View Full Version : An addition to the frisky family

feeling frisky
09-22-2003, 05:17 PM
Well, we finally got another kittie!! I have been wanting one for a while. On Wednesday we went to the S.P.C.A. and we got a beautiful 5 month old brown tabbie. I wanted to name him Frankie but my husband wanted to name him Billy. So i backed down since I had named the other two.We had a few rough days but all is well now. We all sleep in one bed . All on mommies side and no one one daddies side.GO FIGURE??!!Billy just has runny eyes and sneezing all the time. He is on meds but that seems only to help a little. He has a sqeeky meow (like his voice is changing). So I told me he had better work on that meow or we will spell his name Billie instead of Billy. i have never had a kitten before so this is such a treat!!

09-22-2003, 05:50 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Billy. Hope you enjoy your new home.
It is not uncommon to have a URI (a cold) when you come out of the SPCA, but keep in mind that it is contagious to the other kitties and a bit of quarrentee would be a good idea.

09-22-2003, 06:01 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk FF :D So glad you have decided to join our little community. Can't wait to see pictures of Billy.

09-22-2003, 06:09 PM
Congratulations and welcome to Pet Talk! Little Billie sounds so sweet - he may or may not grow into his meow or vice versa :rolleyes: My little Mitzi has a sweet squeaky meow and she's a full grown (the vet says she's over grown :D) gal. I've come to love her little squeaks! Enjoy them when they're small -- they grow up SO fast! Oh, and we MUST see pictures! :) Take care of that UTI - it is contagious.

feeling frisky
09-22-2003, 06:18 PM
We had 3 cat boxes set up 2 in the basement and one in the 2nd fl bath. After everyone started to get along we got rid of the one in the upper bath. As for the basement one I bought very long storage container for a cat boxx.It is about 4 inches high and around 3 ft by 2 ft in length. So far all is working. It is the sleeping arangments we need to work on. Chloe sleeps by my ankle, Corbyn sleeps between my legs and Billy wants to sleep there.Corbyn lets Billy have pretty much everything in the house.But Corbyn will not budge on this area.So Billy gets the "boot" out of there and crawls up by my neck.When I get up in the morning I have no feeling in my entire body.They do not let me move at all during the nite!!!:eek: :mad: :rolleyes:

09-22-2003, 06:24 PM
Ain't that the truth. I'd rather let my arm fall asleep than move Max. **sigh** what's a Meowmie to do.

feeling frisky
09-22-2003, 06:32 PM
just a stupid question. How do you leave kitten food down for a kitten who needs to gain weight. And 2 adult cats that eat adult food that need to loose weight? All sinks are filled with water at pretty much all times. But the food situation is a little problem. Wet food is like a treat only once a day at different times. But the dry food is down all the time. HELP

09-22-2003, 06:38 PM
Tough one. I don't leave food out for my cats at all. I feed twice a day at 7am and 8pm. Speckles is on a low-protein diet and Max can each anything, but because of Specks change in diet and their ages (16 and 10) I decided to put them both on the same low-protein diet otherwise Speckles (the little piggie) would not eat her good food and wander over to Max's dish and get the good stuff. Why not try feeding the kitten in a separate room away from the adults.

09-22-2003, 07:51 PM
Congrats on your new kitten!

09-22-2003, 11:04 PM
Congrats on your new kitty Billy. He sure sounds cute. :) I'd love to see some pics of all of your furkids. :)

I used to free feed but since I learned that Sky has an eating behavioral problem, I now feed them 2 times a day. I measure their food and put it in ziplock bags with their names on it. Then I put Sky in my bedroom to eat. Sunny eats on the counter, Storm eats in the dining room and Cirrus eats in the living room. I keep the food out for about 30 minutes and then put the leftovers back in the ziplock bags. Sometimes Sunny and Cirrus will eat some of Storms food but thats okay because they all eat the same kind and none of them finish all of their food any way. They just think that the food tastes better from Storm's bowl. :) Sky's the one with the weight problem and food problem so he has to stay in my room. So far it's working out well. Good luck. :)