View Full Version : Your city's dog regulations

09-19-2003, 12:20 AM
I've really been wanting to get another siberian husky. It's not likely to happen of course. But the main thing my parents have as an argument is the city's laws:

a) No person shall harbor or possess more than two (2) dogs and two (2) cats, six (6) months of age or older without purchasing a kennel license.

I think the 2 dog limit is completely ridiculous. :mad: I can't really do much, as I'm already over that limit. I actually called and talked to the animal control officer....I told him that 1 dog that is unneutered and allowed to roam and bark is 50 times more trouble then the dogs of those who keep them trained and in their house/yard. He agreed with me, but just said the law is the law basically. I, personally, think that they could have 2 dogs be the limit, UNLESS you were able to get permission and/or pay a fee for extra dogs and were a responsible owner...something like that.

I really do like this city, and I'd like to continue living here but I can't with the crappy 2 dog limit...as whenever I get on my own I'm certain to have at least 3.

What is your city's laws about dog ownership?

I found this about the Kennel License...I have a large dog run that is covered, kept clean, there's food/water, as well as having a brick flooring. I don't know if it would count though. Not to mention it wouldn't be used for breeding/boarding or anything like that.

6.28.010. Definition.

As used in this title, the word "kennel" means a premises where more than two adult dogs or two cats are raised, kept, housed, or boarded. No person shall operate or maintain a kennel without first obtaining a conditional use permit from the planning commission; after approval of the permit, a kennel license must be obtained from the animal control officer.

6.28.020. Kennel license--Fee.

The annual fee for the license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), due and payable by the last day of February of each year. Said fee is in addition to the fee charged for the issuance of a conditional use permit.

6.28.030. Conditional use permit--Minimum standards.

The following minimum standards shall be complied with to obtain and maintain a conditional use permit to operate a kennel:

A. Enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection against weather extremes. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of an appropriate material as required by the specific breed of dog or cat and also to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting.

B. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained and an appropriate temperature provided as required by the specific breed of dog or cat housed therein.

C. Each animal shall have sufficient space to stand up, lie down and turn around without touching the sides or tops of cages.

D. Runs shall provide an adequate exercise area and protection from the weather.

E. All animal quarters and runs are to be kept clean, dry and in a sanitary condition. The food shall be free of contamination palatable and of sufficient nutritive value as to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal.

F. Fresh water is to be available at all times. Water vessels shall be mounted or secured in a manner that prevents tipping and be of the removable type.

G. No kennel shall be located on the subject property in such a manner as to be a source of noise, odor or other nuisance to neighboring property owners.

09-19-2003, 12:28 AM
Our city's limit is 3 I believe. It didn't occur to me that there are kennel licenses. I know of a lady who has 9 dogs (most of them are borders) so there must be a way...

09-19-2003, 08:49 AM
How funny you should bring this up.
I am not sure what our limit is--if it's 2 or 3, we're in trouble:eek:

My question is, though, how do they know how many you have? Obviously I have 4 licenses, so they could look it up, but I haven't heard anything yet. My vet didn't say anything, our spca didn't say anything when we adopted Jada, and the pet store that sells the licenses didn't say anything to me--hopefully we're ok.

If we are over the limit, and are supposed to have a kennel license, so be it--I'll pay for it--the last thing I would do is get rid of any of the dogs. Amy, you mention that the fee is $25 a year--that's not bad to have another dog.

As long as none of my neighbors complain, I think we'll be ok--the only dog who barks outside is Abbey, and she stops when I tell her to.

09-19-2003, 11:35 AM
We have the same limits--2 & 2. But we also have the rather unique circumstance of large rural properties within the city limits and dog teams are sometimes kept there. So when they amended the animal control by-law a couple years ago, a special grandfther clause was put in for mushers. I have a sled team permit which allows me to keep as many dogs as I want, with specified conditons for them. (cleanliness ect) It costs me 110 dollars a year for the permit. I had to get written permission from anyone I share my property line with as well to prove they didn't mind the dogs. My permit can be pulled if I get too many complaints. Fortunately, my neighbors are great and that won't be an issue. It also can't be transfered. If I move, no one with a dog team can move into my property.

Rural properties can have 6 dogs and 6 cats with approval by the city. I am over the cat limit, but I dont' really care. My cats don't go outside and I dont' think anyone can tell me how many I can keep in my house.

An actual kennel liscense is hard to get here and subject to tons of regulations.

09-19-2003, 11:57 AM
non, but if one were to be put in place, we dont licence our dogs for that reason:p

4 Dog Mother
09-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Last year when we got our 4th dog someone mentioned that they didn't think I could have that many dogs even though we do not live in the city limits. I called the auditor (who sells the licenses) to check it out and was told that there was no limit to the amount of dogs you owned as long as you were not selling them for profit. That if you were doing that then you needed a kennel license. She said there were a number of people who had 3 and a few more who had 4, 5 or 6. She really didn't mention if she knew of any with more than 6. All of our dogs are licensed, partly because they are suppose to be to go to the dog park although I am not sure they ever asked any proof of that and because it is another way of having your dog returned if it is lost. I guess just as some never thought to have it done, we never thought not to have it done.

So if it wasn't for fivedogdad I could have as many dogs as I wanted!:D And yesterday I was at the Humane Society and saw 3 that would make nice additions to my family.;) He is now living in Florida, think I can hide the evidence when he does get home?

09-19-2003, 12:29 PM
i just called animal controll to ask them that ? and she said i'd have to call the city zoning dept.
now this could take a while. it's not easy to get to a real person, instead of a recording , in city govt.

09-19-2003, 12:45 PM
they said 4. but she said they are really looking for "the collectors", people whe hord 20 30 40 animals at a time. and chickens. we have a wild chicken in our neighborhood and she gave a # to call about her. i thought she might not make it through the winter, but the lady across the st. feeds her chicken food. but the bad news is the river rats eat it too.
so now that we know the city will let us have 3 dogs and a cat................... our next step is the moble home managers. we still want "the new girl " to get a forever home, but what if she can't find one...

Dakota's Mommy
09-19-2003, 01:55 PM
On Fort Hood, you can't have more than 3 dogs registrered! I think most military installations are around the same but my husband told me of a person at one post he was at that the people had like 6 bichons, sine they all looked the same, they just made sure to only let 3 outside at a time so nobody could tell. I'm kind of relieved of the limit though, we're out of room for pups, especially witht he baby on the way, but I'm sure my hubby would love to have more!

09-19-2003, 08:58 PM
I don't know about this citys laws, nor care. Max is all I want. But back home it was 4 dogs. if u had more nothing was done unless there were problems. A neighbour (2 houses down) had 6 dogs. all were friendly & they only barked while they were outside playing (which wasn't for very long). But my nextdoor neighbours dog was super mean & has bitten Max & almost attacked me several times while I was in my own yard. When that mean dog was outside (almost all day long) the 6 dogs would go up to the fence wanting to play with her, but the mean dog use to bite & try to eat their paws through the fence (the mean dog was twice their size).. the owner of the mean dog called animal control & said the 6 dogs were attacking her dog. all 6 dogs were removed & distroyed!!! I tried to save them & told animal control that the dogs were nice & it was the mean dog that was attacking dogs, she didn't listen to me & sad she had several complaints about the 6 dogs attacking other dogs... I told her the only dog that is near the 6 dogs is the mean one!! I soo found out that the animal control lady was friends with my neighbour :( So all 6 were destroyed.... The family with the 6 dogs moved after their dogs were killed.. it was soo sad, they had those dogs for over 6 years!!!

09-19-2003, 09:02 PM
Ours (I think) is three animals - any combination of dogs and/or cats. Really, I would wonder how anyone would know how many cats you had if you kept them indoors. Not that way with the dogs though. Everybody knows their neighbors dogs.

09-19-2003, 09:09 PM
Inside city limits here it is four animals, any combination of dogs, cats or ferrets.

Outside city limits, there is no limit. Hence, the reason I can have ten dogs.

09-19-2003, 09:14 PM
I don't know about cats, but the dog limit is 3 here.

09-19-2003, 09:15 PM
oh ya, there was also no limit of cats or other small animals, just dogs (mostly cause of the barking)

09-19-2003, 09:37 PM
We have a four animal limit unless you obtain a kennel license.

I only license the dogs since the kitties never got outside I don't license them. Then they'd know for sure I'm over the limit!

09-20-2003, 02:43 AM
the regulations here are like that to Amy, It is so lame. people are aloud as many cats as they want, but only 2 dogs per household, anymore and you have to get a kennel licence. I hate that rule. :(:(

09-20-2003, 09:03 AM
the limit here is 2 (dogs) then after that you need a licence, i must discretly check out the 4 dog laws in our city. i will get a licence if i need to (i should have gotton one when we bought theodore home):o

what about everyones leash laws?

ours is dogs must be on lead in all public places (eg shops,malls, etc), they are alowed off lead in most parks/ reserves , but onlead within 500 meters of childrens play equipment and sporting fields (that are in use). and to keep these laws ALL owners must have complete control of their dogs and clean up after them.