View Full Version : Pics of Snakie (great tongue pics!!) and also my spinies, Pippin and Squeek! :)

09-01-2003, 11:54 PM
Ok I will post these three pics now, as I upload more pics to ImageStation. These first three pics are of my spiney mice Pippin (Pip for short) and Squeek. They are only a few weeks old and pretty tame for not being handled at all. They were going to be fed to snakes...eek!:eek: Their old owner housed them on pine and fed them rat food. Now they are in a ten gallon tank with a nice black plastic tube to run in and a heck of a lot more room. They used to share a tank with their mom, dad, and all their siblings..from two different litters!

This is Pip, he/she has more brown on his back. I do not know the sexes yet but if they start fighting then I know I have two of the same sex. They usually are housed in pairs, which is recommended. I am still doing massive studying on these mice. I have owned them before but had only females housed together, and they did fight occasionaly which is common. You cannot pick them up by the tail like you can other rodents, or the tail WILL come off. They do have spines, well more like thick hairs on the back, but these little ones have yet to get their thicker ones yet.

Anyways, here is Pippin, aka Pip lol. :p


Here are both of them, Pip and squeek. They look a lot bigger in this picture, but are really tiny.


Here is Pippin again. See, his food bowl is bigger than he is! :D


More pics in a few seconds......

09-02-2003, 12:16 AM
Ok here are pics of Squeek. Squeek is more greyish and also doesn't like to be handled as much as Pip does. However I am confident that with more handling and daily social interaction he/she will come around in their own time. :)


And another pic. I really like this one because you can see his front and back at the same time.


Ok and here is my snakie, Snakie. Ya I know, really original name eh? :rolleyes: Well he is a ribbon snake, and is missing part of his tail as he was ran over by either a car or a lawn mower. He also has a big indentation in his body near his head where he was squished. :( He won't be kept as a pet because he is wild, and therefor deserves his freedom. :) But I thought I would share pics of him anyway.


Here is a cool pic of him sticking out his tongue! :D



Hope you all enjoyed the pics! :D

09-02-2003, 12:44 AM
Great pics! The mice are adorable! And that snake is so cute, look at that cool tongue! :)

09-02-2003, 01:35 AM
What great pics! I love the tongue shot of snakie! Glad he'll be enjoying the wild again soon!

09-02-2003, 10:11 AM
Thanks! :D

Snakie loves to stick his tongue out and is the cutest thing ever! You can hold him for such a long time and is so laid back. :)

09-02-2003, 04:12 PM
Cool Snake! And cute ratties too. ;)

09-02-2003, 09:29 PM
Thanks, but they are Eqyptian Spiny Mice, not rats. ;)

09-02-2003, 11:15 PM
Hehehe, Spinies look a bit like baby agouti ratties though. Their eyes are HUGE! :eek:

09-02-2003, 11:17 PM
hehe, I know, they have huge eyeballs lol. :p :D