View Full Version : The evil neighbor strikes again

09-19-2003, 06:50 PM
Today, I come home from work and there is a note on my door from my neighbor. It states that ever since I have gone back to work, my dogs have managed to get into her yard and viciously attack her dog. Today, they attacked her grandaughter and her entire family is terrified of them. Her final words in the letter were: I am afraid that your dogs may get hurt.

Here is the kicker: My dogs haven't been unattended outside ever since she stole them a month or two ago! I had surgury, so I was off work the past few months. Monday was my first day back to work. She is assuming that since I went back to work, I am leaving the dogs outside. Well, my dog run doesn't have shade yet and it has been a hot week. The dog run has a lock on it, but the backyard doesn't so I have kept them in the house all week long. When they aren't in the house, they are on a chain out front while my husband is working in the garage. They are on a leash with me when they go to the bathroom or I'm standing right there in the back yard. They are crated in the house at night.

Aside from all of that, they are sweethearts. Neither of them have an aggressive bone in their body. Well, Roxy will bite someone if they stick their arms and legs through the fence, but aside from that she's nice. Neither of them are predatory.

This lady is such a compulsive liar and dog hater. I am about to lose it with her!

09-19-2003, 07:12 PM
Ugggggh. :( I hate to say it but maybe you should save that letter for evidence in court. :o

09-19-2003, 07:20 PM
I agree and don't even leave your dogs for a second. We've had a lot of calls in my area about neighbors killing dogs. This woman has real issues. Any chance of you
maybe moving? I know that's horrible but I think it would be worse to have hateful, spiteful neighbors like her.

09-19-2003, 07:52 PM
We already have plans to sell this house within the next year or two. We don't want to do it any sooner because we are saving money to upgrade into a larger house. She'd mentioned that she was selling a few months ago, but I've yet to see her house up for sell.

09-19-2003, 08:15 PM
Call a few local realtors,(as Anonymously as possible)...let them know that you know a Fabulous House that the owner is thinking about selling...Give Address...oh go ahead..Give The Phone #..

Let the Commission Shark in them take over...they'll be "Hounding" her every day just to get the listing!!!!

Hopefully your prayers will be answered!!!!

But DO Save That NASTY Letter!!!!

09-19-2003, 08:18 PM
I think u should make copies of that letter & bring it to the police & if the police do jack, just give the fbi a shout & see what they have to say about it. I also subjest u get letters from ur neighbours stating ur dogs r nice & love children & wouldn't attack & make copies of ur notes about all the other things shes done, like stol ur dogs... it'll help in ur defence... & also mat save ur dogs lives from being put down because of her.. try & see if u can get a note from her husband... I think u said he was a good guy, right?? Also take photos of ur yard set up & the dogs chjains & the lock on the dog pen, etc.

Oh & make it quite clear to the cops/fbi that this "I am afraid that your dogs may get hurt." a threat & it is a crime!!!!!!!!

Toby's Mommy
09-19-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Kater
Ugggggh. :( I hate to say it but maybe you should save that letter for evidence in court. :o

I really hate people like that!! That lady is really mean!:mad:

09-19-2003, 08:28 PM
I think you have one scary neighbor.

Is is possible to bring her a apple pie,
and re-assure her that it must have been
someone elses dogs, because yours have
been locked inside your house while you
were away from work. Or is she crazy enough
to say you attacked her?
I would be as nice as honey with this lady.
And see what she has to say.
She sounds like one crazy woman and I would
keep the note as evidence too.

If possible how about setting up a hidden
camera overlooking your property.

09-19-2003, 08:31 PM
Camera outside is excellant idea! And how about an apple pie with Exlax :)

09-19-2003, 08:42 PM
And how about an apple pie with Exlax

ooohhhh yyyaaaaaaaa!!!! do it, do, it do, it.... NOT!! u don't want to get arrested for poisoning her.

09-19-2003, 09:07 PM
Lol, actually, I did take your advice last time. I gave her a card with a $100 gift certificate to home depot. I told her in a note that I was sorry for the misunderstandings; that I understand my dogs haven't been the easiest and that we are building a dog run and going to crate them at night for now on...I also reminded her that I'd put Rosco to sleep because of how he was aggressive and that should be proof enough that I would never own a dog that I felt was aggressive. I assured her that I felt my dogs were harmless, but for her sake, I will keep them either in the dog run or the house for now on. I was totally apologetic and polite, but kept from any sort of admitting guilt because I didn't want her to turn it around on me.

She never even acknowledged the card. It was as if I didn't give it to her.

She's just psycho. Here she complains about these sweet dogs, yet she gives me hell all the time for putting Rosco to sleep. She just wants to hear herself complain.

I like the idea about a camera and calling a realtor. I am going to do both. -Although my camera will be filming nothing since my dogs aren't back there. lol.

09-19-2003, 09:09 PM
p.s. I am so spittin mad right now, I can't even have a conversation with her. I'm afraid to even take the dogs outside to go to the bathroom because if I see her, I'm going to go off. I'm trying to avoid her for a few days until I can calm down and be civil.

09-19-2003, 09:11 PM
Oh, and Mike and I talked about it...we don't want to drag her husband into it. He is a super duper nice hard working guy, and if we confront him, we'll be forcing him to defend her. We'd rather just not discuss it with the poor man. He has enough worries living with that hag.

09-19-2003, 09:12 PM
I have an idea!! put up a no tresspassing sign & when ur camera's catch her in ur yard, she can be charged & there is no way her word will stand up in court!!!

09-19-2003, 09:20 PM
Well, Roxy will bite someone if they stick their arms and legs through the fence, but aside from that she's nice.

You need to be VERY VERY careful, then. Did you know, that in the vast majority of court cases like this, the dog owner would be found liable for their dog biting someone, even if the stuck their arm through your fence. Fair? No. But that is how it is.

Do not acknowledge to anyone that your dog will bite. Do not say anything to this woman about it. She will have you over a barrel if your dog does bite her someday, even if she is at fault. The reason being - in the court's eyes, you will have known that your dog is a biter, and you allowed your dog to have access to your neighbor, even through the fence. This makes you negligent, in the court's viewpoint.

I don't know all the details, but it sounds to me like you are on thin ice here ... not only is this woman apparently unstable and vindictive ... but you have a dog that could possibly bite her if given the chance. (Do not put it past her to intentionally stick her hand in and get bitten!)

If I were you I would NEVER let my dogs outside off a leash, and NEVER without me standing right there. It's just not worth it.

09-19-2003, 09:30 PM
I don't know all the details, but it sounds to me like you are on thin ice here ... not only is this woman apparently unstable and vindictive ... but you have a dog that could possibly bite her if given the chance. (Do not put it past her to intentionally stick her hand in and get bitten!)

That is actually how I found out Roxy will (possibly) do that. Supposedly, she stuck her bare foot under the fence and Roxy bit it. Roxy supposedly wouldn't let go. A second time, she says she stuck her hand through a hole and Roxy "mauled" it. Both times I talk to her the day of the supposed incidents, and there wern't any marks what so ever. Not even like imprints if it was a lite nip. Nothing. I asked her why she would put her limbs through my fence, and she said "To see if she'd bite me." So, that was when I built the double fence so that my dogs can't come within 3 feet of the fenceline between her yard and mine. That was last winter.

Then, when she stole my dogs and dumped them off a few months ago, I quit putting them in the yard unattended what so ever.

09-19-2003, 09:35 PM
Kingrattus, I do have no tresspassing signs up. I used to also have beware of dog signs, but my lawyer suggested taking those down. I have been keeping record of all these things. Also, my vet has been keeping records too. I filed a police report when the dogs were stolen, but I sort of felt like the police officer thought I was being petty. I would love to install a camera now ($$), but my biggest concern is buying an awning for the dog run so that the dogs can be secure outside when I am gone. They don't like to be inside all the time. The new dog run is on the far side away from her house and his totally locked and gated with high fences.

09-19-2003, 09:51 PM
get the cheapest webcam u can find & then get a free webcam program that does motion sencing. I bought my webcam for 20.00cad so thats like 15-17.00usd. very cheap... u can set up the program to save all photos & u can montior it online aswell... All I think u'll need is an extra long wire or an extention cord for the camera. & that might be about 20.00usd... the program I have is called VisionGS PE 1.21.. the newer one is horrible & super buggy, so only use this version. if u can find better, then use that, but u don't need to pay for this one.. go to www.tucows.com & it has lots of free webcam stuff.

To view mine (its dark because its looking into a dark tank & I have the lowest quality on) aqua cam (http://jess.iahu.ca/live.htm)

This is just to give u an idea

09-19-2003, 09:58 PM
Wow, kin, I didn't realize cams were that cheap these days! I was thinking like $800. I'll have to tell my husband about that. He does electrical, so wiring it up shouldn't be a problem.

Just for everyone's info that doesn't know the history; here are the past threads:



09-19-2003, 10:18 PM
What a nut job, first is your dogs "viciously attack" her dog and the grandaughter wouldn't she have called the police or someone? If someones dog attacked one of my family members I'd be on the phone to report it and I love dogs. So I would think anyone who hates your dogs would be calling any body and every body she could. You know she has to be lying or else she would have done more then leave a note.

I say call her bluff, Leave her a very nice note saying how sorry you are that her dog and grandchild got attacked by "A" dog. Say how you do hope that the police finds out whos dogs attacked hers. But as for your dogs they have been locked up in your house all day and it impossable that it was your dogs. Even though it's a lie, tell her, If my dogs had gotton out the camera would have caught it. She doesn't need to know you don't already have a camera set up. Then get one. Thanks her for the "nice" note and inform her that you will be keeping it for furture reference, in case somethings come up with your dogs. Just make it sound like you are really concerned and care. This way the note can't come back on you, the way hers can.

This way, you look good as a neighbor, she might think twice about lying again about your dogs and with her thinking you have a camera set up, it will keep her away from your place, till you get one. Also letting her know you are keeping the note for furture reference might get her thinking about what shes done and that maybe it will come back to haunt her. I think sometime you have to fight fire with fire, just do it with a little class. :D

Just a thought off the top of my head, for what ever thats worth. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry you have to go through this I know it's got to be ruff.

09-19-2003, 11:52 PM
posted by Tonya:Lol, actually, I did take your advice last time. I gave her a card with a $100 gift certificate to home depot. >>>

That's it! she want's another $100 gift certificate. lol

All kidding aside, I like the web cam idea.
Don't give her anymore $100 gift certificates.
My advice was to be nice, not give her a pay off. lol
A pie is sufficient, without the exlax.

09-20-2003, 07:38 AM
Wow............... this hag doesn't need to dress up for Halloween, she's already a WITCH!!! (lol)

Holy Crap she's a nut case!! I don't know anything else to tell you that has not already been said. The web cam sounds awsome!
As for having signs in your yard (beware of dog and no tress) I spoke to my insurance agent when my last dog (Toby) bite the Gas Man. I asked him how I could cover myself in the event someone came into my yard, not invited, and one of my dogs bite them. He said you have to have both signs in your yard.

(Listening to stories like this, makes me want to walk next door and hug my neighbors!!!!!!)

09-20-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by KYS
posted by Tonya:Lol, actually, I did take your advice last time. I gave her a card with a $100 gift certificate to home depot. >>>

That's it! she want's another $100 gift certificate. lol
Those were my exact thoughts too! I personally wouldn't even acknowledge the letter. I'd just ignore her....period.

09-20-2003, 09:52 AM
posted by pitc9:As for having signs in your yard (beware of dog and no tress) I spoke to my insurance agent when my last dog (Toby) bite the Gas Man. He said you have to have both signs in your yard. >>>>>>

I am confused about the signs too.
I also heard long ago on another list I am,
that an attorney said do not put a sign out for dangerous dog etc, because than you are admitting your dog might be dangerous.
Maybe different states have different laws.
I bet the perfect person to ask and get in writting
would be from the legal department of your home-owners

Well since I was confused and did not know what to believe,
I took my beware of dog sign off a year ago, and replaced
it with a cute large yield sign that saids, Akita crossing.

09-20-2003, 09:10 PM
My dad says I should take her note and write in huge letters: BUMMER! and send it back. lol.

09-21-2003, 11:11 AM
Well, she walked up to me yesterday. I was forced to talk to her. I brought both of my dogs outside and said "These are my dogs. This is Roxy. This is Dusty. Now which one of these savage dogs are attacking your family and pets?" She pointed at Roxy and said that is the one. Now Roxy is my dog that always lies down submissively when she sees a small kitty, dog, or child. I can actually walk Roxy and she'll brush past a dog or cat without having to stop and greet it. She'll flat out ignore them at times. I can imagine Dusty getting misinterpreted since he plays so rough and moves so fast; but there is not a chance in heck that Roxy would.

Anyways, I told her that she must be mistaken because I have kept my dogs inside ever since she stole them from me. She looked at me all shocked and said she was insulted that I would say such a thing. I told her that I have done all that I can to appease her and be a responsible pet owner. I said "And you can stop calling and leaving notes, because I am no longer listening to your complaints. I own this house and I am not going to try to please you anymore. "