View Full Version : AWESOME news about Tyah and new Tyah **PICS**

Aspen and Misty
09-03-2003, 05:56 PM
I got some new Tyah pictures. She is so big now, and so funny. She is MUCH more active then Julian ever was! She will do like 20 binkies in like a ten mintue strech! It's sooo funny! She cracks me up so much! I've had her out for about 2 horus now and she has only laid down for about 2 mins so far! Julian would have been asleep for like more then half the time. LOL. It's nice having two bunnies with 2 diffrent personilities. Julian likes to go places, likes to cuddle and LOVES to have me just sctrach his head. Tyah loves to do binkies, she loves to be hyper, she loves to jump over my legs and stuff. If you ever want a bunny to put you in a good mood though, you can go to either. Tyah will make you laugh out loud for hours while Julian will cuddle with you and let you give him head scratchies. I love them both so much!

Well here are the pics.

Who me?

Hey whats out there?

Hey you smell good!

Whats that?


This carpet smells weird!

Hey where did this come from?

I'm gonna jump your leg! (don't mind the thing on my foot, I feel down the steps 2 days ago)

Sitting in her litter box

Aspen and Misty
09-03-2003, 05:59 PM
Some Action shots...



(doing a Binky)

Her finally laying down

(she's resting her head on her litter box here!


Nwo for teh exiting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyah let me scratch her head!! Ahh! She never let me do it before cause her face hurt and then she was afreid it hurt. I kept persisiting and now she loves it! She even put her head against my hands and asked for a head scratchie like 2 mins ago! I can't bleave it! I was going ot post tonight and ask weither you all though she would ever get over not like having her face touched, and she did!

Me giving her a head scratchie!

:D :D :D :D :D

09-03-2003, 05:59 PM
So cute! Ugh I can't get over how cute she is!

*Goes over and hugs Totoro(my bun:D )*


09-03-2003, 06:40 PM
Awwwww! She is soooo cute! Have you tried to put lil j and her together again or is that never gonna happen? I`m so glad she`s adapted to the head scratchies!! She`s so adorable!

09-06-2003, 05:09 AM
Oh, she is soooo slick!..:p .
I'm in love with her ears LOL, they are soooo big :D

How old is she? Last saturday I rescued a bunny that was being neglected.:( .

Now I'm a proud human of a darwf lionhead ( I think) bun-bunny :cool:

09-06-2003, 08:42 AM
Tyah is gorgeous! I'm so glad to hear everything is going so well with her :) She looks soooo soft!! :eek: I love those big ears :) She's just too cute! Thanks for sharing her pics :D

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by koxka

Now I'm a proud human of a darwf lionhead ( I think) bun-bunny :cool:


Thanx everyone! Tyah is doing great! She is such a hyper hyper girl, always on the go! LOL. Such a sweetie she is.


09-06-2003, 08:45 PM

09-06-2003, 08:51 PM
Do you mind give me some bunny related links, is my firts bynny ever. An really I don't know much about them. Apart from :they eat hay, timothy, carrots, etc.... and he doesn't like parsley go figure.! :confused:


09-06-2003, 09:00 PM
Congratulations Koxka!

I would suggest http://www.rabbit.org ! Read the articles here, they cover everything --- food, behavior, toys, etc!

Your bun deserves his/her own thread so we can hear all about him/her!!!

Aspen and Misty,

I'm so glad you finally were able to add a second compatible bun to your pet family. Tyah is just so beautiful and I can imagine is soft as silk!!! I am very glad she is comfortable letting you give her head scritchies now! Give her some from me, would you!

You may have already mentioned this but is she a Rex? Mini Rex?
It is neat how Tyah and "J" have such different personalities. I really enjoy hearing about how each of them reacts in a certain situation!

You, "J", Tyah and other PT bunnies and bunny guardians have got me looking forward to the day when I can adopt a sweet bunz. :p I think I'm well on my way to being ready as I've read everything on the House Rabbit website! LOL :D
Keep the pictures and stories coming!!!

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2003, 09:06 PM
Tyah is a Mini Rex, yes. Thanx, I just love both of them.

OMG! That has to be the cutest bunny ever (besides my two ;) ) She is absolutly ADORABLE!


Aspen and Misty
09-07-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Rottieluver45
Have you tried to put lil j and her together again or is that never gonna happen?

No, I havn't put them together again yet. Not sure if I should or not? Yes we are still trying to get them to get along.
