View Full Version : Shop Cats!

09-26-2003, 05:02 PM
Ever wanted to see cats who work from around the world? Go to ShopCat.com (www.shopcat.com) to see all the hard-working cats out there who earn their keep.

Love it!!

09-26-2003, 05:13 PM
what a cute site. Thanks for sharing.:)

09-26-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Ever wanted to see cats who work from around the world? Go to ShopCat.com (www.shopcat.com) to see all the hard-working cats out there who earn their keep.

Love it!!


after spending 30 minutes looking at all those cats, I want to go home to MY cat....
I can't bring my cat to work and still have 1 and a half hours before I get home.

thanks! :)

09-26-2003, 07:34 PM
I know, RICHARD, it's hard not being able to have a shop cat of your own.

There have to be studies done on how much more efficient and harmonious this must make a work place. I know it would give me one more thing to look forward to about getting up in the morning if I knew a little kitty awaited me at my office!:D

09-26-2003, 07:35 PM
Also, if you go to the Virginia section you can see Chester. I had the pleasure of meeting him yesterday. He's even cuter in person!!!

09-26-2003, 07:39 PM
I have two shop cats......only I have no customers to enjoy them! At least not in person, but I have to tell you that there is nothing better than sitting at my desk with a cat in my lap or one curled up under my lamp on my desk!!! :)

09-26-2003, 09:17 PM
Several years ago, Channel 2, KATU, in Portland, OR featured - on Friday nights, Bob the Weather Cat. One of the TV camera operators was his guardian. Bob would dress up in appropriate costumes, depending on the weather or time of year and provide a background for the forecasts. It was a sad day when he became an RB kitty. :(

At that time the station produced a 30 min show with many of Bob's highlights. I'm sure I wasn't the only Portlander recording it!

09-28-2003, 12:12 AM
I've seen this site several times - I think it's so cool!

Peter (see link below) is the kitty that is at my vet. He is the sweetest thing, and is so laid back :)


Ally Cat's Mommy
09-28-2003, 12:47 AM
So cute! When we go to Scotland on holiday we always stay at the same fantastic little B&B in St Andrews. The owner has two of the largest Devon Rexs I have ever seen - it's great to cuddle a cat on holiday, but makes me homesick for Ally!

09-28-2003, 10:02 AM
Now that is not a bad idea. Now that I am retired , I can put JJJ3 on the road as a singing Sensation. He can be a pre teen idol and rake in the Big Bucks. Ater All if Britney can caterwaul and be a Big Star , it should be Mouse Soup for the talents of JJJ3.