View Full Version : Worried....what do I do?

Aspen and Misty
09-04-2003, 08:31 PM
Ok, one of my neighbors has one of the cutest little Maltiese pups I have ever seen. The thing is they let there little dog run around the neighborhood without a leash. We live by a VERY busy road and this dog will go down there and play in the yards along the road. I am so worried it's going to get hit. I have thought about calling Animal Controlle on them but I don't want them "getting back at us". Do you know if you can place an anyomouse concern? or do you think going to the Animal controlle is wrong? I'm so worried about this litte dog though :(

I'm torn...


09-04-2003, 08:37 PM
All I can say is..A while ago, I saw this little dog running around on the street, the owners 'seemed' to be trying to get it I think..either that or they were standing there talking to ppl..couldn't tell..lol..anyway, it wasnt a busy road, but the little dog ended up getting hit :( I think they should put the dog on a leash or w/e..

Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2003, 08:37 PM
It might be a LOT Nicer to just go over and have a friendly CHAT with
the Pup's Owners! :)

You could be very polite and tell them that you're worried about the
Pup's safety when he/she plays so near the busy road.

Try this before you think about calling the authorities.

/s/ Phred

09-04-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
I have thought about calling Animal Controlle on them but I don't want them "getting back at us". Do you know if you can place an anyomouse concern? or do you think going to the Animal controlle is wrong? I'm so worried about this litte dog though :(

I'm torn...


I don't know if you can call in an anyomous call anymore, every state, I assume if different. To many people now day make false anyomous call just to cause trouble. So I belive you have to leave your name, but they wont revile your name. Atleast thats what they say.

Are your neighbors the type people you can talk to about this? If you think you can talk to them.... do it first. If your not sure and you are really thinking about calling A.C......then I say don't talk to them. Once you have talked to them and then A.C. is called ...you know they going to know that it was you that called.

Aspen and Misty
09-04-2003, 09:38 PM
Sorry, I forgot to mention I return there dog to there house almost every day. When I come home from school he is in my drive way waiting for treats (I swear I don't spoil the neighborhood dogs!)

I've offered walking the dog in the morning before school , after school and at night for free. The first time I went over I told them "I found your dog playing on Lincon (the busy street) and I was worried he might get hit by a car so I brougth him back to you. I just wanted to let you know, as I know you just moved here, that there is a law that your dog has to be on a leash or in a fenced in area at all times outside of the home. I only say this cause I would hate to see you guys loose such a great dog! He is a cutie!" then he said "Thank you for returning him to us, we are aware of the law but hate to tie him up and keep him contained and we dont' have money for a fence" so I said " Well it would be better for him to be tied up then hit by a car, imagine the vet bills!" and he said " Thank you, bye"

The next time it was a "I found your dog in my drive way today so I thought I would bring him back, I'd be willing to walk him for you every morning, after school and at night so he's not running around, I'm concerned about his safty" and then she said "Thank you for bringing him back"

And then the next times it's just " I found him in my drive way again" and he or she says "Thank you" and shuts the door.

And this happens probly every day after school.

And thats that.


09-04-2003, 11:56 PM
it sounds like its time to make a phone call. u could always make up a name. But I don't understand whay they want ur name anyways. Up here, their more intrested in the animal & then the caller.

09-05-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by kingrattus
But I don't understand whay they want ur name anyways. Up here, their more intrested in the animal & then the caller.

They want your name because if they find out it was a prank call just to harass someone, they can charge you with it. Thats what I have been told. They do care about the animals but they also dont want people to abusse the system.

Aspen and Misty
09-05-2003, 04:49 PM
Thanx, I'm still unsure of what to do :(


09-05-2003, 05:00 PM
You could call animal control or whatever and ask what their opinion is of it. Think about what they say, and if you decide it's best, call them back with the rest of the info. If the owners are not willing to tie it up, and its a law, I don't think its far for the dog..if they can't afford the fence..how can they afford the dog..? Our fence didn't cost that much..all you need to buy is the fence, we put it together ourselves and saved a lot of money

09-05-2003, 05:33 PM
It sounds like all you've done all you possibly can to try and handle this kindly and diplomatically. Unfortunately, it sounds like they choose not to listen to your advice or appreciate your concern. It sounds like this doggie is bound to get hit, sooner of later unless someone intervenes. Here, when you place a call to animal control, you must give your name BUT, they do not reveal the name to the person you are calling about. They try hard not to stir up bad feelings; just assure the safety of the animal. I can't believe that animal control hasn't seen this little one running around loose yet! Most "loose" dogs around here are picked up by animal control after the first escape! They are always on patrol keeping an eye out for the usual suspects! I've called animal control before, out of concern when I noticed an unfamiliar loose dog running up and down the road and into traffic and I was unable to catch him to check for tags and return him home. You could handle it that way...next time you see him running around, call and say you are concerned that there is a dog running in traffic and you're afraid he might get hit.... you think it lives near by, etc. That way, they will be made aware that this dogs run loose. The leash laws here are very strict! After the first warning come the summons...100.00 a pop!:eek: Most people re-think their decision to let their dogs run loose when it means coughing up that amount of $$$ You're a very caring and responsible person to be concerned for this dog. Thanks for helping him!! Let us know what you decide!:)