View Full Version : Life of a lonely dog. :(

09-04-2003, 11:27 PM
I am at my wits end over Sorraia! :( :( :(

For the past three days she has been tied up out back or in front, with barely any room to move. She is a puppy and deserves to run! She was in the back crying all day yesterday and the day before and it was so sad. I want her! They do not deserve to keep her! She is sad, and needs attention. I try to spend as much time with her as I can, but they left for two weeks. She has grown so much in such a short amount of time.

I can tell they have not worked with her on any commands, as she still doesn't know how to sit. It's so sad and it's making me so frustrated! :mad:

Tomorrow I am going to go talk to them and try to persuade them to give her up. I just cannot let her go on like this. She deserves so much more! LOVE, ATTENTION, GOOD FOOD! I can give this to her.

So I am asking for advice. How should I approach them? What should I say? I do not want to start trouble and Dan wants me to make sure I am doing the right thing before I go ahead and do anything. *sigh* :( I am so confused. I am going to talk to our landlord tomorrow and see what he thinks.

I am just so sad. She loves me so much and I want her to be loved back and to know that all humans are not bad people. :( I am just so sad right now. Dan came home today and I was crying. I don't know what to do. :(

Here are some pictures of her...........she still looks sad.

Here she is chained, you can see how short her lead is.


One thing that scares me is that if I call the pound that they will take her away and I will never see her again. Please help!

09-04-2003, 11:29 PM
If you call the pound, wouldn't you be able to adopt them from them?

She needs to run. What if she chewed through her leash?

09-04-2003, 11:41 PM
Ok, I hope I can get the tears out of my eyes long enough to post :(

I think you should knock on their door and gush about how much she reminds you of a previous dog you had and PLEASE could you have her. Just be really nice about it and don't tell them the real reason you want her. Just say you feel so attached and bonded to her and would love to be able to have her. Tell them they can still visit her. I think if you take a very nice approach, they will be more willing. They might not even want to bother with her and will be glad you offered to take her. I hope so anyway :(

09-04-2003, 11:45 PM
That is NO WAY for a puppy to start out life! :( Yes, even if she does go to the pound, couldn't you adopt her? Maybe, like aly said approach them nicely and tell them how much you care for her, and what a great life you would give. Maybe even offer to pay them an "adoption fee" if there not so easy going...she seems like such a sweetie pie...:( Poor baby.

09-04-2003, 11:57 PM
Oh she looks so sad, it just breaks my heart. I hope you are able to work it out.

09-05-2003, 08:15 AM

That a wonderful idea, and worth a try.
That poor puppy deserves a loving home,and
obviously these people have not grown attached
to her. You know your neighbors, if you think this might work.

09-05-2003, 09:34 AM
Posted by Aly
I think you should knock on their door and gush about how much she reminds you of a previous dog you had and PLEASE could you have her. Just be really nice about it and don't tell them the real reason you want her. Just say you feel so attached and bonded to her and would love to be able to have her. Tell them they can still visit her. I think if you take a very nice approach, they will be more willing.

I think this is an excellent idea!! It is definitely worth a try. That pup is soooo cute!

It would be nice for it to have owners who really care. I've never understood people who get an animal and just leave it on a chain and never interact with it. :mad:

09-05-2003, 11:52 AM
Thank you everyone for the suggestions! Come to think of it, I didn't even realize that I could just adopt her from the pound, duh! :rolleyes: I swear, I have no brain sometimes. :o

I called the pound this morning and they said there is nothing they can do if she has food and water and isn't starving! :mad: They said the least I could do is file a barking dog complaint. :(

I am going to call my landlord later on today and see what he thinks. Then once they are home and I get enough guts I will go talk to them. I am SO nervous! :eek:

Does anyone know what mix she looks like? Doesn't she look like she has bloodhound in her? :confused:

09-05-2003, 12:28 PM
Where is she tied up at?

Where it looks at, she's just tied up to a fence. Does she have a roof over her head?

If not they SHOULD be able to do something about it.

09-05-2003, 12:41 PM
omg I really prey that you can save her from thoughs ppl, they dont deserve her :(:( good luck..

09-05-2003, 04:28 PM
Her pictures broke my heart. She needs someone who will love her. I agree with Aly, try that first. Too bad you live so near her, you could just take her. People are horrible to dogs and a lot of them don't deserve to even have one in their presence. I just don't underdstand why they feel the need to have one and then abandon it in the back yard.