View Full Version : Where does your dog sleep?????

09-07-2003, 05:11 PM
Whe does your dog sleep

09-07-2003, 05:15 PM
Malone has a big soft cushy dog bed that is in our bedroom, across from our bed. If he is very nawtee (as in roaming the room, snuffling the hampers, chewing socks, chasing the kitty) he gets put in the crate (also in our room). He has learned this, and if we so much as look at him, he goes running back into his bed.

09-07-2003, 05:15 PM
All 3 sleep in our bed with us. :D

09-07-2003, 05:21 PM
Sadie and Spot sleep in bed with us. Cincy is welcome to, she just prefers her own bed, on the floor next to my sie of the bed.

09-07-2003, 05:22 PM
In the Big Human Bed! :)

09-07-2003, 05:27 PM
Depends on whose sleeping in the human bed;)

They all have their own beds, although Kito prefers the floor, usually, but if their daddy goes to work early and I want to sleep in, they all climb up with me and cuddle up for some more snoozing!!!

09-07-2003, 05:42 PM
depends. Kai loves sleeping in the kitchen downstairs (my room's also downstairs). Sometimes i'll leave the door open for him to come in during the night..and at other times, i'll close the door so he has to sleep in there with me. When he's in my room, he usually sleeps beside the door on his back lol.

09-07-2003, 05:48 PM
Ruby sleeps at the foot of my bed :)

09-07-2003, 05:49 PM
Max sleeps where ever he wants. His chair, dad's bed, the pile og blankets on the floor, & the floor

09-07-2003, 06:22 PM
Foxy sleeps on my bed

09-07-2003, 06:27 PM
Oscar sleeps in my moms room...

Tikeya sleeps inside the house. Somtimes she will sleep in my room, somtimes she will want to sleep on the couch,. and in the summer she prefurs to be outside.

09-07-2003, 06:31 PM
Everyone sleeps in the house in crates. I am occasionally so tired at night that I forget to bring the big dogs in. I don't think they mind either way because they do not remind me. If I leave them out all night, they dig holes (dens :mad: ) in my backyard.

09-07-2003, 06:35 PM
I'm glad no one voted outside. That's horrible.

Simba and Nala sleep inside. Simba sleeps with my parents until I go to bed.

Simba sleeps right by my head, Nala sleeps between my legs, making it impossible to move. :rolleyes:

09-07-2003, 06:57 PM
Captain sleeps in the room with us - but not on the bed as he is a BED HOG!!!!!

He lies on his pillow on the floor next to me, until about 2 am, when he gets up and goes to his other bed in the lounge.
Ruby sleeps on her bed .......... she LOVES it and hops from her bed to Captain's bed ....... until Captain comes back. :p

09-07-2003, 07:03 PM
lol, Kfamr. I don't think it's horrible if dogs sleep outside. As long as they are getting the time and TLC they need. We're all sleeping, so it isn't like it is total quality time. My dogs sleep inside just because I like them inside but I wouldn't feel guilty if they slept outside.

09-07-2003, 07:07 PM
Wherever they want.

They each have a bed inside my room. Molly prefers her bed, and Daisy prefers mine. :p:D

09-07-2003, 07:07 PM
Would you feel guilty if someone stole them during the night?

09-07-2003, 07:24 PM
both are in crates in my room at night. neither of them can be trusted loose at night with no one watching them, they would destroy the house, lol. But honey has been getting better so she gets to sleep in my bed sometimes(and for such a small dog she takes up A LOT of room! LOL, she usually has half the bed while i have a teeny tiny part, LOL)

09-07-2003, 07:45 PM
That is a good point, kfamr. My neighbor did steal my dogs and dump them off on the other side of town. :mad: That is the reason why they are inside with me, or in a locked kennel. I was thinking from the quality time point of view when I said that sleeping outside isn't so bad.

09-07-2003, 07:49 PM
Binx sleeps in my room, sometimes on his bed (when Allie isn't on it!), sometimes on the floor. It is strange cause during the day, he never sleeps in my room, instead, he is on the couch in the am, on the bathroom floor, or kitchen floor, at other times. But, night time? In my room.

09-07-2003, 09:21 PM
Hannah sleeps in the Big Bed with us on top of the covers. Tucker has a dog bed next to my side of the bed. Sometimes he will pop up and get under the covers, and he and I sleep spoon fashion. Then if either he or I gets too hot, he goes back to his own bed.

Sleeping with dogs is just the best!

09-08-2003, 07:42 AM
None of ours sleep in the big bed (although Roxey & Huney sneak up there after dad leaves in the morning sometimes;) ).
Angus sleeps here on Mark's side of the bed. He has a eggcrate mattress covered with a large sheet.
Roxey sleeps on my side or in the living room, depending on the temp.
And Huney, she always sleeps right outside our door (I think she's guarding us:D ).

09-08-2003, 07:57 AM
Ours sleep on the bed - any bed; with the exception of Carly. For some reason she likes the floor between the bed and the wall. We call it the cave. During the day when we're home, she sleeps behind Dick's big chair in the living room.

09-08-2003, 08:06 AM
ours sleep pretty much where they want clover sleep in my room on HER hamock bed with a matress and blankets but will sleep on the floor if she gets too hot, or in my bed if she is feeling a bit sooky *injured o not feeling well*

penny and theodore either sleep in my bed or in mums bed or one in each :) and the cat sleeps in my bed as well lol so it is nice and cosy

and at the moment clover is sleeping on the floor on one of her many matresses *spoilt dog* and looks very cosy :D

as for sleeping inside/outside where i live it does not realy matter where dogs sleep (not many get stolen) one of our flyball dogs refuses to sleep inside and gets stressed if she is forced to, and another sleeps inside during winter but durig summer it gets to hot for him and he prefers to sleep out on his bed under the stars.

PJ's Mom
09-08-2003, 11:08 AM
Peej sleeps in the bedroom with us. He has his own bed and "banky" in there. :D

Bailey sleeps in with Rottie and her brother, and usually kicks one of them out of their bed. :D

09-08-2003, 12:06 PM
Dale sleeps in our room, but in a crate. He is a puppy still and we are still house/crate trainng him. He likes it in there anyway. At night when my hubby and I are in the living room watching TV, he will fall asleep in there, but as soon as I get up to go to bed...he follows me into my room, and goes into his crate.

A funny thing happened the other night...my hubby isnt usually the one to put him to bed, so i was already asleep and Rob put him in the crate, but didnt latch the door to it very well, or forgot altogether (it was pretty late and he was pretty sleepy), so around 2am, Dale jumps up onto the bed...it threw us for a loop!!! Well, he only jumped up halfway...he hasnt mastered jumping up on it yet...but none the less...

I thought to myself...great, what am i gonna find when i go out into the rest of the house?? And all he did, was chew up a green washable crayon that Christian left out :) So he was a good boy on his own for 3 hours...but that wont be happening again until he is potty trained :) Not taking any chances.

09-08-2003, 12:25 PM
When it's just me in bed, both pups are in bed with me, Buddy sleeping with his nose under my chin, and Sierra sleeping at my feet. But when my hubby comes into bed, Buddy jumps off.
(were STILL having a problem with Buddy being VERY afraid of my hubby!)

09-08-2003, 12:36 PM
Our bed wouldn't have room for us if any of ours slept with us!! LOL!!! :) But all four (still can't believe I'm saying that :eek: ) sleep in our bedroom on the floor, surrounding our bed, unless Honey has "one of those nights" where she simpy wants to stay outside. When she does, if I wake up during the night, I can usually invite her right in. She loves to "hunt" and she especially enjoys the cooler fall evenings, like she did last night, and never came inside!

We went to a thrift store this weekend and bought a couple of old bedspreads for them, since our others had been chewed up!! I had them piled up by the bed yesterday, and Murphy claimed the whole pile for her bed last night!!!! Ha Ha!!!

09-08-2003, 03:23 PM
It depends...

If she's been good, she can sleep out of her crate. Then she has her choice of the bed, couch, or floor.

But if she destroys something in the middle of the night, she spends a few nights in her crate.

09-08-2003, 03:32 PM
Mickey likes to sleep outside sometimes, but only during the day time. After 6, he isn't "allowed" to sleep out. He'll stay on the patio though, either along the doors or under the table. We always keep an eye on him.

At night, it's in his cage. He won't sleep anywhere else. Once we tried getting him to sleep on our bed and he wouldn't sit down. He needed his cage. :rolleyes: Better that way. I feel safe knowing exactly where he is at night. But that's just me. :)

09-08-2003, 03:34 PM
Theres definatly no room on my bed for all of them!
They all have their own beds but they prefer the sofa or the bed!
Never outside, i think about the cold nights and all those dogs left out there in their damp kennels and damp blankets.
Nope mine prefer the snug inside!
Delcey and co

Samantha Puppy
09-09-2003, 09:53 AM
Samantha usually sleeps where ever the people are. She'll sleep in my room, the hallway, my parents room... but usually my room and if my fiance is spending the night, right by his feet on my bed. (It's sickening the way she is with him...)

09-09-2003, 12:13 PM
Samantha is just adorable shes a gsd x right? i love gsds

Samantha Puppy
09-09-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by delceys_maddogs
Samantha is just adorable shes a gsd x right? i love gsds
Delcey Thanks! :) The vets we've taken her to say they see German Shepherd, Lab, and Collie. I am in 100% agreement with the GSD and Lab as she has GSD coloring and fur and the Lab because she has webbed feet. The Collie I think they say because her chest hair is pretty fluffy like a Collie's, but that's about it. Other than just guessing though, we don't know anything for sure.

She and her sister were abandoned on the side of a highway last August (2002) and left for dead until my neighbor saw them and rescued them. So whatever breed she is is just speculation... although I wish I could get a definitive answer one day - I'm wildly curious.