View Full Version : Bunny Advice needed !!

10-03-2003, 07:33 AM
Hi There

I've recently just rescued a dutch rabbit (caught some horrible bloke dumping him!!) Anyway, I've named him Fester and he's about 1 year old. I've never had a pet rabbit before and thanks to Daisylovers advice and rabbit.org I think I've learned quite a lot so far !!! I've only ever had cats before and I can tell their moods pretty well but I'm a bit confused about Fester. So far he seems to quite like it in my home, I've bought a couple of toys and he loves playing in cardboard boxes, however sometimes when I'm playing with him he starts to burrow on me and nibbles at me. Whats he telling me ??? Is it stop picking me up and annoying me or is it a sign of affection ?? I know when Bonnie (my cat) does her similar knitting thing its cos she loves me but as I say I just can't tell what he's thinking, wot do you think ???

I'd also love to hear any games your rabbits love to play !!!

Any advice, greatly appreciated :) :)

10-03-2003, 09:29 AM
Hey there!

Check out this link for advice on bunnies digging: http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=35030

I'll have to respond to "bunny games" a bit later...running behind this morning!:)

Heather Wallace
10-03-2003, 09:36 AM
Hi welcome to the forum, nice to see another glaswegian on the forum too. I was born there, now live in England.

Bunnies do all sorts of funny things, don't worry about the digging to much, your bunny is trying to get your attention and play.

Good luck with your bunny, I am sure you will enjoy every,minute.

10-03-2003, 10:34 AM
aaaaahhhhhhhhh so he is wanting to play, my boyfriend thought he was gonnae bite me !!! (Mind you he's a wimp and puts him down when he nibbles!!)

Another question if you don't mind, I noticed some of you had cats and rabbits, do your male rabbits try and get jiggy with your cats? I am gonnae get him snipped but I was just wondering if this would stop him cos at the moment he's driving poor Bonnie round the twist !!!

Heather Wallace
10-03-2003, 11:18 AM
No, don't worry, I have never had a problem with that one.

Your still best to get him done.

Millie, my little female is very curious of the cats, she even chased Max. The other bunny try and sniff the cats but in general the cats leave the bunnies alone and vice versa.

Heather Wallace
10-03-2003, 11:19 AM
Another thought, Keegan nips now and again if he wants you to leave him alone.

10-05-2003, 03:23 PM
Hey I do not have any advise and I do not have a rabbit either but I heard they are really nice... congrats!!!!

10-06-2003, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace

Millie, my little female is very curious of the cats, she even chased Max. The other bunny try and sniff the cats but in general the cats leave the bunnies alone and vice versa.

Fester will just not leave my cat (Bonnie) alone he chases her about everywhere. Bonnie has tried having gentle swipes at him but it doesn't stop him he just carries on !!!

10-06-2003, 09:42 AM
I suspect his hormones are driving him crazy and he just wants to mate with anything and everything....the quicker you get him neutered, the quicker that behavior will stop. Also you should know that when they do have their neuter operation, the hormones don't immediately disappear....it can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks for the remaining hormones to get our of his system, so he will continue for a short while to be aggressive after his neuter. You must be SURE to have a rabbit specialist vet as bunnies are very sensitive to anesthesia and it has to administered just ever so carefully. I bet if you posted this question on the Tufty Forum you may be able to get the name of a bunny vet there in Scotland........I did send you the web address, didn't I?

I feel the digging and nipping is the bunny's way of saying "I have had enough, put me down NOW"!!!!!!!! My buns do that occasionally to me, esp. Chocolate. I have a lot of little tiny holes in many of my shirts as well as an occasional little black and blue mark from the nips....... :rolleyes: She has never really hurt me though, just surprised me.

Also, and maybe I said this to you before, I have found spayed and neutered dutch rabbits to be among the more affectionate and loving of bunny breeds (so are the New Zealands). They seem to be especially people-oriented and calm (esp. after their hormones are gone). We have had many dutch bunnies at our rabbit sanctuary and they have all been very delightful. Good luck! :)

10-06-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Daisylover

I feel the digging and nipping is the bunny's way of saying "I have had enough, put me down NOW"!!!!!!!! My buns do that occasionally to me, esp. Chocolate. I have a lot of little tiny holes in many of my shirts as well as an occasional little black and blue mark from the nips....... :rolleyes: She has never really hurt me though, just surprised me.

Its not a case of putting him down, he jumps on me when I'm sitting on the sofa and digs at me, jumps down for a couple of mins then comes back up again for more. To be honest I'm not really worrying about that I think he is playing, I'm more worried about Bonnie, although I watch them constantly I wouldn't like her to lash out viciously and hurt the wee fella !! Also I don't know if its fair keeping the rabbit as I live in a 1 bedroom flat, I keep thinking he would be better off with a family with a garden !! I'm having a major dilemma as I know of a family with a young daughter who are desperate for a rabbit, I just can't bring myself to call them cos Fester and I are bonding. If he was an only pet I wouldn't think twice about keeping him, I just don't know what to do for the best !!! HELP !!!:confused:

10-06-2003, 02:47 PM
He's better off being a one-flat bunny than an outdoor-only bunny, by far. DO make an appointment with a good bunny-vet to get him neutered, that'll give poor Bonnie some peace! Until then, perhaps separating them would be best while you're not home.

A rabbit is a lot of responsiblity, perhaps the little girl can come visit your bunny, help clean the litterbox, etc., before she takes on the commitment of a bunny of her own!

As for games - each bunny tends to make up his or her own! Miss Hoppy (my avatar) plays with jingly balls, but only when we're not looking. But we play "toreador" every morning, I wave my bathrobe and she charges at it, grunting, spins around, a charges back through! ;) Maybe he'll play that one? Until the *snip* his hormones are gonna be controlling much of his behavior, after it, as I said, he should give the poor kitty a rest!

10-07-2003, 07:46 AM
Well, thats Fester booked in for the snip, he goes in next Thursday and hopefully after a few weeks we'll see a difference in his behaviour with Bonnie !!! I'm glad I've had you guys to discuss it with cos all my friends keep saying to find him a new home but deep down I knew I wanted to keep him, just needed some backup !!!:) :)

10-07-2003, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by Karen

As for games - each bunny tends to make up his or her own! Miss Hoppy (my avatar) plays with jingly balls, but only when we're not looking. But we play "toreador" every morning, I wave my bathrobe and she charges at it, grunting, spins around, a charges back through! ;) Maybe he'll play that one? Until the *snip* his hormones are gonna be controlling much of his behavior, after it, as I said, he should give the poor kitty a rest!

I'm gonnae try this toreador game, sound like fun !!!