View Full Version : Dog Stereotypes

09-29-2003, 01:46 PM
Everyone that meets my dog is absolutley shocked to discover that he isnt mean, agressive or hyper, but friendly, well mannered and calm. im not talking a few people here or there- but EVERYONE! i know dalmatians have had a bad rap but- wheres peoples common sense? not every dal is mean! Do any of you encouter this with your dog? http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p917d55f94650f5af9c1cbcf83785efc8/fb01c737.jpg

09-29-2003, 01:48 PM
I have the exact opposite problem, as most people expect Golden Retrievers to automatically be loving and nice. My Honey is an exception to that rule, and gets very nervous and upset in strange places and around strange people. We don't even try taking her into crowds anymore. It is not worth the stress for her and for us, worrying that she will get too upset.


09-29-2003, 02:19 PM
Aahh, I know that feeling.

Just beacause Angus is a rottie (a pretty good sized one at that) people expect him to be mean. They are so surprised that he is not the vicious dog they expected....but a big, big baby who loves people and loves to play ball with them:D
All my dogs are stereotyped. But the worse is with Huney. People look at her and go "OH MY, it's a chow!" and head off the other way:rolleyes: Whatever, their loss:p

09-29-2003, 02:20 PM
People step way off the path when they see Max (my shepherd/?rott mix) coming. But they'd come right up to Pepper (my former poodle mix) and pet her, just because she was cute.

Max is a real sweetie - he LOVES people and wouldn't bite unless he had a good reason to. Pepper, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy biting!

Just goes to show - you can't judge a book by its cover.

09-29-2003, 02:44 PM
Mickey doesn't really get any looks because he is "Lassie", but how do they know he won't bite their hand off? Especially these older people who bring up their grandchildren and just start petting him. I doubt it but Mickey could jump them at any second.

My cousin owns a Golden with agression problems and a sweetie for a GSD. People always end up petting the wrong one. ;)

Whatever, their loss

Exactly! :D I would never pet a dog without checking with the owner first but I certainly wouldn't avoid a Dalmation or Chow.

09-29-2003, 02:58 PM
Always with Pepper since he is a dobe. But since he is blue and has uncropped ears most people don't know he's a dobe, but when they ask they usually leave very quickly:rolleyes: one time at petsmart one lady even pulled her kid away from him :rolleyes: :mad:

09-29-2003, 03:22 PM
We get "the look" when we have Jada out too--she is our most well-mannered dog!!!!! People cross the street, move their kids to the other side of them, walk by fast--obviously I wouldn't be sitting downtown enjoying my coffee with her if she wanted to take someone's hand off--geesh!!!
But everyone thinks Kito is so fluffy and cute (and he is)--I know he wouldn't hesitate to bite a stranger who didn't approach him properly!!!

Like Anna said, their loss!!

09-29-2003, 03:43 PM
People almost always ask me if Oz is friendly, before they
ask to pet him and he's a Collie. Whereas it's very rare that
people ask if my Cairns are friendly, they just walk right
upto them and start petting. Course all 3 are friendly
so it really doesn't matter in my case. I just wonder if
on average people are just more naturally wary of a large
dog, because Collies aren't really in the stereotypical "beware"

hi lovemyshiba!

I don't know, after having that lady tell me her dogs were
really very nice, right after they attacked Oz, I'm not so sure
that you can 100% trust that people know what their
dogs are capable of or are truthful with themselves about
it. So if I have my dogs or children with me, I'm a lot more
cautious around dogs I don't know, then if I just have myself
to worry about.


09-29-2003, 04:06 PM
Surprinsgly, I have not heard the comments about dals when I have had Spot somewhere, but I have heard them. We were in the pet store with Sadie and I overheard a yung boy askinghis dad if he couldhave a dalmation. His dad said "No, they bite kids".
I didn't say anything, and maybe it was an easy way to get the kid to leave him alone, but both Sadie and Spot are dal mixes and love kids!

Once or twice people have reacted fearfully to Sadie and Cincy becuase they are big and black, but overall, everyone loves them!

Aspen and Misty
09-29-2003, 04:10 PM
With Nova, people always ask cause when they don't I lecture them on how they should ask, even the ltitle kids. When they ask what breeds she is (Lab/Pitt bull mix) they normally will walk away then or say OMG I didn't know Pitt Bulls were this nice, or they will say, O a Lab mix and I will say yea, Lab/ pitt mix, lol.

With Breeze, nope. She's a big cute, goofy puppy with over sized feet, who wouldn't run up to her :D Although I do wish people wouldn't as sometiems we are trying to work. Like she is dethly afried of Shopping carts and I was like see Breezie Boo it's ok, yea it's ok. And I started looking it and touching it and stuff to show her I wasn't scared and just acted like everything was cool, so Breeze took a step forrowed and a almost sniffed the cart when someone came up and was like OMG you are the cutest thing I have ever seen and petted her face which made Breeze pay attention to her, I moved the cart then cause someone wanted to get by and Breeze got all freaked out and the Lady started to baby her and say O you poor thing are you scared? O it's ok, yes it's ok which made Breeze a little un easy, so I told the Lady we had to go and walked away. :rolleyes:


09-29-2003, 04:11 PM
I have heard parents say that to their kids to who have asked to pet LouDog- and kids are his favorite people!
i just brought him back from the vet...its amazing the people and their lack of controlling their dog. LouDog had a hurt paw so he wasnt in the best of moods..i swear everyone in their letting their dogs go all over at the end of their leashes! Dogs were getting their leashes tangled- meanwhile my poor doggys growling at them all- you think these people would see that their dog is all in my dogs face- but no. i had to ask one person to please control their dog- it was jumping all over Lou.

09-29-2003, 04:17 PM
Bull is constantly getting the "ewww-look-at-the-evil-pitt-bull" looks but they'll walk right up to Katie and Duke because they're Labs. Bull loves people and will walk right up, sit down and force them to pet him whereas Duke and Katie get a little too excited after a while and start jumping on you.

09-29-2003, 06:03 PM
Kai and kaebutt always get people coming up to them to pet them and ask questions...it's nice and all but my dogs' have their on and off days..I just hate how people don't ask if it's okay first. I wouldn't mind it so much if Kai wasn't a tad bit afraid of strangers. Kids running up to him at full speed doesn't exactly help his fear..:rolleyes:

09-29-2003, 06:13 PM
For some reason, most people are afraid of Timber, and everyone runs up to Leather. Uh, hello? Smiling happy dog, and humungous mean-looking dog??? Humm.
I just wish that people would do their research and find out that it's good to generalize sometimes, but you can't beat up a breed because of those generalizations.

09-29-2003, 06:18 PM
I hate dog prejudice! It really ticks me off. I haven't heard of Dalmatians being difficult. The rescue group I volunteer for won't take Rotties, Akitas, Chows or Pits and I really don't like that but I understand that people are ignorant and would be reluctant to adopt them.

09-29-2003, 06:34 PM
Not really with Daisy. She's your typical golden retriever. :D
Molly on the otherhand, isn't really fond of "new people". People will try to go up to her, but she just walks away. She's VERY timid, and I'm not sure if she'll ever grow out of it. :( Lots of people like her though, being a "lassie dog" :p, and since Collies are VERY rare over here.

09-29-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Andie
Bull is constantly getting the "ewww-look-at-the-evil-pitt-bull" looks

How pathetic ............

As for my gorgeous Dals ........

Captain is the epitomy of gorgeous Dally boy - well behaved, but stubborn ...... friendly, yes you can pat him ..... but if he is on HIS walk .... then he walks RIGHT PAST YOUR OUTSTRETCHED HAND .... and I have to apologise ...... :rolleyes:
LOVEs the vet ..... such a good boy.

Ruby however, as Miss Meow can attest, is the Dally monster. She is a scaredy-cat, and is very protective of me (and of Captain). Does not like other people coming up to her, she backs away .... but when SHE is ready, SHE will come up to you .... wiggle-butting all over ..... and she HATES the vet ...

They are exact opposites ..........

For all you Pit-bull, ROttie, Dobie, Chows, and other "aggressive" :rolleyes: dogs - I Do not avoid you!!! A man walks his HUGE rottie in our area, and the first time I approached him and asked to pat his dog - he was amazed. He seemed genuinely surprised that I was not SCARED ..... and the rottie is a LOVE BUNNY!!! (just like Angus .......:D)
BUT with ANY dog, I always ASK first whether they are friendly BEFORE I extend my hand for them to sniff BEFORE I try to pat them.

Common sense ......?

09-29-2003, 06:50 PM
I notice if Melissa and I have Nebo and Lady nobody ever asks if Lady is mean......but everyone asks if Nebo is! They always either assume he's evil and part wolf, or don't bother to ask and just pet him. Which he's timid of strangers sometimes, so people just putting their hands on him and startling him doesn't help. :rolleyes:

09-29-2003, 08:08 PM
Ya know when we went to the Bark in the park Saturday there was a guy & girl, the guy really wanted a husky. The girl said she liked them but there was something about them that gave her an eerie feeling....she said it was the eyes:confused:
I think the eyes of a husky look friendly and beautiful!

09-29-2003, 08:44 PM
My mom and dad are SUCH sterotypes about dogs!
They won't let me me play or take out Rotts, Pits, "Mean crosss" or anything else that looks mean, or is a little slobbery at the pound. It kills me! I hate it so much..:(

09-29-2003, 08:51 PM
Well, Guinness is the one everybody wants to pet. Bailey obviously looks like part pit bull, which she is. Most people will want to pet Guinness before they will pet Bailey. However, usually her cute looks and wiggle butt will win them over. I still get people crossing the street because of Bailey, but I don't care.

Actually, this past Sunday was just like that. Most of the people at Petsmart wanted to pet Guinness, who is actually a little more people-skittish (you can tell his previous owners probably beat him). But then they saw Bailey wiggling so much, they had to pet her too.

These two little kids, probably 5 and 3 years old came running up top speed screaming "Puppies!" I squatted down, grabbed both dogs by their harnesses and braced for impact. I told them to slow down and be gentle when they pet them. Strangely enough, Bailey, who jumps on every adult, refused to jump on these two little kids. The dad did apologize that they didn't ask first.

Then Bailey started sniffing the 2 year old girl's legs and then her dress and then flipped the dress almost over the girl's head!!!:o

I was so mortified:o , but the mom couldn't do anything but laugh.

I gotta work on Bailey's manners around ladies in dresses.:rolleyes:

09-30-2003, 10:18 AM
lmao, baily you funny girl :D

i know how you all feel, when out walking clover in public (when we are not at the park) people always cross the street, or step away from us, also pull their children away from us (and it is worse when clover has her halti collar on) *ekkk look at the muzzled dog*.

:rolleyes: and as anna said it is their loss.

i know clover isnt always to keen on "talking" to strangers especially men, and people who run up to us and dont ask first *Grr*. but if they approached us in the right manner and just asked i could tell them to offer a hand first before petting her.

one time realy comes to mind , when clover was a pup (2 days after she came home) she was 7 weeks old, a lady sreamed at her little child to get away from the dog as it would bite her:eek: we had just come from the vets (after the first check-up) and i was carrying clover (tiny baby):eek: some people.

09-30-2003, 11:11 AM
No one wants to pet Buford. :( But he's not the most out-going of dogs. He usually takes a little while to really warm up to people. And I totally trust his judgement. There was one scary looking guy that he growled and put his hackles up at and I got out of there!

People are generally afraid of Joxer until they get close enough to see his full body wiggle! Then once one person starts to pet him and he oozes into their lap, everyone comes over and wants some love! Joxer is particularly fond of little dogs and is very gentle with them. When we went to Mutt Strut Joxer was sniffing a little sheltie and the owner was like, 'He's not going to eat him is he?' :rolleyes: I informed her that I was more worried about her dog biting Joxer!

Even though she's my only full pitty and the worst behaved out of the whole bunch, people like Wilma. Go figure. I think it's because she's only 40 lbs.

09-30-2003, 11:17 AM
You get that kind of reaction with small dogs too. Everyone wants to pet my dachshund Max - he on the other hand is TERRIFIED of people, children especially. Now Carly, the shepard mix just loves people, especially children and they will go way out of their way to avoid her.

Not too long ago I was in Petco and a gal comes up with the biggest Rottie I had ever seen. She was 120 lbs and not very old, but she had the most beautiful face (like Angus). I asked the gal about her temperament and she told me "Big Baby-very loving". Since I couldn't resist the face I asked if I could pet her. Sure she says, but watch out she LOVES people. She sure did - she did the wiggle but thing and licky-licky and we were best buddies. The gal kept apologizing to me for the licking and drooling - like I really minded. I ended up sitting on the floor with the dog talking to her. It was so funny. But in the same day I had a small dog yap and snap at me.

Dogs are like people - they are all different. As in people it doesn't matter the race/breed - each is an individual. They should be treated as individuals.

09-30-2003, 11:18 AM
WHen I tell people Missy is a chow mix they say "but she's too nice to be a chow mix, are you sure". Grrr I hate it when people say that.. however I've heard this so many times "Pits are nice, but I would never trust a chow" They are both nice dogs! Then I tell them about how I had chows growing up and they were the sweetest dogs ever, very mellow and nice. I think they make a great family dog.

09-30-2003, 02:52 PM
People where that way with my B.J., because she was a hound dog....they always thought lazy hound. I don't know how many times I have had to tell people to back away from her. They always say....Aww she be fine! Wrong!!! Out side of her yard she would be fine, but come in her yard..then she got mad.

The worse was when she was in the car....that was her car and even the other dogs could not get in the car with her.

There was this one day I had to stop at the store on the way home from the vets, so she wasn't in the greatest mood to begain with. This old man came up to the car and was tell me what a pretty dog she was and B.J. starting barking up a storm. I asked the man to step away from the car so I could get out with out her going after him. The man keep telling me she be ok, "she just a hound what can she do." He just stood there laughing at her barking and then staring hitting the hood of my car just to make B.J. bark more. Some reason he thought it was funny. Well let just say that my dash got tore up as well as the door. I had it with this man so I grap a hold of B.J. collar and opened the door. B.J. dragged me out of the car heading straight for the man. That poor man ran backwards as fast as he could, triped and hitting the parking lot ground. B.J. calmed down...he was away from her car now, so she was fine. The man gets up and yells at me. I just told him....I tried to warn you, you didn't listen so it's your own fault.. Next time someone tell you to get away from their dog...listen.

People must have watched to much Bevely hillbillys.....not all hounds are as lazy as that one.

09-30-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by robinh
Dogs are like people - they are all different. As in people it doesn't matter the race/breed - each is an individual. They should be treated as individuals.

Great way to look at it. Very smart of you. :)

09-30-2003, 08:11 PM
When I walk both dogs, people cross to the other side of the street. I had one lady who was walking her small dog, pick the dog up, and cross the street!!! One time this past summer, I had them at a car show, (ohh I love telling this story) walking around and keep in mind, Buddy is an ANGEL when he's on a leash!! I stick it in my pocket and he NEVER leaves my side, and Sierra, she'll pull a little, but for the most part she's good. So it's not like I have two huge dogs pulling me different directions.... so... I was at this car show, walking around and this guy and his wife were walking around and I saw them a few times, and each time he gave me a dirty look, I just shrugged it off.. well...... he finally decided to open his mouth (WRONG!!!) and had the nerve to say:
"People with dogs should leave them at home"
So... I turned right around and asked him what was wrong, had my dogs done something wrong?? Had they bitten him, anything?? He didn't even stop walking or turn around...so.... my snappy and oh so brilliant remark back to him was:
"Women with husbands like you should leave them at home"


People had heard everything and had stopped to listen, it was SOOOOO great to hear people laughing after I said that!! My parents where near by and hear/saw it too. They couldn't belive he had said that! The man had NO reason to say that! But I got the last laugh!! Then 20 minutes later, I had a retired police k9 officer crying, showing me pix of his late k9 partner who died of cancer. Buddy looked just like his late partner, and brought back memories, we stood and cried while he petted them both for awhile. It was a very moving moment for us all!!:(

But it just goes to show you that there are ALL types in this world! Some real SICK-O'S that this world can do without, and the people like us all here at PT... the Good People!!!


09-30-2003, 10:19 PM
OK, I have to admit that I am tentative around Dals, but only after having bad experience after bad experience. I am always careful to ask people about their dogs before approaching them, but all three of the ones who attacked me were offleash...BIG pet peeve....

I am trying to get over it though. There is a very sweet Dal who comes into my work about twice a month, and I always make it a point to pet him.

I am absolutely disgusted by breed prejudice as well...After a weekend babysitting my aunt's pitty mix, I was describig him to Brian's aunt and she said "Oh, he doesn't have Pit tendencies does he?" :mad:

I answered "Yes, he has the Pit tendency to be a total love!" :D

09-30-2003, 10:19 PM
When Killian and Shiloh go anywhere, they get respect. People will stand at a distance and ask if they are friendly and can they approach them. Killian is more aloof and Shiloh is friendly (to people, not other dogs).

When handling GSDs at the adoption events, most (but not all) people are cautious when approaching the dogs also.

When we were owned by my Great Pyrenees, just because she was a huge, fluffy dog, people thought that she was friendly. Not so. She did LOVE all children, but hated teenaged boys and even some people. She would pick up on fear. If someone was afraid of her, she gave them a reason to be. She was very picky in who she would allow to approach her. She looked so friendly, but watch out! BUT, boy did that dog LOVE her family!!

09-30-2003, 10:56 PM
Egg-actly! You know what they say about "assuming"! Cody was a yellow Lab/GR mix, raised with love and affection, yet not very socialized, therefore, terribly afraid of strange situations and people, yet extremely aggressive and protective. Klo is a GSD mix, is doing well with people, slightly standoffish until she gets a good whiff, yet HATES kids, despite the previous owner's claim. (Me thinks teased) I even take her to a nursing home and she does great! Our neighbor, 2 doors down has a pitbull who is the friendliest, sweetest boy, loves hugs and kisses. He screams with delight when he sees me, cause it means tons of belly rubs! In fact, the day Cody died, I went over to tell them, and Loco, usually all happy and jumpy, sat by me quietly as I cried hysterically, and put his big ole bonehead on my thigh, which made me cry more. Can't judge a book by it's cover as they say.....

09-30-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by K9karen
In fact, the day Cody died, I went over to tell them, and Loco, usually all happy and jumpy, sat by me quietly as I cried hysterically, and put his big ole bonehead on my thigh, which made me cry more. Can't judge a book by it's cover as they say.....[/COLOR]

Oh! That made me cry. They sure can be sensitive for such rock heads. :)

10-01-2003, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by K9karen
, and put his big ole bonehead on my thigh, which made me cry more. Can't judge a book by it's cover as they say.....


10-01-2003, 07:25 AM
I don't know the truth in it, but I heard that dalmations are difficult (and known as fire dogs) because the majority of them are deaf.

I used to get frustrated with Rosco because even when he was a tiny pup, people would stay away from him and just pet Dusty. The poor guy hardly ever got attention from strangers because he was a pit mix.

Dakota's Mommy
10-01-2003, 10:57 AM
I've heard it with our bigger 2! Especially with Dakota and her size. Sometimes I get that she's a dalmation so she's mean, but mostly it's her size. I think it's kind of funny, yet annoying, because everybody who knows her knows she's the biggest, most lovable baby in the world! But, I definatley know what you're talking about!

10-01-2003, 11:01 AM
Well a good majority of them are deaf... i heard the statistic one time and was surprised. After 101 dalmatians came out everyone was getting them for their kids. but they are a high energy dog and need lots of excercise- people didnt know this and well - theyre not apartment dogs or dogs who can be left alone for long peiods of time. and theyre not difficult theyre supposed to be highly intellegant and easy to train...and contrary to popular beleif they love kids- but it all depends on the dog and the owner i guess. theyre supposed to be good swimmers too which i thought was wierd. i researched dalmatians for 6 yrs before i got Lou Dog...and shttp://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p917d55f94650f5af9c1cbcf83785efc8/fb01c737.jpg.thumb.jpgo far all the good things i read hold true:D

Linda York
10-01-2003, 11:05 AM
I think people stereotype little dogs as: yippy, yappy, barkers....:eek: . But they are not. Well, at least my boys are not. I have three mini doxies and they are not un-necessary barkers. They love everyone..... :)