View Full Version : Please please please pray for Jedi!!!

09-05-2003, 01:38 PM
Last night something very terrible happened. :( Bandit attacked my newest boy Jedi and bit him in the foot, exposing his bones. He literally bit his bones in half on his foot and now he may face amputation of his leg. :(

I was so sad last night and I couldn't stop crying. I have had Jedi for less than three weeks, and he is a super rat with an awesome personality. They were introduced a few days ago and did fine. Bandit has been getting steadily worse each day with his agression. I don't know what to do about him. He has already tore my blue buck apart, but luckily it was an easy fix. I never thought this would happen, that he would go so far. All it takes is a little cut and he did that, in the right spot!

We rushed to the er last night and the vet said it does not look good. She did not want to suture it yet because she was afraid of infection, but they might do that tomorrow. It does not look good, he foot is MAJORLY swollen! I took the wrapping off today to clean it because it looked like they wrapped it too tight. They said there is a slim chance they can just suture it and it could "set" itself, but that there are very slim chances of that happening. It looks like we will have to schedule surgery. :(

I am just so sad. Bandit used to be the sweetest most laid back rat here! He was always welcoming others and would be the one to sit with the babies and cuddle them, now he won't let anyone near him without high kicking. Now he won't let me touch him without giving me the eye and hissing/putting up his back feet like he is ready to attack.

I want to help Bandit so I have decide he is going to get the snipp! I don't want him to be a lone rat so I will do all I can for my baby. I have had him since he was only 4 weeks old. He is my baby. The vet told me to euthanize him but I really want to give him this chance first. Am I wrong to do this? I am so torn. I never thought I would have to make a decision like this. Please pray for Jedi and for Bandit, that he gets neutered and calms down. It would mean so much to me.

09-05-2003, 04:43 PM
oh no, I hope that its not too serious:( I will pray for Jedi, hope he gets better soon!

09-05-2003, 05:54 PM
Ok God, here's another one for ya! Please reach down and make Jedi all better and please instill some calmness in Bandit! They are two of your own creatures and I just know that you can take care of them both. Hugs to you and hoping everything will turn out all right.

09-05-2003, 07:23 PM
Oh, how terrible. I hope Jedi feels much better soon, and I'm hoping that Bandit will be back to his normal self in no time. :)