View Full Version : Wiggy Pig's First Adventure Outdoors!!

09-30-2003, 01:56 PM
Yesterday was a pretty nice day here not to cold and not to hot. So I figured I'd take Wiggy Pig out in the yard for a little bit. We only stayed out side for about 10 minutes. And boy did he love being outdoors.

I was really suprised I figured he'd be scared. Only thing Ginger thought he was dinner:eek: It was the first time Ginger has really seen Wiggy Pig outside of the cage.

Wiggy Pig had so much fun yesterday he didn't want to go back in. I may and try and take him out every other day now. Anyways thought I'd share some pictures from yesterday. I hope they work.

Oh,boy! Now I can get all the clover I want!!





Kaitlynn and Wiggy Pig

More pictures to come:D ;)

09-30-2003, 02:02 PM

Hey! Whatcha doing?




Hope that you all enjoy the pics!!:D

09-30-2003, 02:15 PM
What cute pictures! It's been a while since I have had a "piggie" in my household but I remember how cute they were and the little "wheek wheek" sounds they made. It's so nice seeing Kaitlynn with Wiggy Pig and growing up with animals all around. I feel so badly when I hear of children not growing up with pets. What a great loss! I just noticed your due date. My birthday is Nov. 5th, so if you are a little late......:p

09-30-2003, 07:14 PM
Adorable pics, Tina! Wiggy Pig is such a cutie!! And Kaitlynn is growing up so fast :)

I feel so badly when I hear of children not growing up with pets. What a great loss!

I absolutely agree with you, Pam!

10-01-2003, 10:13 AM
Thanks! Yes I love the little noises piggies make also:D Actually my husband said Wiggy Pig is his. Oh,well guess that means we need to get another piggie;) He has been talking about it. But I don't know when we will.

Yes, Kaitlynn is growing up really fast! Its hard to believe she'll be 4 years old in February. My baby is growing up to fast on me:(
And I'm also glad she has a chance to grow up with so many different pets also. I think she is going to be just like me.

And Pam little miss baby Maegan and me,will keep Nov.5th in our mind.;) :D :D

10-02-2003, 09:30 AM
How cute! Looks like you all had a nice time outdoors. :) Wiggy's so adorable.