View Full Version : Rattie Question

09-04-2003, 08:33 PM
I was just talking to one of my friends and her daughter's rat was wheezing a little bit and had a kind of skanky looking right eye, kinda red.

She is thinking that the rat might have a cold. Do rats get colds?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

09-04-2003, 08:39 PM
Rats can get viruses but they are not the common cold like people get. It could be a Myco infection, or one of the many viruses such as Sendai, SDA, corona virus etc. Rats can go downhill pretty quickly so I would suggest taking the rat into the vet asap where they can prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Baytril or Doxycycline.

SDA virus does irritate the eyes as it causes the eyes and mucous membrane to lose it's lubricant which irritates the eye and can cause ulcers etc. They can give her an ointment called Terramycin which is used to keep the eye moist and avoid any furthur irritation.

How old is the rat? Has she had any new rats come into her home, or visited a pet shop and played with the rats at the petstore lately? Viruses can very easily be brought home on hands and clothing.

What litter is she on? Pine and Cedar can cause upper respiratory irritation. Aspen or Carefresh is a nice bedding to use for rats. Also why is the rat alone? Rats really do better in single sex pairs, perhaps after she is better they can look for a companion for the ratty.

09-04-2003, 09:29 PM
I agree, the rat needs to go to the vet right away. Wheezing is a terrible sign, rats have such delicate respiratory systems and wheezing is very very bad. Any abnormal sounds are never good. Red disharge (porphyrin) also isn't a great sign, but isn't uncommon. I wouldn't say it's a very bad thing unless it's associated with something like wheezing or other noises because sometimes it only means stress or lonliness. (Maybe there is a bit of lonliness too ;) --- I think the ratty needs a friend ;) ;) ;) Unless he/she is too old).

In the mean time, before the rat goes to the vet, make sure your friend takes the nessecary precautions so that the rat will stay alive. I'd take any shavings (escpecially cedar or pine!!!) out of the cage, because all shavings do contain some dust, and then put some clean rags or cloth down instead. Atleast until the rat goes to the vet. Also give the rat some real chocolate, only the size of a chocolate chip, nothing more, because the chocolate will help open the airways so that the rat will be able to breathe better.

Please make sure your friend takes him/her to the vet! It's very important. :)

09-05-2003, 05:56 AM
I got an email this morning. She will be taking her to the vet today.