View Full Version : Juni Rose is to get spayed on Friday :(

09-22-2003, 12:34 PM
I surely hate to put her through the operation, but it IS necessary. She is a healthy girl and will bounce right back. She seems so tiny and young to me, but she will be nearly seven months old. It is clearly time.

Miley will enjoy having the house to herself overnight, I am sure.

Juni has never spent a night away from home. <--- oh Sas, get with the program, she will be fine.........


09-22-2003, 01:04 PM
She'll be fine, and you know it, SAS, but I don't blame you one bit for worrying about your sweet, little girl. We'll say a prayer for a flawless surgery for Juni Rose. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-22-2003, 04:20 PM
It is totally understandable that you are worried about leaving Juni Rose overnight. Your past few experiences with the vet haven't exactly had pleasant outcomes, so your fears are understandable. You know she will be fine, but that doesn't make it any easier on you.

Take the opportunity to get some extra special time with Miley, and before you know it Juni will be back home and bouncing off the walls again. :D

09-22-2003, 04:23 PM
I am just about ready to go pick up my 2 foster boys from their neuter today and they are only 4 months old. Juni will be fine, but the house will be lonely. Even with so many, I can feel the difference when 1 is gone.

09-22-2003, 04:49 PM
Gosh that went fast. Your little one is growing up so quickly. I know the house will seem rather empty, even though Miss Miley will still be there, and this might be a good time to give her a little extra special TLC. How are the hot spots? Try and relax. Your cutie pie will be home before you know it. :)

09-22-2003, 05:43 PM
I will drop her off Friday 8 AM and pick her up by noon on Saturday! So it will be a quick visit for sure. I have changed Vets so I hope the difference will be obvious!

Miley has one new hot spot and I am just going to keep an eye on it. The other spots were shaved, medicated and are doing just fine. I think she is a nervous Nelly for sure! I just can't keep worrying about her. I changed her diet to all raw for awhile, to see if that will help. Juni loves raw meats...Miley is neutral about raw meats....oh well...Juni loves all food. It is murder trying to eat something with Juni around. I have to toss her off my dish so many times before she gets the picture. Miley is a good kitty that way and will wait until I put a dish on the floor before she goes in for the kill.

Miley will love being her by herself, with me....although the two cats tolerate each other quite nicely. Sometimes Juni gets to be an itch, but mostly she backs off if Miley is not in the mood to play. Juni often plays by herself. She is one happy kitty, that is for sure! Juni was a real find!

I am sure all will run smoothly.


09-22-2003, 06:06 PM
I can't believe it's time already....she will be OK SAS but as always we will have our fingers and paws crossed for a smooth operation.

Hint: Juni, make sure you get your Meowmie to give you extra treats for all you are going through. Just look at her with those cute little eyes and she'll give you anything you want. Hee Hee.:D

09-22-2003, 09:58 PM
I'm sure Juni will be just fine. Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. :)

09-23-2003, 07:50 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. Keep us posted on her surgery and recovery.

09-23-2003, 09:21 AM
I'm sure Juni will be just fine and back to wrestling with Miley in no time. :D

09-23-2003, 11:01 AM
Prayers and fingers crossed for Sweet Juni Rose!!
Boy the time sure did fly!!!

09-24-2003, 12:21 PM
SEVEN MONTHS???? Time flies for sure.
Sweet Juni, we keep all our fingers crossed for you (and our paws). Let your mom post some pix of you and your sis, once you are ok again;)

09-24-2003, 02:52 PM
Sweet little Juni! Going in for your 'big girl' sir jury, are you? I know you will be F-I-N-E, and ready for loving (and no playing) on Saturday! Good luck, everything is crossed here.

09-24-2003, 08:39 PM
Prayers for Juni's spay day! I'm sure everything will be just fine!!!;)

09-25-2003, 04:47 PM
Good luck tomorrow Juni on your spaying. I know everything will be just fine.

09-25-2003, 05:41 PM
Sas, I hope everything goes well with Juni tomorrow.
I can't believe that she is getting so big so fast!
I hope you can post some new photos for us, maybe some before and after ones?:)

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2003, 06:41 PM
Juni ~
Try to be *nice* to da White Coat! ;)
No *Grrrrin* or *Hissssin* :p

An Mom ~
Mite want to ask the White Coat about one of those :eek: Kone-Hed Contraptions...

Just in case the lil Patient thinks she'd like to
UN-zip da Zippur
a bit affore it's time to do that! :rolleyes:

09-26-2003, 05:23 AM
Saying a little prayer for sweet Juni Rose today.

09-26-2003, 05:46 AM
Juni is running around this morning, without a clue. She hasn't eaten since 8 PM last night. She has investigated the carrier and seems to be ok with it.

Juni is such an active kitty and seemingly healthy. I have no fear about the operation. I just hate to see her slow down because of pain. I will be home with her for the first two days, and that is good. I will try to keep her quiet and comfortable.

Miley has her flag already to hang out! She will love having me to herself tonight and for part of tomorrow.

Aren't pets funny, how they communicate their feelings to you......I can tell by how Miley looks at Juni that she would love for her to disappear from the radar screen most days! And then there are days when I catch them grooming each other for hours on end....off and on, of course, since fights break out after a few minutes!

Thanks again. I will be dropping her off at 8AM and picking her up at noon on Sat., the following day!


09-26-2003, 05:55 AM
Good luck Juni Rose. And do not worry, she will not be slowed down from pain. Bonnie couldn't be kept quiet (like they recommend) after her surgery. She was as active as ever.

09-26-2003, 06:21 AM
Good luck little Juni Rose! I can see by the clock on the wall that you are probably being loaded into that carrier even as I type. You are in store for quite an adventure, but countless kitties have taken that trip before. I know you will do just fine. Before you know it your mommy will be coming to get you and bring you back to Big Sis Miley.

09-26-2003, 06:29 AM
Good luck Juni Rose! it is about 1.30 pm here, so it must be about time now for you to leave for the "white coats"... :)

09-26-2003, 07:47 AM
Juni is so silly that once I tossed a mouse into the carrier, in she went. Just that simple. She cried all the way to the vet's and then became silent once she entered the reception area. They took her away and promised to call after the operation. I forewarned them about her leaping and jumping habits. She will leap from your arms at first chance. She is a mess to try to clip or medicate or brush teeth....etc. She is my "wiggle worm"....but oh how I love her!

I am sure she will be fine. I hope they don't shave tooooo much of her fur from her tummy.

I will let you folks know how it turned out....


09-26-2003, 08:20 AM
Oh Junibaby you just sound like your old uncle Filou who also sings all the way to the vet and wiggles himself out of the arms on everyone's shoulder!

Our hearts are with you but we know you will pass this surgery with flying colors:)

Nosekissies and crossed paws for you, dear girl:)

09-26-2003, 08:49 AM
((((HUGS)))) to Juni and her mommy SAS :)

Dale will have to be visiting the white coats for the same reason in around a month and a half :(

Kona & Oreo's mom
09-26-2003, 09:35 AM
Good luck, sweet Juni Rose. I'm sure everything will go perfectly.

09-26-2003, 10:38 AM
I rec'd a call from the vet about an hour ago. Juni is fine and all went smoothly. She will be on pain meds for the day and I shall pick her up tomorrow morning. I am taking Miley in for a quick shot to ward off more 'hot spots".... so I will have both kitties there at the same time. Better get the other container ready to roll! Miley is easy to crate so I have no fear of the dreaded and almighty wrestle match tomorrow morning! My new vet is just so nice! I love her ... and her staff ... she has such a kind way about her and she can appreciate how much we love our pets. My former vet seemed ok, and I liked him/them/ but when the chips were down, I could not count on the crew of them. The staff was fine...but the two vets failed miserably at taking care of Graemer and Gabe. I will never forgive them.


09-26-2003, 10:45 AM
Glad to hear Juni is doing well!!

09-26-2003, 10:53 AM
Glad Juni is resting easy!!

It is so important to like your vet...as important as it is to like your own doctor or a child's pediatrician. I just started taking Dale to a new vet...the other vet i was gong to was too far away to take him, in case (Heaven Forbid) of an emergency. She was okay, but i didnt get that warm cozy feeling that i felt like i really really liked her. They have a few different vets in the same office...i may try a different one next time.

There is a vet's office around here called exclusively cats, and i may transfer my cats to them...b/c if something (again, heaven forbid) happened to them, they specialize in cats only...and they are very close to me as well.


09-26-2003, 11:13 AM
So glad to hear that Juni Rose is doing well recovering from surgery. Please give her some scritchies from me. Its great to hear the new vet is working out well. I'm afraid my vet is giving me a run for my money. Mandy is scheduled to be spayed on the 3rd of October and they want to do presurgery bloodwork again.

09-26-2003, 11:40 AM
I'm so glad that it went well, Sallyanne. I hope that Juni will feel better very, very soon! :)

09-26-2003, 11:45 AM
Juni, uncle Filou here: I tell you a secret: now you are a big girl and can get much more treats!! Tell your meowmie but don't tell I told you:)

09-26-2003, 11:55 AM
Yeah Juni! You'll be back to your old self in no time. BTW, tell you Meowmie that we want more pictures..

09-26-2003, 01:16 PM
I am so pleased to hear everything went smoothly for little Juni!:) :)

09-26-2003, 02:04 PM
I'm a little late here, but so glad to hear it went well. :) Juni will recover in no time and be back bouncing around in a few days! :D
Enjoy Miley tonight and give her some scritchies from us too!

Hoping for pics soon. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-26-2003, 05:04 PM
I'm glad to hear Juni is doing so well! I'm sure by the time you bring her home tomorrow she will be ready to get back to her climbing and jumping as usual. :D

Hugs to Miley girl on her "home alone with mom" night. :D

09-26-2003, 06:12 PM
Good news about Juni! It seems to go so easy for most of our guys, doesn't it? I am sure Miley girl will love having you ALL to herself.....

09-26-2003, 06:37 PM
It dawned on me on my way home from work tonight, that I had not put any food out for Miley today. I had to take up all the food so that Juni would have an empty stomach this morning, in preparation for her surgery. I didn't think about it again, before I left for work and to drop off Juni. Needless to say, there was water down and Miley was fine. She is not a big eater anyway, but I bet she hasn't gone that long without anything in some time! Bad Meowmie!

I can't wait to see Juni. The little monkey!


09-26-2003, 06:55 PM
Sometime it is a relief not to see a thread until the final results are posted. Okay, I am a worrier. Here's hoping our little Juni Rose is feeling much better and that Miley Kitty is will appreciate her sister's return to the home front. Here's to a peaceful and loving evening for you and Miley tonight, although I know you both must miss her something fierce.

09-26-2003, 08:58 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Juni's surgery went well and i'm sure she'll be up to mischief in no time at all. :) Now have a great night with Miley. :)

Steffi N
09-26-2003, 09:09 PM
I am glad that Juni's surgery went well and I hope she has a quick recovery and is back to playing soon. Pets for you Juni Rose and you too, Miley girl.

09-26-2003, 09:24 PM
Get ready to cuddle tonight Miley Girl! Mommy is all yours!! :cool: Hope little Juni Rose will be her crazy little self again before long. I'll tune in tomorrow to see how she is. :)

09-27-2003, 12:28 AM
Missed this thread till now. So glad to hear it went well and dear Juni will be with you tomorrow. I bet Miley was REALLY glad to see you this evening!

09-27-2003, 06:13 AM
Now I recall why I thought Miley should have a playmate. She kept me awake, off and on, all last night and this AM. She is really needy. She would make some house-bound person a wonderful friend! She groomed me, licked my face, put her face in my hands so that I would rub her, she slept next to my head all night, keeping a close eye on me. I am exhausted. I think the term is called "tossing and turning all night"....... to avoid Ms. Miley's advances!

I will call the Vet around 8:30 so that I will know when it is they will fit Miley's appointment in - for her cortizone shot and then they will load Juni in her crate - ready for her trip home. The vet is only 5 mintues away, thank goodness. I will probably have two meowing kitties since they will be in different containers.

I have no big plans for the day and hope to spend most of my spare time keeping close tabs on Juni, the itch. I surely hope she leaves her incision alone.

Thanks for all of your good wishes - I feel comfortable with my new vet. I just cannot tell you what a difference it makes just in a tone of voice between the new and old vets. My old vets were very condecending in tones and comments - seemed in a hurry most of the time and this new vet is very calm, softly spoken, opinionated for sure, thorough - you get the picture! I just love her and her staff. I tell all my friends how wonderful she is.....her name is Millie Armstrong at Petit Brook in Colchester VT. Just in case someone wants to refer someone there! PR!

Thanks again,
Sas, Miley girl and Juni the itch!

09-27-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
She groomed me, licked my face, put her face in my hands so that I would rub her, she slept next to my head all night, keeping a close eye on me. I am exhausted.

Hehe! People aren't supposed to be exhausted in the morning! :D It sounds like your hands will be full today, keeping little Juni Rose calm while trying to stay awake! :) What a great recommendation for your vet! :) It is so important to feel that your furry ones are in the best of hands. My vet has grown from a solo practice to taking on his wife, to taking on another vet also. I always make my appointments with him (the original vet) though and so far thankfully he hasn't developed that "hurry and get them out the door" mentality that so many practices (humans' doctors especially) develop when they get too large!