on the lead

She's turned blind

Doesn't like my new husband

Keeps breaking the chain at her dog house

Tears up the house when we're at work/school

Noisy when we're at work/school

Apartment management doesn't allow dogs

Can't find house to rent that allows dogs

Didn't turn out to be show quality (of course we told the breeder we wanted to buy pet quality too save money)

He won't stay at home, no matter how much I yell at him

My elderly mother keeps letting him loose

He's too happy

Drools all the time (St Bernard, Bloodhound, Mastiff)

We're putting the house up for sale and it won't show well with a dog.

We bought him/her for conformation shows and he/she didn't win (eight month old puppy)

Her ears won't stand. (un-cropped Dobbie bitch 5 months old.)

Took him to Schuntzhund, now he is too aggressive

Had a friend, make him a guard dog, now all he wants to do is bite people.

I trained him myself to be a protection dog, now he's trying to kill me

He rides my leg

He always has an erection, when company comes over, it's too embarrassing

He peed on the baby

He won't defend me! My husband beat me and the kids, and the dog ran away! (8 month old abused Rottie)

He makes a mess in the bathroom, every time I give him a bath

He gets car sick. ( wanted the dog for protecting their car, while they're shopping in Florida)

It wants too much attention

Her teeth are crooked

She keeps having puppies

She got pregnant again

She's a slut

She got raped

The kids keep getting poison ivy. He gets it on his fur when he runs loose in the woods, and they get rashes from touching him, so the doctor says he has to go.

She hunts all the time (hound, retriever)

She won't hunt

Gun shy, only shot over her that once in the yard...


Eats cats

Eats the house

Bit my husband when he hit her for getting on the sofa...

Steals the baby's toys

Follows me all the time, even to the bathroom

Always wants to be petted

Stares at me

Bumps into my legs

Steals food off the counters

Takes my things

My wife hates her


:mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

10-04-2003, 08:15 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Can't find house to rent that allows dogs

ALOT of those could be reasons to "get rid of" Nala but, Would I?

10-04-2003, 10:45 PM
"Dog is too stupid. No matter how much we hit him he never learns." ........Odie's owners excuse

"I became bored with the dog when it grew up, I want a puppy now." .......This is almost word for word what Rockys owner told my husband.

"She's seven years old now and can't make puppies anymore". ........Ginger's owners excuse. She wasn't making them money anymore. She was only 5.

"She has seizures (allergies/hypothyroid/etc.) and we don't want to spend another penny on medication" .........Cannilla's owners excuse. She had wipworms at the time.

10-04-2003, 11:01 PM
"My elderly mother keeps letting him loose" only it was the young kid in Nina's case.

10-05-2003, 07:51 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-05-2003, 08:04 AM
A couple of years ago I tried to adopt a Lovely Terrier mix named Sherri....she had just been returned after being adopted by an older widowed lady who wanted a companion....
The ladys' reason for returning her:

My Marjong Partner Said She is UGLY!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

She got a Good Home....

10-05-2003, 02:34 PM
Many many years ago when I had to PTS Leroy, I chose to do it at the Humane society. They offered a private cremation that the vet told me about. All I could do was cry, standing there. And having to listen to stupid people.

2 people were ahead of me turning in dogs that they no longer wanted. The first a 50 pound beautiful mutt. The owner told the shelter it was nipping at their kids. The shelter lady told the owner if it bites we can not adopt it out, it will be PTS. The owner said it doesn't really bite. That’s not the problem. So the owner changes her story and said well it doesn't really nip or bite, it's just too much trouble for us now. The shelter lady told the owner ‘look we are already doing the dirty work for you here, so what is it, does she bite or not?’. The owner said no she doesn’t, we just don’t want her and I thought we needed a reason to turn her in.

The second lady had a Dalmatian to turn in. She told the shelter it got too big…………Who in the world doesn’t know the size of a Dalmatian.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Rio and Me
10-07-2003, 07:36 AM
There are alot of reasons up there that i could give to get rid of my precious dog such as!
she has crooked teeth,
to big,
Proberply wouldnt protect if it came to it,lol
to happy,
follows me everwhere!
personally all these and many more are what make my dog PERFECT!!!!!!!!!
Ky and precious Rio