View Full Version : Nebo and Lady at the NEW dog park :) <pics>

09-12-2003, 12:56 AM
Melissa and I visited the new dog park a little while ago. The dogs had a great time! It's not as big as the other, but it's quite pretty. Soon the dirt in the middle will be grass too. :)

Anyway, here's some pics! Don't forget to check out the ALBUM! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?show_all=1&start=1&id=4289147217) :D

When we first arrived, there was just this cute german shorthair:
Then a few other dogs and people arrived...Here's Nebo being buddy-buddy with this guy he didn't even know. He wouldn't leave the poor guy alone (I think he just wanted to hog the rock :rolleyes: ) The black chow and the tan chow mix were his.
OooOoo a rock!

09-12-2003, 12:56 AM
We didn't realize the fountain didn't have water yet, so we had to run to Petsmart to pick up a bowl and wal-mart for some water jugs...
They had this pup up for adoption! He reminded me of maybe what Zeke looked like when he was tiny. :)
When we came back there was a gorgeous white siberian husky!! I can't remember his name...the guy had only had him for a few months. He found him at a shelter. Isn't he handsome?

09-12-2003, 01:02 AM
:D awesome pics! looks like they had a blast

09-12-2003, 06:25 AM
So you made it there then! It looks like the pups had a great time, Amy, and I loved seeing the beautiful scenery in the background - the mountains are magnificent. I also think that white husky is magnificent! He's just gorgeous! Hehe, good on Nebo for buddying up to that guy, how affable of him. He was probably just buttering him up to steal his rock, lol - been brushing up on 'how to make friends and influence people'. :D

I love their tails in this pic. :)

09-12-2003, 06:34 AM
Nebo with the guy and the rock (so funny), pretty tail curls, magnificent scenery. Just enjoyed everything. Thanks Amy.

09-12-2003, 07:08 AM
I always enjoy the dog park pics so much.
Nebo and all the dogs look they are are
having a blast.

09-12-2003, 07:16 AM
Of course the pictures were awesome as is the scenery! What a beautiful place you live Amy!
Glad to see that everyone had such a great time:D

09-12-2003, 07:55 AM
Looks like a beautiful park!!!! The scenery is gorgeous!!
Nebo and Lady look like they are having a blast--I just love the picture of Nebo on the rock with that guy!!!! I'm off to look at the album now.....

Dakota's Mommy
09-12-2003, 10:24 AM
Great pics, looks like lots of fun was had!

09-12-2003, 10:32 AM
Wonderful pics! Such pretty dogs. I sure wish we had a dog park. The only thing we have is doggie day care.

09-12-2003, 11:15 AM
GREAT pics, Amy!!!:D

09-13-2003, 11:03 PM
Nebo and Lady say thanks everyone! :)

09-14-2003, 08:28 AM
Gorgeous Dogs, Gorgeous park!!!