View Full Version : How could they have not liked "The New Girl"

09-14-2003, 03:28 PM
We met the couple at the park to check out "The New Girl". The lady had seen her pic at the pet shop across the street from us. They seemed to like her, but we told them we would get her spayed before she could go home with anyone, and they thought that was a good idea.Tom called them this morn and they said "NO":confused: They didn't think she gave enough kisses and she didn't come when called. This poor girl has been traumatized and has only been with us 7 days. We were also at a park, not in our living room. There were 9 dogs total so of course she is into the dogs, more than us people. Oh well, their loss.

Another couple from my work called and talked with Tom. WOW, they wanted to breed her and were glad to hear she was in heat. They have a 6 mth old male ShepX. HELLO?????:confused: :confused:

We have had 2 other calls, and he is returning one of them now. Not sure what is going on there, he's been on the phone a bit now with her.
Our plan is to get her spayed after she is out of heat though and get her the shots she needs. Maybe I can get her shots on tuesday. I will go to this new vet on Monday on my way to work and check them out. They are low cost. I have to look at them first. Other wise we will just do her at our regular vets. We will also go to "The Mutt Strutt" this Saturday and see about foster care or resque groups. We have to have a back up plan in place if the managers see her and say we can't keep her. But til then she is staying right here. If we didn't take our girls to the park every day, no one would even know we had dogs, but they see us each and every morn loading them in the truck.

09-14-2003, 03:34 PM
I guess those people just didn't deserve her. I'm glad she found you guys to be picky about who her new owners will be. Hang inthere, the right poeple/person is out there!

09-14-2003, 03:44 PM
They were LOOKING for a reason not to take her and that's not good. Her forever home will come...it will just take time.

09-14-2003, 03:51 PM
They obviously didn't *click* with the new girl. Maybe they didn't give her a chance and maybe she really wasn't the right dog for them. But it is certainly better that they decided that now then after she went with them and stayed a couple weeks or months. The new girl deserves the perfect family for her. They are out there somewhere.

09-14-2003, 03:53 PM
Good luck in finding her a new home. THe people that met her don't deserve a dog as good as her, but the perfect owner will come along.

09-14-2003, 06:57 PM
Poor girl, she deserves much better. She's so gorgeous, someone will come along for her!

09-14-2003, 07:24 PM
Hope she finds a good forever home. She's a real cuties. Looks like a happy dog.