View Full Version : we wntz to da white coatz

09-22-2003, 12:26 AM
Hi peeples

Smudge here. On Saturday mommy tooked the three of us to da white coat to get up checked and our vaccums. She did it all by herself which was really stupid of her but she was a good mommy and didn't get stressed out at all. She said dat we could all tell you what da vet said about us. 'Cause her head tis hurting and tummy is doing flips, I can't see it doing flips but that's what she said.

I'm da oldest so I's gets to tell you what happened. Da white coat (her name was dr. goulding) said that I'm good. I was scared and wanted to get off da table and hide my head so da white coat couldn't see me but she still checked everyting out. My teeth are very nice she said and my everything else she said looks good and she said I look good at da weight I am. I weigh a whole 15.6kg mommy says that's somewhere in da 30's and da vet was happy with dat.

Winter was good for da white coat to. Though da white coat had problems getting enough skin to give da freak her shots. Her teeth have some tartar build up on da back ones, mommy's gonna try to brush her teeth more often and gives her stuff to chew on. Winter also needs to gain a tad bit of weight she weighed 12.2kg which mommy says is 26lbs or something like dat, she said dat Winter can't gain to much weight doh becuase it would hurt her leg.

Tama was a goody boy to except when he screamed when he got his needle, it was right in mommy's ear. I stood up on my back legs to make sure he wasn't getting hurted he wasn't. He's just a drama queen or dat's what mommy says. Da white coat said dat he's gonna have to go see da dentist in 3 to 6 mnths 'cause his teeth aren't dat good and he's got really really bad breath. He needs to gain weight to but mommy knows dat, she's been trying to put weight on him since she got him but he doesn't gain any, dat's why he gets called da supermodel. He only weighs 2.2kg or 5lbs or so, he's gonna be getting some extra food and stuff to try to gets da weight dat he needs on him.

For being such good doggies mommy bought us greenies and some other treats, she also bought a new pet home but we don't gets to play with him....he's not allowed to leave da water. Mommy says he's a betta but she's still trying to name him.

Dats all for now doh, I'm tired and Winter's trying to take my spot.


09-22-2003, 12:32 AM
:D Smudge, Winter, Tama... sounds like you guys all had a big day! Glad that everyone checked out ok. Hope your mommy starts feeling better soon. Be sure to give her big snuggles (and a little extra room on the big bed wouldn't hurt either). ;)

09-22-2003, 12:33 AM
Hey guyz! Ooh I feel yer pain, I hadta vizit the white coatz last week...but mommy just bought some uv dose yummy treatz (she sed they're fer heartwormz or sumfin) an no shotz....sorry u guyz had to have shotz! Oo and not da dentist! Mom scaled my teeth lazt week too an it wuznt fun.

*Butt sniffs*

Luv, NeBo

09-22-2003, 07:17 AM
Smudgers, I feels your pain.

I had to go to da whitecoats a few weeks ago, and it was da worst!!! She put me to sleep, and when I woke up, I had stitches!!! Mommy says I got "newtered", whatever that means!!

My mommy has troubles getting me to gain weight too--if she would just feed me more of that yummy stuff like she gets to eat, I would be good!!!!! She doesn't understand that tho!!!

I'm glad all 3 of you are healthy!!!!


oooops!! Mommy sayz for me to tell you to tell your mommy to feel better soon!!!!

09-22-2003, 07:22 AM
Keegan sez:
I feelz yer pian!!! But boy do you have one brave mommy taking you to the vet herself!!!
Eat Up Tama!!! Get sum gud fud!!

09-22-2003, 08:02 AM
All 3 at the same time:eek: YIKES! Your more brave than I would be, it's no wonder you have a headache;)

I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well and you (well...most of you) were good for your shots!

Hope mommy gave you some yummy goodies for being such good doggies:D