View Full Version : Cookiebaker, How's Malone?

09-22-2003, 09:30 PM
Anna, I’ve been wondering how Malone’s been doing with his “teenage assertiveness” issues? LOL.
Has he gone back to school yet?

Please keep us updated on sweet Malone.

Oh, and some new pics would be cool, too. ;)

09-23-2003, 05:42 AM
Oh Micki, thanks so much for asking!

I think we are making progressive on this teenage rebellion. He hasn't snipped at me since that night, and I can once again put him in a dominant down without him struggling.

We have consistanly hand fed him, and he has to work for every treat. That alone has made a big difference!!

We started class 3 weeks ago, and last night he was the best that he has EVER been at dog class. (I know I'm jinxing him and next week is going to be a nightmare :eek: ) He heeled very nicely, stayed nice and I was very pleased with him. :)

And just for you, here's a random mix of some recent pictures from our vacation...I'm hoping to have time to post some more later this week....

I came into the room, and found that Malone had swiped our comforter off the bed and gotten nice and cozy for a snooze. Silly Boy!

And this is just a random pic. from a walk.

Coming in from a boat ride in the sunset. Malone *loved* the boat!


Thank you very much for asking, Micki. Malone sez to tell you that he feels very speshul and sends a big licky kiss! :)

09-23-2003, 07:37 AM
So glad to hear that Malone is doing so wonderfully now Anna!

And I must say, that pic of him with your comforter....PRICELESS!!

09-23-2003, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Coming in from a boat ride in the sunset. Malone *loved* the boat!

I absolutely LOVE this picture, so beautiful!

I’m so glad he’s doing better. You know, they really are just like furry children; sometimes they just need more structure and discipline to feel better in their place in this world. I can always tell when I’m getting too relaxed in that area. Millie starts jumping more and nipping my arms, and Chester growls at me over bones. :rolleyes: :D

09-23-2003, 09:58 AM
Thank you!! :) Glad you enjoyed the pics!! I'll get some more new ones up soon!

09-23-2003, 10:24 AM
Looks like Malone had a wonderful vacation!!!!

I'm glad to hear he is behaving himself for now--lots of hugs and kisses to Malone!!!!!

09-23-2003, 12:23 PM
Thanks micki for the reminder!! Anna, I'm so glad to hear Malone's doing so well!!:) You're doing a great job, Anna! Oh, those teenage years!;) Keep up the good work Malone!! I see from your beautiful pictures that there's no question you're enjoying life!!:)

09-23-2003, 06:48 PM
Wow.....what a hansome man!!