View Full Version : results bite survey

09-29-2003, 01:17 PM
OK - here are the results of the bite survey! If you didn't reply, you still can and I'll recount the survey later.

The survey did not support my theory that bites inflicted by large breeds are reported more often than bites inflicted by small breeds. Of the dog bites reported in this survey:

33 % of bites inflicted by small/medium breeds were reported to
25% of bites inflicted by large breeds were reported to A.C.

If you listed a cross of two breeds, then I scored it in each category. If you listed more than two breeds, I scored it as "mutt". There were so many different types of terriers listed that I made a generic "terrier" category where I scored miscellaneous terriers.

Breed # in survey # bites # reported to A.C.

German Shepherd 20 9 1
"Mutt" 17 2 0
Poodle 16 3 2
Misc. terrier 11 4 2
Boxer 8 0 0
Lab 8 2 0
Cocker Spaniel 7 3 1
Husky 7 0 0
Sheltie 7 1 1
Beagle 6 0 0
Rottweiler 6 2 0
Border Collie 5 1 1
Jack Russell Terrier 5 2 0
Malamute 4 2 2
Akita 3 1 0
Chihuahua 3 0 0
Doberman 3 1 0
Golden Retriever 3 0 0
Minpin 3 1 0
Pitbull 3 0 0
Shih tzu 3 1 0
Westie 3 0 0
Cairn Terrier 2 0 0
Chow 2 0 0
Collie 2 0 0
Great Dane 2 1 1
Heeler 2 0 0
Hound 2 0 0
Pomeranian 2 0 0
St. Bernard 2 0 0
Wirehair terrier 2 0 0
American Bulldog 1 1 0
Belgian Shepherd 1 1 1
Boston Terrier 1 0 0
Boxer 1 0 0
Bullmastiff 1 1 0
Chesapeake Bay Ret. 1 0 0
Dalmation 1 1 0
ESS 1 1 0
Lhasa Apso 1 1 0
Maltese 1 0 0
Newfoundland 1 0 0
Samoyed 1 0 0
Schnauzer 1 0 0
Shiba Inu 1 0 0
Shipperke 1 0 0
Spitz 1 0 0

09-29-2003, 01:18 PM
Hey! I had placed the #s in columns! Oh, well.

09-29-2003, 01:21 PM
I think that is AMAZING that you collected the information, then reported back to us! What a great job!!!!!!

09-29-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by stacwase

Shiba Inu 1 0 0

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o

You did a wonderful job with this survey!!
Very interesting to read!!

09-30-2003, 10:31 AM
great job, and very interesting results.

thanks for posting the results for all to see :)