View Full Version : how to make a kitten forget trapping?

09-18-2003, 02:56 PM
Hello everyone! I caught 2 kittens! Now they are a handful but it somewhat gave me peace of mind that they are at my place and not out there in the cold. I however have a problem, 2 kittens are left behind. The other one got traumatized since he was able to escape. The other 1 I very rarely see and he's really the independent type, always knowing where to get food and all. Now the other kitty is alone and scared of me. How do I make him trust me again so I could trap him? Should I go back to regular feeding or starve him and try to trap him so soon? Btw, I used carrier trapping and wow it sure does work!

K & L
09-18-2003, 02:59 PM
I would set food out for a while and let him see he can come there and eat without being scared. Then have him go without food for at least 48 hours before you trap.

09-18-2003, 03:05 PM
Please don't give up on the other two kittens. If anyone knows about this, it is K&L. Follow her instructions.

Good luck.

09-18-2003, 03:13 PM
I know I'm doing the right thing but I feel so sorry for the other kitty(the other one is just so headstrong and independent you never see him around) I feel guilty of taking away his brothers. Anyway please pray for these kittens. I am gonna follow your instruction and I promise not to give up on them. The only good thing is that we were able to trap some of them in 1 try! Thanks for the reply. I'll email you back for updates and I'll post their pictures soon. Now I can take their pictures without the fence blocking the view.

K & L
09-18-2003, 03:21 PM
Another good way is feed them in unset traps at the same place and same time. Wire the doors to the traps so they won't spring. Once they've become use to the traps then set them so they'll trip. If this still doesn't work try a drop trap. You can build this yourself. If you need instructions let me know. Good luck and YES keep us posted!!

09-19-2003, 09:52 AM
the one thing that always works is kidness! And putting a little luncheon meat on top doent hurt and gives them a little extra protein!Best Wishes from the Lost Cats Hotel and please keep in touch!

K & L
09-22-2003, 04:44 PM
Anything new with the kitten?

09-22-2003, 07:07 PM
hello... as you could see from the title, the kittens i caught ran away. I thought I was making progress already since I was able to touch them after 2 days. Then on the 3rd day, my bf and I shut the windows in their room for safety and left a little crack on the door. When we came home they weren't in the room so we spent an hour looking for them and catching them. I guess they got even madder after that. After bringing them back to their room, they just got meaner and hissed at the very sight of me. I opened the window a little so they could at least have air(didn't occur to me that they would attempt to escape). The next day (ironically was my bday) I came back to the room and found a hole in the window screen. Apparently they were up all night chewing their way to freedom. We looked for them but its not as if they are gonna come to me at the sound of my voice. My only hope is that they come back here when they get hungry (i put food in the yard) or they find a home elsewhere since they don't like it with me. My first attempt to rescue ferals is so frustrating. Now, I am afraid to relocate my other ferals for the fear of doing harm than good. They hated being confined in one room. I hope they knew I only meant well.