View Full Version : Picking a cat up by it's tail.

09-18-2003, 05:32 PM
I am a tech for the phone company. Yesterday, I was at a customer's house admiring her cat. He was a beautiful all black cat with green eyes. Apparently, they live out in the country and he was dumped off on their street last halloween. They said that all four of his feet were declawed. Anyways, we were talking about how cruel that someone would declaw all four paws and then actually dump him off somewhere, blah, blah, blah... Then she goes "Watch this, this is wierd." She picks the cat up by the tail and he is just dangling there! :eek: Naturally, I freaked out and screamed "What the BLEEP are you doing!!??" She goes, "No, I totally love animals I wouldn't do this but he loves it." Sure enough, this cat seemed to enjoy it. He kept coming back to her and putting his tail in her hand. He was so loving and content. It was so freakin wierd. Have you ever heard such a thing? Can't that hurt the cat?!

09-18-2003, 05:46 PM
That IS strange. I sure hope that cat REALLY does like it (and that the cat isn't too heavy) or one day it WILL hurt him.

09-18-2003, 05:47 PM
Well. as long as the cat likes it I guess.....:confused: But that is weird. and how did your friend find out that he likes it anyways?

09-18-2003, 05:50 PM
This wasn't a friend, this was a customer of mine. I do not know how she found this out, I was in to much shock to really say or ask anything. The only words that I managed to get out was that I hoped she never does that in front of children because they might try to do it on their own cat. And she said that she doesn't. This cat was full grown and about average size. It wasn't a very big cat, but not small either. Even if the cat does like it, what if it hurts him! I'm curious; I think I might call my vet and ask him.

09-18-2003, 05:58 PM
Ok. I just talked to my vet, I feel a little better. He said that as long as they aren't swinging the cat around roughly, it probably will not injure the cat. He said if they were rough that it may cause a tailbone injury, but odds are that the cat won't get hurt with the way they're picking him up. He said he doesn't think I should call animal control since the cat seems to be enjoying it. He thought it was the wierdest phone call he'd ever had though. lol.

09-18-2003, 06:00 PM
I had a cat that liked to be picked up by her tail, but I only lifted her up high enough to raise her back feet up the ground because I didn't want to risk hurting her. She really liked it.

09-18-2003, 06:55 PM
Maybe he's had too much catnip. That is so strange.

09-19-2003, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by catland
I had a cat that liked to be picked up by her tail, but I only lifted her up high enough to raise her back feet up the ground because I didn't want to risk hurting her. She really liked it.
I've seen cats that like that.

Maybe it's like a kitty chiropractic? :confused: :)

09-19-2003, 09:26 AM
That is one for thge books! And if I ever did that with my Cats , the Cat would not be the one that needed medical attention , it would be me!

09-19-2003, 10:00 AM
Now THAT is weird :rolleyes: :eek: ! I always heard that it is dangerous to do that!! Isn' a tail a part of the back?? OMG!!

I would surely NEVER do that; and I know for sure that Maya & Inka would NOT appreciate this :rolleyes: :eek: ; Inka already hates it when we only touch or pet her tail :eek: :D :D

09-19-2003, 12:28 PM
I thought about this driving home last night....

I 'pick up' Eddie by the tail......but with my other hand supporting his chest.....like the handlers at the dog shows....He doesn't mind it at all.....:confused: He like to have his tail touched and he does have the habit of flipping his tail to get your attention....